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Old 10-20-2010, 10:56 PM   #21
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Suricatoz has a little shameless behaviour in the past

Edited and changed

S U R I C A T O Z (suriz)

A Esquilio invocation caster with blue blood red heart, fighting for bridges, defending his kingdom and his strong mental addiction to magic and invocations, grappling with the enemy, followed by his instincts and thirst for blood, calling pests, and most damaging demons to fight by your side and honorable in his kingdom.

Focused on black magic left in oblivion its being a healer!!!

Two more of my character

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Old 10-20-2010, 11:11 PM   #22
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Another fun thread^^

Though he hails from the lands of ice, his heart rages with fire to protect all those around him in battle. He fights with one thing in mind, to save as many as he can before his last breath leaves him. Eager to jump into the fight and quick on his feet, he always searches for those injured allies. Ulti has a giant spear to keep his foes at bay and a massive shield to stop those that get past his range. He also loves to cast bubbles ^^
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Old 10-21-2010, 01:06 AM   #23
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Chqui is a great fool who chooses to attack the enemy at every opportunity available.
His weapon of choice... either to destroy the elf heads!
Of course, like any good warrior alsirio, always defiant both in battle and even in a tavern.
His hobby is ramming elves in different areas of Ignis ¬ ¬.

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"La vida no se pide, se agradece" by conjus de soporte!
Facebook Oficial de ALSIUS!
La JIhad de Alsius
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Old 10-21-2010, 07:09 PM   #24
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Electronic Sex a Syrtense Barbaro, as its name implies, a strong name for a Strong Warrior!

Barbaro Electronic Sex Great With Everyone appreciates that war, in Strong tries to give each their best powers to give a good paper captured the fort, not have many friends But if some great and valued friends, The Person With That Not Confident faces so as not Egosentrista lower level.
He always says Respect For Respect you, In His clan is much loved and to Conquer Time Goes With A Strong on all of Pelias, With His Long Sword and Broad Cuts in Pedasos enemies and to the Strong Door and most importantly try to help all on anything! Trying to improve you see But come ra To Make One Of The Best Barbaros Syrtis and get to the ranking!

This is Electronic Sex!


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Sexo Electronic - Barbaro Warmaster | Dr Sexo - Conjurador


Last edited by SexoElectronic; 10-21-2010 at 07:20 PM.
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Old 10-22-2010, 08:39 PM   #25
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Zombrex... Here is a screenshot during a war on Eferias

Lysander Alcander · Tira / Devil Lysander · Brujo / Alnitak Orion · Conju

Regnum Satánico Pt. I / Regnum Satánico Pt. II
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Old 10-23-2010, 04:36 PM   #26
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Lot-Ionan is on a distinguished road

Lot-Ionan, a conjurer from Alsius, was born in Hopstad Town. In his younger years he learned that he was able to heal his friends, first only small wounds, but later people that were almost dead. At the age of sixteen his uncle fell from the stairs and broke his neck. Lot-Ionan did everything he could, and brought his uncle back to life. He became the apprentice of a mighty conjurer. That learned him how to be a healer in the wars against Syrtis and Ignis. But when his best friend died in a devastating war against Ignis, his heart filled with hatred. And when he woke up the next morning he felt the power he had, he became a summoner and a fighter. He kills now Igneans that dare to leave their safe homelands and enter the War Zone


Last edited by Lot-Ionan; 10-25-2010 at 02:13 PM. Reason: new link to my picture
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Old 10-25-2010, 08:59 PM   #27
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hello people, my name is Aleziz and am Alsius kingdom and I love that weapon of war in the castles. Am very emotion when you're about to be violated and I love it when you take a hard when there are 10 seconds of being violated. I like to ride more in Syrtis that ignis and I like sharp weapons, Regnum Online Live!

Sorry my basic English =(
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Old 10-25-2010, 11:45 PM   #28
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This is X-Chitty-X a Knight of Syrtis willing to give his life for Syrtis, belongs to the clan''Guerra de Guerrillas.'' He likes to cut and edged weapons to kill their enemies Ignite many pieces especially moloks.
He spends his life in the world with his friends Regnum killing, invading and defending Syrtis! has a great sense of humor and always joking with Nenn.
his friends call him ''Mosca Chitty'' One day she ate a Mosca
I like to beat kicks and Cross Cut
X-Chitty-X Caballero Syrtense

Last edited by chitty258; 10-26-2010 at 05:05 AM.
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Old 10-26-2010, 01:09 AM   #29
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Here is my last try to appear on the blog ;_;

Now let me try to appear on the blog

Hi, now, through this words I'll try to let you know me..
My name is Lysander Alcander, i'm a Marksman and it's been a while since Sahjriid at the Peak of Initiation told me that my destiny was to defend Ignis.
The battlefield is tough, cold and lonely, it's you and your friends against hordes of enemies that just want to rip your bones appart.

I had to watch with tears in my eyes as many of my friends gave their lifes to protect our realm, and I promised, to their souls, that I would fight 'till the end for the glory of Ignis too.
A lot of my masters now are dead, found their end in a Sirtys's arrow or the hit of an heavy axe.. Alsius is a unforgiven land.

I love to throw an Etereal Arrow and watch the life of my enemy fade away.. It's my favorite skill.
And my favorite place, Algaros dome.. By sure, I feel there the freedom that we lost so long ago.

Sometimes we win, and sometime we lost, but always with our heads up, very proud of die side by the side of so many great mens and womens.. All of them brothers and sisters in this desert the we call home...

10 lines

Lysander Alcander · Tira / Devil Lysander · Brujo / Alnitak Orion · Conju

Regnum Satánico Pt. I / Regnum Satánico Pt. II
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Old 11-03-2010, 12:36 AM   #30
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for when another blog post Regnum? I want my image here
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