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Old 06-29-2011, 12:50 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Donatoo View Post
Skill wise, not gear.

If you take two marksman in shop bought gear, with efficient setup's.
Both diffrent, yes the higher level with have more spell's but I doubt they will always have a good impact.

This, hidraa.

Lets get back on topic.
Both of ya forgot about ARMORS and dmg reduction by kind of armor and also WM armors can be enchated with resist at piercing/blunt/slash etc and lvl 50 neighter a lvl 59 can't have acces at them .......and with this closed subject.

Last edited by HidraA; 06-29-2011 at 03:14 PM.
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Old 06-29-2011, 02:00 PM   #72
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The game is not PvP centered yet we have PvP events, where users are rewarded for their kills. I am concerned about the use of horn of the wind for RvR roles. Now when does the battle become RvR and not PvP? Most would say when more than 1vs1 is involved. Most of my encounters with the enemy in their realm happens on a 1(me) vs 2+ players. I won't be able to use my horn in a RvR setting just because my realm members are too far. Now what if all my realm mates are dead and I need to escape? Mount wont work. I enjoyed combining horn of the wind + sprint + camo. Back to RvR some say that 1 player vs another player of a different realm is RvR. I just feel like I am being robbed of something I worked hard to obtain. I feel like I went to a brothel and bought a woman then once I paid she said that she was only going to strip for me. The feeling sucks...i'ts a disappointment.
Get a hunt partner

Why not make warlock areas skill only work when in range of other realm members? Why not change dispel to only effect allies and not the caster? We can ask why about many things and be given constant reminders that the rules ov pvp rvr only apply to certain classes with certain skill no matter how powerful they are. Why not change barbs fulmination so that it can only be used near allies? I'm finished saying I told you so. New motto for 1.7.6 and beyond is "let it be".
You sure told me. There are several spells in the game which do not affect the caster. Why not mention them? Warlock area spells? We are talking about buffs not so?

I think you should remove resistance to 'cannot attack' as a replacement for 'immobilise'.

If you give beacons resistance to cannot attack skills balance will be destoyed. Think of a barb or knight that runs all the way to you, without being knocked or stunned. Game over?
I never said give beacons resistance to cannot attack. I said the exact opposite to give archers more options. With the current system WM beacon powered knights barbs and any other class run to me without knock or stun . It usually means game over now. The change to 70% resistance is good. The only question is if Sadistic Guards will have any impact now. Could be interesting if it does. If Intelligence actually impacted spell resistance as it is suggested it would have been interesting if we had an intelligence debuff in the game.
The responses.

I look forward to the day when we actually know what those base attributes actually do. For now it is all reverse engineering and guesswork.
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Old 06-29-2011, 03:00 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Darcyeti View Post
I have one big question about devasteted realms:

In the spanish subforum is written "devasteted realms can be invaded"
In the english subforum is written "devasteted realms cannot be invaded"

What is the truth?
Devastated realms CAN be invaded.
However, If you invade the realm you will find that all nobles have commited suicide.
(And they dont respawn during invasion)
There is a way around this though if you need the Noble Quest.
Just stay inside the realm until all forts belong to alsius again and the realm wall is safe.
(Then the nobles respawn over and over)
You are welcome....

We tested everything for many hours.

Originally Posted by bois View Post

The responses.

I look forward to the day when we actually know what those base attributes actually do. For now it is all reverse engineering and guesswork.
I was agreeing with you that a cannot attack resist with the beacons would kill everything.
If I have a hunting partner (which I often do), we do not stand side by side with our legs locked around each other as we fight. We constantly move and position ourselves in a way that grants the highest survival rate possible. Having to stand arm in arm sets you up to be killed and robs you of dynamic gameplay. Even with a hunting partner now, if they are not warmasters or if they choose not to use their beacons, I as a warmaster suffer the drawbacks of having a level 19 skill tree that has no function for me, when I could easily power up another useful skill tree that would grant me godlike abilities. I refuse to use the warmaster tree at all with 1.7.6 changes.

*also we cannot force people to come with us into war.
If people choose to stay at the alter while their realm falls apart, then the new warmaster changes make all warmasters that want to play the game, make the game fun for the people invading, a total joke.
When people choose not to go to war in 1.7.6. warmasters have skilled a useless tree.
So just imagine for a moment that you are an ignis player at samal save.
Your realm mates are laughing and talking about a new game that about to come out in july.
You tell them you tracked 5 syrtis at 220m North of your position.
They continue to just talk...
You want to fight and kill as many as you can before they arrive to the fort or at least slow them down.
You have skilled warmaster tree to 19 and cannot use any of it in battle.
This gives your realm power over you.
People have already ruined tactical plans in the past just because they could.
They will use this as well just to piss people off

And to those that think I am not playing an RVR role with my warmaster skills, I am.
I do not stand beside my allies and fight but instead attack from the side like a raptor.
This allows me to pick key targets without being the main target myself.
Ambushing, stunning, confusing the players that are attacking my realm mates from a distance is what I as a hunter must do, or either camo run into the middle of the enemies (where my realm is not), then cast repetition shot to kill the weak + try to run back to my allies.
Not being able to use my own beacons is horrible.
Having to rely solely on others for warmaster skills is not a good idea at all.
Beacons do not give you a godmode status people.
I have been killed by 2 lvl 50 marksmen over and over while under beacons effects.
I have even been killed by a lvl 39 conji and a lvl 41 barb in the warzone near syrtis wall.

We need more changes of things that seasoned capped out players have been asking for, and less changes from the low lvl players that say nerf because its too stong complaint book.

1) 1.7.6 Update favors teams of mounted players running together from save to fort.
2) 1.7.6 Update tries to balance out the powers between warmasters and non warmasters.
3) 1.7.6 Update makes any person lvl 56+ that is not a warmaster stronger than a solo warmaster.
4) 1.7.6 Update forces people to camp inside a devestated realm until the realm wall is safe to finish general quest.
5) 1.7.6 Update does not add favor to low populated realms. (makes them weaker by reason of #4)
6) 1.7.6 Update will frustrate many people that spent time/money to gain lvl 60 and time to finish quests for WM skills.
(we were given a wonderful present now its being taken away + stepped on + returned to us broken)

My question is can we trust you to keep the game intact, fun, enjoyable, with some old aspects static, as new layers of enjoyment are stacked ontop of old to keep the game interesting? After 5 years, can I wake up tomorrow with the same skills that I went to sleep with the day before?
Can players learn to adapt their skills and fight plans to win instead of you changing all skills to balance the game? Look what is happening, the many different skill setups are vanishing, people are vanishing, people are losing faith, trust, enjoyment of and in the product.

Last edited by DemonMonger; 06-29-2011 at 04:08 PM.
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Old 06-29-2011, 05:15 PM   #74
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DMC you make valid points. However, I am finding difficulty seeing how the way Warmasters as they are now or indeed 1.7.6 is drastically going to improve things. I am simply trying to be a realist and work with what is given because I desire to keep playing.

The warmasters implementation was not the greatest. I think we all can agree on this .They are trying to patch what is broken with solutions that at best give short to medium term resolutions. I accept this. I am also forced to accept the reality that based on history, NGD extremely rarely (if at all) reverts changes no matter what the impact on the game is.

Again, as I wrote in your Inn thread, basic game balance (stuff that pre-dated Warmasters) desperately needs some TLC. Hunters need TLC. Others need tweaks to bring back that v1.0.5 flavour. I think we can all agree on this too. Does NGD agree. I don't know. If they don't our comments might be equivalent to a fart in a hurricane.

I do agree with you about skilling warmaster spells. NGD has now given me the perfect opportunity to use those excess points that I would have used to level WM skills on other spells. Luckily Knights are fairly balanced. I shudder to think what the barbs and marks can do with those reserve points now.
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Old 06-29-2011, 05:19 PM   #75
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About 60 min tele cooldown:

If you make a tele then you log off and come back next day you will still have 59 min cd then you play around 40 min, come back on next day and you still have 19 min cd

So this easily can be a 2 day cd

Anyone was thinking about this?

Well if cd would be continue when you are off that would solve this problem, but now it isn't counts when you are off.
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Old 06-29-2011, 06:29 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Zombrex View Post
•Change: The "Cannot Attack" penalty after dismounting has been reduced to 4 seconds.
Is that 4 seconds fixed or '4 seconds' depending on cast speed item bonuses of the rider?
Apart from that, dispell magic on oneself should be abolished.
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Old 06-29-2011, 06:35 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Nils_Dacke View Post
Is that 4 seconds fixed or '4 seconds' depending on cast speed item bonuses of the rider?
That's work like debuff.... ofc it have fixed duration
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Old 06-29-2011, 06:53 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by Orimae View Post
so once again we will only have 6 places to fight and not 9?...boring.....
If the WM teleports were replaced with WM portable (and destructible) saves, we could have an infinite number of places to fight for hours at length (I like long fights), and we would figure out the best spots for ourselves so NGD wouldn't have to spend time doing it for us, and hence they could spend resources on more interesting and novel things than relocating saves over and over again. (How many times have Trelleborg save been moved now?)
Apart from that, dispell magic on oneself should be abolished.
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Old 06-29-2011, 07:06 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by NSer View Post
That's work like debuff.... ofc it have fixed duration
It appears to me to currently be dependent on the dismounter's cast speed. If it was implemented as a debuff, the penalty time would be shorter the higher cast speed the attacker has.

But by all means, I may be mistaking. Test it by precisely clocking the dismount time with and without cast speed bonus gear.

(I shouldn't even have to ask. All rules of the game should be public.)
Apart from that, dispell magic on oneself should be abolished.
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Old 06-29-2011, 07:53 PM   #80
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1.7.6 is nice overall still I think some stuff is missing like for example;

-Go back to the saves we had BEFORE cs

-Remove Kick for barbs

-Remove Boats

-Buff mages (hp and defense) and Buff Hunters

And this warmaster update it was Bad... I mean it sometimes kinda feels like NGD is trying to make the game worse instead of better, I mean now with these adjustments that are being made I kinda do feel bad for WM's. After all their work it has kinda been for nothing now.In a RvR game Balance is the KEY and if you want to improve the game don't do such ridicolous updates like WM's anymore. As expected a WM and his buffs were too OP and so now you are going to nerf the Shit out of it. Everybody expected it too happen exactly this way and you see what happens? You should try to listen to players for once in a while we aren't retarted you know? And we want too improve the game Just like you! Wm's has been a failure you guys totally wasted your time in the future Don't do updates like this anymore.. In RvR Balance is THE key, And in the future you guys should start thinking about bringing more content to the game!

Last edited by Torcida; 06-29-2011 at 08:08 PM.
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