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Old 04-23-2010, 11:31 PM   #11
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Without Prejudice,

I just have visited your site and I think that you have a lot of work to do there BEFORE you review other companies. Creating a proper site rather than using a generic blog template is a good way to start. I passed on your review to my nephew who works for Ubisoft Entertainment. His response you would not appreciate I assure you, all I shall say is this. . . very Uninformed review.

My opinion at the moment is thus, your blowing the whole situation up in hope of receiving more visitors to your site
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Last edited by Inkster; 04-24-2010 at 12:23 AM.
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Old 04-24-2010, 12:10 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Brihtwulf View Post
Please don't make judgements on things you don't know anything about for the sole means of trying to dispairage our work.
Didn't you just do that with a review of RO using a level 3 character? What an insulting treatment of an RvR game, if you ask me.

To be fair, your review is accurate for things a level 3 can see. You wrote a quite useful "first impressions" piece, and perhaps if it's presented in that light then the reaction would not be so severe. However, it is far from being a thorough and accurate review of the game.

Judging Regnum after an hour of messing around with a level 3 is just plain silly. Get your hands on a war-ready character, hook up with a good clan, join them on small hunts, bridge fights, fort fights, etc. and THEN you'll have some basis to review this game properly.

P.S. Reading your review, I was amused by the section on invasions where it's partly based on "what other players had conveyed." I could be wrong, but isn't a review supposed to opinions from your experience instead of repeating some hearsay?
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Old 04-24-2010, 01:19 AM   #13
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I could quote all your "review" and reply and whit arguments, but I will limitate my angry and only says this : You can´t do a review of this kind of game If you only have played half hour.

And other thing yes in argentina we use to play game´s too

Edit:And if its too hard to you press CTRL, you have the accion in a side and for you notice you could put them into the skills bar, or just do doble clic to the mobs.
lukitox tjg - *Leyenda*
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Old 04-24-2010, 01:59 PM   #14
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There's a fundamental problem with this whole situation: you (the reviewers) are NOOBS. I mean that in several ways. Your site is new, half baked and with very little content. To be honest, after having read that review, I'm surprised the whole thing isn't written in crayon. Also, you are new to the game. An hour spent running around on a horse and taking notes from other players who may or may not know what they're talking about in the first place does not give you the right to review a game like Regnum Online. I completely agreed with kailer's move of closing your thread, and I'm going to go a step further and add your site to my blocked list.

Kind regards,
Bellatrix Homewood (Conjurer); Gabrielle Homewood (Marksman)
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Old 04-24-2010, 03:09 PM   #15
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I've reread the review just before posting this to keep it fresh in my mind. While some people are having a nice complaint about the review quality, and also seem to be using it as far as I can see as an excuse to overlook the games problems that are reflected in the review.

So I thought I'll sum up which parts of the review I agree with and don't. For referance I have been playing for awhile with my wife Mikan who is a lot more knowledgable with the game but I feel I've picked up quite a bit, having a level 43 character should show it.

Graphics 6/10: On performance I agree on looks I don't I think Regnum's graphics would be at least an 8. Actually on performance I'd give it a 3 with the recent problems people are having ._.

Sound 4/10: This is the one I probably disagree with the most, I love some of the ambient sound in Regnum. I remember first logging in and sitting and thinking how nice the music sounded and added to the atmosphere. I'd have given sound a 7, but no higher on account of the beaches still missing music! And I agree the combat music is annoying But you can turn it off so little to complain about imo ;p

Gameplay 3/10: While I might want to give Regnum a little higher than a 3 I have to agree. The gameplay is bad Mikan showed me some videos from earlier on before movement nerfs for archers etc... It looked about 1000x more fun... This needs major improvement.

Customer Servive/Support: 1/10: Okay I can't comment on this one since I haven't needed support yet.

Realm vs. Realm / Invasions: 4/10: Okay so um yeah I've I kinda am a bit meh on Invasions, they don't happen too often true, but they come close to happening I don't see how this is NDGs fault. Realm vs Realm has same issues for me as Gameplay.

Conclusion: Guess I agree with most of this can't comment on the support topic once again.

ALSO... This review misses even more problems I feel such as Clan System and Preformance of the client, Banking issues etc... But we all know these they're posted all over the forum so I won't go over them all..

Summing up once again, the review makes some good points even if some believe it's quality to be low...
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Old 04-24-2010, 04:11 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Inkster View Post
Without Prejudice,

I just have visited your site and I think that you have a lot of work to do there BEFORE you review other companies. Creating a proper site rather than using a generic blog template is a good way to start. I passed on your review to my nephew who works for Ubisoft Entertainment. His response you would not appreciate I assure you, all I shall say is this. . . very Uninformed review.

My opinion at the moment is thus, your blowing the whole situation up in hope of receiving more visitors to your site
The site does need some improvement:

18 Votes came from 1 laggy user...
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Old 04-24-2010, 04:17 PM   #17
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Well looking at it from a hobby angle without attacking the people or the website, maybe we can see that what is being seen by them is what keeps some people from staying long enough to figure out what the game is really about. Aside from the obvious inaccuracies.

This is a noob review, written by noobs for noobs who sample other games as well. If NGD cut out the inaccuracies they would probably see what has been ending up on the forum all these years. The rest is ignorant fluff.
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Old 04-24-2010, 05:27 PM   #18
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I hate to do this but the review is kinda non-proffesional, you have the point of view of a lvl 3 char, who clearly didn't saw any war, and he's just judging the game just because what he saw was just a little bit or the server was kinda sleepy...

I really support NGD about 3 years, 4 lvl 50 chars and i have the experience of war, so a person who is using a lvl 3 char is trying to making me see that Regnum sucks at all and they don't have any wars even that i know is not like that? -.- No way.

You really had to do the review on a "good" point of view... i'm trying to say: Use a lvl 50 char, go to a war... any war... and then you can talk.

"Se vuoi la pace, prepara la guerra"
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Old 04-24-2010, 06:24 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Mattdoesrock View Post
What's the phrase..?


That doesnt work with mods =P
But yes, that is the right phrase
Dannboy, Horus Knight lv 50 Ignis After two years
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_But there's no sense crying over every mistake. We just keep on trying till we run out of cake.
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Old 04-24-2010, 07:26 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Brihtwulf View Post
Did I mention we get roughly 1,000 visits a week currently, and that's on the rise?
1000/7 = 143(rounded up) per day. if these are multiple Users visiting multiple times a day like they do this site, thats not alot at all. You seem to be a Small company acting like a big hitter this isnt working.

Your review was flawed on an epic level mainly because you didn't play for long enough to get the full scope of RO.
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