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Old 12-15-2010, 02:39 PM   #111
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Lock, arc devo, lightning, ice blast, random cc, do it over, marks, rech arrow, burst of wind, serpent/ambush and winter stroke, you don't acctually need more, but it's easier using more.
EX - Dutch Wannabe OP/Tank / Wannado Bash marks/knight/barb 60 Chuck Norris hunter 52

One Bite Snack, 60 barb / Wang King, 60 knight
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Old 12-15-2010, 04:08 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by Gabburtjuh View Post
Lock, arc devo, lightning, ice blast, random cc,
Random cc spamming only works against knights, to kill a skilled player from another class you have to think about which ccs should be casted at which time.
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Old 12-16-2010, 09:38 AM   #113
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Originally Posted by Gabburtjuh View Post
...marks, rech arrow, burst of wind, serpent/ambush and winter stroke, you don't acctually need more, but it's easier using more.
A marksman will not win a fair fight like this, unless his opponent is a total retard.
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Old 12-18-2010, 10:52 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by Zibnab View Post
You can always dance
Sentu - Krames
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Old 12-21-2010, 03:12 AM   #115
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Originally Posted by Gabburtjuh View Post
Lock, arc devo, lightning, ice blast, random cc, do it over, marks, rech arrow, burst of wind, serpent/ambush and winter stroke, you don't acctually need more, but it's easier using more.
vs Hunter

they usually get the jump on you through track/camo so they'll start off with ambush then ensnaring, confuse, etc. Usually the hunter will be out of range of your dots, so probably start with meteor, maybe then move into range for beetles then dots. If he ambush, hits you, distracting shot, he might ambush again before you have the chance to cc him. If he puts on the increased resistance skill he could evade your meteor/cc and buy him time till his second ambush which in my experience will kill you by the time its done.

vs marks

unless you sneak up on him he will BoW first, his dots then winter stroke, runs out of range again and kills you with normals. hes got the resist active skill and ambush anyways so actually CCing even once is a challenge. if the lock does get a knock in he can put beetles/silence/meteor overlap and dots in the between and should win. on an open field with both people starting far apart I'd say the chances of this happening are slim. Winter stroke or BoW or both would have to resist.

vs barbs

need slow right away, if you start with dots he casts um on the way in and by the time you cast your 2 main dots hes too close for slow to save you, even assuming you meet at 25+ range. I slow right away, a dot, run back, the other dot, run, um finishes, freeze(1), go max 20-25 range, both dots, fireball, then will/ivy and he should be dead. I lose when slow resists only or the fight starts closer then 25.. Out of all the classes i find barbs the easiest to deal with. edit: I also lose to barbs when latency gets me and they pull a 15 range kick or feint. nothing I can do about about that really. I cast slow at max range and I still get knocked right after.

vs knights.

I don't like fighting knights 1v1. I've won some 1v1s using summon lightning on top of the normal dots. But their resist chances are much higher so if slow or the other CC fail i'm in trouble. Blocks and their other defensive skills don't help either. Either way it takes real long time to take them down, and if im in enemy territory I'd much prefer to be quick and fast and get out before help arrives. If he gets to me i'm more often then not dead, some knights have the attack power to kill me in the span of their first set of knocks, some don't. I've fought some knights where they resist 2 or 3 ccs on the way in :S.

vs warlocks.

I don't have space for meteor at lvl 41 so I'm at a big disadvantage here. If I have terrain on my side I can hide and sneak in will domain before he gets off meteor. In an open field I lose more or less because of my lvl gap. Hes got the same stuff I do just his ccs are long plus hes got meteor to start. At lvl 50 I suppose sultars + that buff from staff mastery that increases staff range would allow you to open first vs another warlock, dot, then meteor overlap, dot then another cc and so on. If the other warlock is kept under cc till meteor coolsdown again it should be won.

vs conjus.

1 point of darkness should win it, otherwise its just like fighting a warlock. i like to keep him under cc the whole time because i do see alot of conjus using mental 19. thats alot of cc and normal hit damage on you if the conju is skilled and can time the seconds right. he'll likely have mana burn as well. I met a conju with evendim's once, which is a big chunk of health and mana. That + mana burn and borrow + a few of my own spells and I was out of mana.

anyways its 3 am and I think i've lost the whole point of this thread, but in essence its not just dots and cc and repeat.
Anathir - 41 Warlock - Inquisition

Last edited by AnathirUthwe; 12-21-2010 at 05:06 AM.
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Old 12-22-2010, 10:37 AM   #116
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Hello people of regnum !

After a break, i'm back on RO
I'm not feeling barbs are op or boring, maybe i'm too optimist cause of the come back but i enjoy my barbs.

First, there are more warriors in the battle filed and i think its a good things. What was boring before was to be the only barb/warrior in a group, easily targeted by the players of "RangedOnline"

Some people are complaining about damages, but what i see now, in forts war during the "area fest" is that areas as a whole are less "op", thanks to knights aura and new armour system and conjus. So team playing is required.

In pvp situation, well don't know exactly, but some hunters are able to own me, like locks or marks. I didn't make a lot pvp but it seems fair.

What i don't like and need to be remove/tweak is feint/kick who are too powerfull because of 8 sec duration. Its really not fun to be killed without a chance to survive. But, when NGD planned to tweak them, this forum was like an whinning office Haha, anyway i don't use kick, and feint only on low. I think that is what can make barbarians boring, all those knocks.
Server Horus, realm Ignis
Pimousse OP whinnig subclasse lvl50
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Old 12-22-2010, 02:33 PM   #117
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I think the most annoying thing at the moment are DI'd barbs. Mages can do nothing against them, since UM now resists Beetle Swarm and Slow/Mind Push are non-damaging.
Hunters have ensnare and speed, marks have range and light arrow, knights can tank, but mages can only hope to see the barb's kick/feint resisted else they are dead against any DI barb, no matter how skilled they are.
Also since DI has no constant animation, players can't know if some barb is under DI until seeing the warning on screen.

It would be great if Mind Push was turned into a damaging spell (even a really low damage), at least it would give one chance for a mage to counter a DI barb. Knowing how Mind Push is tricky to pull successfully and its low range, it wouldn't make it too powerful.

The other realm awaits...
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Old 12-22-2010, 11:05 PM   #118
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Originally Posted by Shining-Scias View Post
I think the most annoying thing at the moment are DI'd barbs. Mages can do nothing against them, since UM now resists Beetle Swarm and Slow/Mind Push are non-damaging.
Hunters have ensnare and speed, marks have range and light arrow, knights can tank, but mages can only hope to see the barb's kick/feint resisted else they are dead against any DI barb, no matter how skilled they are.
Also since DI has no constant animation, players can't know if some barb is under DI until seeing the warning on screen.

It would be great if Mind Push was turned into a damaging spell (even a really low damage), at least it would give one chance for a mage to counter a DI barb. Knowing how Mind Push is tricky to pull successfully and its low range, it wouldn't make it too powerful.
Yes lovely but uhmm how much times is a barb under DI and how much times he isn't? I don't think its fair to make those spells damaging... When the barb is DI'd you just have bad luck. When a barb gets slowed he just has bad luck. No need to change any of these spells..
Rhaegar - Barbarian ________________ Daenarys - Conjurer
The White Company

Last edited by Knekelvoeste; 12-23-2010 at 06:30 PM.
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Old 12-22-2010, 11:14 PM   #119
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Originally Posted by Shining-Scias View Post
I think the most annoying thing at the moment are DI'd barbs. Mages can do nothing against them, since UM now resists Beetle Swarm and Slow/Mind Push are non-damaging.
Hunters have ensnare and speed, marks have range and light arrow, knights can tank, but mages can only hope to see the barb's kick/feint resisted else they are dead against any DI barb, no matter how skilled they are.
Also since DI has no constant animation, players can't know if some barb is under DI until seeing the warning on screen.

It would be great if Mind Push was turned into a damaging spell (even a really low damage), at least it would give one chance for a mage to counter a DI barb. Knowing how Mind Push is tricky to pull successfully and its low range, it wouldn't make it too powerful.
This would only solve a very specific problem, not the real one. Barbarians kill their opponent as soon as they reach them with a single knock, howl or maybe beast attack, no chance to fight back, as well as locks fe can easily kill a barb who has no um on without letting them any chance.
-reduce the duration of ccs
-slightly reduce barb's dmg
-make running away from a warrior for a longer time (10s of um or the whole time of an ambushs cd fe) less effecitve (selfheals for warriors/better hpregeneration) and not necessary (points above)
Fights of a ranged vs a melee class should not be decided by whether the warrior reaches the enemy or not, they should always be able to do so (talking about 1v1 here) but that should not mean instant death for the ranged. Creating 2 situations in which one of the sides always wins is a lame way of balancing stuff, used for ranged vs melee balance and also stuff like ms or beastattack (though a fail doesnt always mean death there).
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