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View Poll Results: Dating in Regnum?
This is the future of dating, yo ! 3 4.92%
There is a very good chance here, but do keep an eye out in the grocery store and laundromat 3 4.92%
Meh, I would give a 50% chance. 3 4.92%
Its all just destiny, you dont control where you find your <3 21 34.43%
Are you nuts? There are no women here. Only phedophiles and cross dressers 31 50.82%
Voters: 61. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 04-25-2010, 09:11 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Default Discussion: Romance & Regnum

Hi Community,
I have been VERY skeptical about romance online, let alone romance in a MMORPG game, that too an RvR game like Regnum (not pretty ones with costume parties and such like one of those korean mmorpgs ) But I am very curious as to what you guys think.

I would like to take a survey and see a discussion on what your opinion on this is. I would like to hear in the lines of,
1) Do you think it is possible to find the 'right' one in Regnum?
2) Do romantic relationships in regnum (or other mmorpgs) really last? get converted to long term relationships, marriage?
3) How would you rate chances of finding your match in a game vs actually goin out there and meeting people in real in social events?
4) Has it worked for many people? you or for people you know? Are the relationships just as healthy as conventional relationships?
5) Have you tried out any relations? How well did if fare?
6) For people who are already married, How does playing Regnum affect your personal life (enriches it if both partners play it, its a cheaper alternative to social outing, keep the stress of your relationship under check, increases stress, if only one partner play it how it affects the dynamics)

Some of the points for and against that I could think people coming up with:

You spend a really big chunk of your life playing mmorpgs. So you get to know people you play with more than just goin on one date and trying to decide if you should move forward with the next one.
Less pressure
More honesty (?)
Meet more people than conventional means (?)
In the modern society in which everyone seem to grow so distant to eachother, mmorpgs bring people closer.

Long distance relations dont work out
People can easily hide their true colors
Things that look good from distance always dont measure up, up close.
Only losers go for dating in online games
It is dangerous to trust someone whom you havent seen in person so its difficult to make the first move

The idea here is not to conclude anything, just a survey of various opinions.
And there is like a million unique cases so we dont want to judge anything specific. Please provide your unbiased opinion without judging.

Thanks !

Edit: Sorry the poll is kinda flawed. But I dont think I can change it now :/ But do use your discretion to vote for the nearest I would like more discussion though
Btw, the poll is public

Last edited by veluchami; 04-25-2010 at 11:12 PM.
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Old 04-25-2010, 10:17 PM   #2
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I'd choose an option: "No thank you" :P but you didn't think somebody would pick that did you!
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Old 04-25-2010, 11:00 PM   #3
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It can happen here like evrywhere else, i just think its much more rare since the players are from around the whole world and you dont just get into a plane for some coctails etc :P (while the etc can make an exception )
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Old 04-25-2010, 11:08 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Pizdzius View Post
I'd choose an option: "No thank you" :P but you didn't think somebody would pick that did you!
Darn, My Bad, You can pick the last option for it
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Old 04-25-2010, 11:30 PM   #5
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Well i personally was introduced by my Gf and play regularly with her. Also i can think of 2 people in clan who play with their wives. Though i'm not sure if that counts to what you mean there is definatly romance in regnum it was just formed prior to playing the game.

I only know/heard of a couple of people who met each other through RO,

Fleetfoot and Kaelee

Caelia and Efrendi (i only heard about this relationship)

dunno how they turned out but yes i am skeptical of relationships formed over Regnum as i believe a physical connection is needed in a relationship (no matter how many people say its all about personality) but i can always be proved wrong. Then again saying that you never know where love is gonna rear it's ugly head and entrap you forever XD
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Old 04-25-2010, 11:42 PM   #6
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I play with my wife in the game, but we met many years prior to playing it.
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Old 04-26-2010, 12:17 AM   #7
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Not strictly related to Regnum Online, but my housemate's sister lost her partner to a girl that played WoW with him; We (housemate and I, and a few others) were just talking about it saturday night as it happens. Not the first occurence of such things happening I've heard of, either.

After all, when it gets down to it, ultimately what is an MMO other than another medium for communication – mass or otherwise?
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Old 04-26-2010, 12:38 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Arafails View Post
After all, when it gets down to it, ultimately what is an MMO other than another medium for communication – mass or otherwise?
So true. But there are so many other barriers to a relationship than just communication. If love through an mmorpg can truly overcome all those, then i really envy it. But I think it is so rare.
In terms of probability, I would give it <0.05. But one thing you cant deny is that games bring like minded people together, so one might argue the chances of finding someone is very high in an mmorpg. And in the case you mentioned you dont have to get divorce cos of the fact you play too much WoW

For couples who met elsewhere and play ro, i guess it helps to bust some stress. But problem comes if one of them dont like the game Not to mention more problems if there are kids.
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Old 04-26-2010, 12:59 AM   #9
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My Gf has 2 children and we play regularly but most often at night once they have gone to bed, So no it's not hard on us at all we both enjoy playing and both have friends online.

If it caused arguments all the time and it was getting in the way of us being a family then sure thats just O.o we'd quit. I think it'd be harder on people who are together and only one of them plays.
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Old 04-26-2010, 01:07 AM   #10
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Funny read.. maybe sad... http://thephoenix.com/boston/recroom...e=1#TOPCONTENT

Esp the part about late-night guild meetings (late night invasions/defence) stuck a chord in me
Sometimes I do wonder If I am screwing up my professional life with RO :/
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