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Old 07-21-2011, 03:18 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
The game was sped up. Resistances/ block/evade chance changed. This made the durations of CC now too long. It must be adjusted to suit the new environment.

I also mentioned 2 second knock. I sometimes don't like to use numbers (as examples) because it is a distraction from the principle. I used the example to show a principle. That principle was static knock duration with another component that scales. I am not suggesting this mechanism for all CC spells. Indeed some can still scale in duration. I am not suggesting a time either. The idea is to make all spells useful on all levels, try to eliminate chance % where possible and not make CC the defining and overwhelming component of any battle.

Right now CC is the overwhelming factor in many battles. Feel free to disagree. Should it be that way? Or should it be an equal partner component along with debuffs / buffs and normal damage ?
Should your base traits matter? Should your weapon choice? Armour? Skill set?
Like Seher said, should battles be scripted beforehand with the first salvo determining the whole fight, except for a dreaded interrupt like a resist/evade or block? He who casts first wins? Or, at every spell point, each player has to make a decision or is able to do so.
Not too many are going to like that, especially when they honed their spell sequences to fine quality.

CC's (in PvP, NOT IN RvR) indeed are crucial, But whats so bad about that? Creating more dynamics in the game can't be done with just nerfing I think there is a deeper problem. People who can't pvp (the majority of the people) want CC's to be nerfed jut too bully the minority of the people that actually do like pvp. If you take away the fun from hunting small servers will die, hunting is something you can do 24/7 if you like. For RvR you need lots of people to be online at the same time and they need to agree on what to attack so unlike hunting you cant do this whenever you like too ESPECIALLY on Small servers.Again if you ask me the majority of these nerfes are not needed this is NOT where the community asked for, There are zero threads where people complain about will domain being OP and there are zero threads about people complaining ambush is OP. Whats the point of nerfing them then?

And don't come up with stuff like Regnum is a RvR game, No, Bullshit, PvP is a part of RvR, it has been a part of RvR and it Will always be a Part of RvR.
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Old 07-21-2011, 03:20 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Seher View Post
Now, since this thread seems to be officially derailed...

It doesn't take a barbarian much longer to kill you though.

It does and I am a warlock.
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Old 07-21-2011, 03:27 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Latan View Post
ok, 2 sec knock can only be useful if combined with some kind of damage, but most of actual CC are OP.
30 sec slow is A LOT. can be a pain in the ass for meele (my main char is a lock)
15 sec dizzy with 140/150% damage for BA is a winning button if the 50% chance lands.
15 sec area dizzy/stun is too much.
15 sec stun every 60 for distracting shot is too much.
35 sec confuse/40 sec darkness is too much.
11 sec dizzy from range 50 bow every 40 sec is too much.
6 sec freeze with 20 CD in WS is too much.
8 sec for every knock is too much (even 10 seconds area knock for rote...and BB don't skill it because they have EVEN BETTER powers!)

we need a more dynamic game, maybe with less casting time and GCD, but some instant spells like kick or precise block that ignores attacking cycles could make the game better.
please more powers like new UM and Ao1, less like brainless beast attack

- If a barb chases you while he is on slow he is kinda brainless, And it is either slow stays or spring gets removed for barbs..

- 40 seconds darkness? Ah please never saw someone using darkness above lvl 2 (25 seconds)

- If you want a 8 second knock you must put your skill on lvl 5 I myself use will domain on 3 ( 6 seconds)
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Old 07-21-2011, 03:06 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Torcida View Post
I don't think anybody asked for that most CC's are balanced they just need to be adjusted and not nerfed the shit out of it.. I mean what is the point of a 2 seconds knockdown...? We must realize that not Every CC has too be nerfed!
I don't think you will ever understand mechanics of this game.
Read others posts ,and maybe you will understand why all need to be not nerfred,just adjusted to the actual gameplay.
Some of them are basicaly OP an breacks the fun for others people.
You can't adjust just a few random spells in a circle because you broken others spells.Better way is too revamp all system from begin to the end and fix that is broken ,not only one spell that you complaint now.

Because if you fix only a spell now ,next month you will complaint about other spell.
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Old 07-21-2011, 03:16 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Latan View Post
we need a more dynamic game, maybe with less casting time and GCD, but some instant spells like kick or precise block that ignores attacking cycles could make the game better.
please more powers like new UM and Ao1, less like brainless beast attack
Fully agreed, seriously this is 100% true.. this game exists of typical cc chains.. I mean there are a few combo's people use.. there are alot more but those aren't as useful as the ones everybody knows. I mean isn't RO special because there 'should' be so many options in making a spell chain or creating your own skills? Thats what attracts me to this game. By making the game more dynamic, less CC durations, faster casting times.. more attacks etc. etc. more possibilities will open, possibilities so not everyone will use exactly the same combos.
And maybe after this people actually can win a fight without the old big FPS rule... Most FPS = Win.
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Old 07-21-2011, 03:17 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by HidraA View Post
I don't think you will ever understand mechanics of this game.
Read others posts ,and maybe you will understand why all need to be not nerfred,just adjusted to the actual gameplay.
Some of them are basicaly OP an breacks the fun for others people.
You can't adjust just a few random spells in a circle because you broken others spells.Better way is too revamp all system from begin to the end and fix that is broken ,not only one spell that you complaint now.

Because if you fix only a spell now ,next month you will complaint about other spell.
You will always have people complaining No matter what but some complains have to be taken serious, Others don't. Changing the whole system is WAY too radical if you ask me, Compare the system too a tree you need to be carefull with it and if its needed you will cut some leafs NGD however is mounting on a bulldozer.
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Old 07-21-2011, 03:18 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by HuntShot View Post
Fully agreed, seriously this is 100% true.. this game exists of typical cc chains.. I mean there are a few combo's people use.. there are alot more but those aren't as useful as the ones everybody knows. I mean isn't RO special because there 'should' be so many options in making a spell chain or creating your own skills? Thats what attracts me to this game. By making the game more dynamic, less CC durations, faster casting times.. more attacks etc. etc. more possibilities will open, possibilities so not everyone will use exactly the same combos and people actually can win a fight without the old big FPS rule... Most FPS = Win.
And you create dynamics by nerfing all CC's? I don't think so..
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Old 07-21-2011, 03:21 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Torcida View Post
And you create dynamics by nerfing all CC's? I don't think so..
Ofcourse. So you're saying making all cc's 20secs knock down or dizzy will help the game go smoother? Play faster? etc. Yeah right.. like that will help. If the CC's get nerfed to lower duration without a doubt this will definitely help the dynamics in RO.
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Old 07-21-2011, 03:26 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Torcida View Post
And don't come up with stuff like Regnum is a RvR game, No, Bullshit, PvP is a part of RvR, it has been a part of RvR and it Will always be a Part of RvR.
But while long CCs are frustrating in RvR, it's more or less the same when there are short or medium (I consider 4 seconds as medium, by the way) CCs in PvPs. Long CCs are frustrating there, too, as there are many situations then in which there's nothing you can do to improve your situation. Examples? Any knock down while a barb is near. Or BoW 5 on a warlock, have fun watching your death while you can't do anything.

YES nerfing all CCs creates a more dynamic gameplay. It's not very dynamic to wait 11 seconds for a dizzy to wear off. Or to wait 35 seconds for confuse to wear off, lol. It's not even dynamic to kill e.g. a warlock with BoW 5, what's so dynamic about hitting someone who can't fight back?!
Winning a fight doesn't make you a good player, having fun losing one does.

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Old 07-21-2011, 03:34 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Seher View Post

YES nerfing all CCs creates a more dynamic gameplay. It's not very dynamic to wait 11 seconds for a dizzy to wear off. Or to wait 35 seconds for confuse to wear off, lol. It's not even dynamic to kill e.g. a warlock with BoW 5, what's so dynamic about hitting someone who can't fight back?!
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