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Old 08-20-2007, 08:41 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Default How To Defend Pinos/Pines Fort.

Now I am not saying I know more about war tactics than the average joe. But being in two wars defending the Pines/Pinos fort all I can say is Absichtspfeil Absichtspfeil Absichtspfeil!!! This is a tactical term generally meaning intended direction of movement of a unit in combat. During the first re occupation attempt today I finally managed to get about six people to go around the back of the fort in order to split the enemy forces. Guess what, it worked. The second battle of today I gave up in frustration. It seems the time honed tradition of attacking full force from one direction a.k.a. throwing bodies at the problem was all anyone wished to do. I literally walked around the fort and stood behind the opposing Sytris forces and killed two before they figured out I was even there. I gave up and logged off after that since I had no wish to partake in the full frontal assault.

Here is a crude digram showing my idea for trying to recapture the fort.

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Old 08-20-2007, 09:16 PM   #2
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Who are you in-game?? I feel the pain as you did quite irritating. My other irritation are Conjurers who think they are Warlocks...we are in dire need of conjurers who heal, mana, and buff during those battles. There are a few that are outstanding (mostly the upper level ones); however, the newer Conjurers need to play more of a support role - not a combat role.
Compost (60 Hunter) Alsius
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Old 08-20-2007, 09:26 PM   #3
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Okay I agree with both of you but uhmmm you just gave away the idea on all realm fourms Oh well it will still work just more need to understand it.

Thesis (Warlock) Alsius lvl 50 - La Fragua -
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Old 08-20-2007, 09:34 PM   #4
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Hello I am Venn a knight a.k.a. walking tin box in game

I don't know if it's my old age (27) or common sense but why don't more people pick up on this. A large problem is trying to explain to the bi-lingual guys/gal <- I refuse to believe more than one girl plays this game to tell the none English speaking players what to do. Well I should say non English, Greek, French, German speakers. I just don't care to learn Spanish for a video game. I can cover the other three
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Old 08-20-2007, 10:32 PM   #5
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daresbalat is on a distinguished road

Unfortunately any kind of advanced tactics in regnum... doesn't really happen. There's much talk of it but it never really happens. I think I was there when you attacked today, I was really surprised someone had taken the initiative but yeah as a conju you're sorta limited to following other people, not taking the lead.

I think this is something individual clans could really work on but rarely do.

The only slight aside is, with all the area spells there are certain advantages to all being in the same place. but yes some flanking manouvers would make a big difference.
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Old 08-20-2007, 11:15 PM   #6
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If this is advance then jebus help us!

Advance would be sending 5 or so barbs or knights like and arrow through the attacking force. This would cause the initial split in forces then the 40% would come around the fort behind the force. 8% of that force would be healers to heal those who caused the initial spit and to maintain the force on the opposite side. At that point the initial frontal force should attack to finish the wipe out.

THAT would be advance but not in any on my classes.
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Old 08-21-2007, 02:27 AM   #7
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Hah, I rarely see a frontal attack while getting back Pinos. It's usually Ignis who does that when someone is in the fort. Most times, Alsirians flank in from the northwest i.e. following the road from the left side of the fort in relation to the door (your map is a bit inaccurate to reflect this as the fort is facing too much to its left).

Since we are discussing tactics, I should also point out that the elves, particularly Ignis, like to use a reverse version of your tactic, attacking the Alsirians on the road by flanking them.

Usually this tactic of making a split attack won't work because of:
a)Not enough people - as always the case is
b)Language barrier
c)People couldn't care less - this is very despairing

When you are heavily outnumbered, the best strategy is to pull the enemy far away from the fort and kill them one by one and preventing their conjurers from reviving them or at least make it very hard for them to do their jobs. Patience is the key in this tactic. Fools rush in.

edit:correction in direction
*end.transmission - amade*

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Last edited by amade; 08-21-2007 at 04:03 AM.
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Old 08-21-2007, 03:16 AM   #8
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Venn, this kind of attack is not new, we used it many times, but with other players, see... Athor, Mormegil, Ghorthark Magnus, Petulo and I (Kailer) did it a long time, but in the hours we play it gets hard to find that quantity of warriors that like strategies... when you played today it could be done because a lot of players were connected... I repeat, It's nothing new...

And If you don't want to learn spanish, it's your choice, but most of the players speak this language, and I prefer to speak in spanish, although I know how to speak in english... you should learn this phrases for "your" tactic...

Guerreros vayan por atrás del fuerte (Warriors go behind the fort)
Ataquen con areas por atrás (Attack with areas behind them)
Conjuradores, curen, no ataquen (Conjurers, cure, don't attack)
Esperen a que ataquen los guerreros (Wait for the warriors to attack)
Tiren terror (Cast Terror)

You are free to think as you like, but I reccommend you to learn a little of spanish, it's quite an interesting language, and this can be done while you play, and this would mean that your time playing wasn't a lot of waste... some other anglo user said this.
<Krishna> <Krieger><Avalancha de Disney >
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Old 08-21-2007, 03:19 AM   #9
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by amade
(your map is a bit inaccurate to reflect this as the fort is facing too much to its left).
It's a game. Using the words slightly on a crude map is a waste of time no? I like Regnum but by the games makings those who are lvl 50 have simply clicked on more things than those who are not. If the game required teamwork and strategy from the get go then we would not see this so much I think.

As it stands as of today there is no strategy to speak of.

I thank you for your words of action in spanish.

Being German/French I have a different take on games that have knights, wizardz, and lords and clans since it's part of my history. This game is based on my history .... fun no?

As for learning Spanish I might in time. I only speak the languages needed for international business and Spanish is not one of them. I cannot devote myself to learn a new lino for a game as I stated. No more, no less.

"you should learn this phrases for "your" tactic"

This is not my tactic as I noted out loud today in game. I think my exact words were "this is why every country should mandate armed service" My tactic a.k.a. divide et impera read about it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divide_and_rule

Also I give you this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pkLD...elated&search=

Last edited by Athens101; 08-21-2007 at 04:09 AM.
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Old 08-21-2007, 04:11 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Athens101
It's a game. Using the words slightly on a crude map is a waste of time no? I like Regnum but by the games makings those who are lvl 50 have simply clicked on more things than those who are not. If the game required teamwork and strategy from the get go then we would not see this so much I think.

As it stands as of today there is no strategy to speak of.

I thank you for your words of action in spanish.

Being German/French I have a different take on games that have knights, wizardz, and lords and clans since it's part of my history. This game is based on my history .... fun no?

As for learning Spanish I might in time. I only speak the languages needed for international business and Spanish is not one of them. I cannot devote myself to learn a new lino for a game as I stated. No more, no less.

"you should learn this phrases for "your" tactic"

This is not my tactic as I noted out loud today in game. I think my exact words were "this is why every country should mandate armed service" My tactic a.k.a. divide et impera read about it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divide_and_rule

Also I give you this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w9EksAo5hY
I was waiting for something different, whenever I answer like I did, I get to start lots of arguing... thank you for being polite...

I agree, divide and rule, but to divide we need what nowadays lacks in the game, organization! Hope someday can be done.

And Rammstein is one of my favourite metal bands, how did you guess? Like that "Amerika ist wunderbar" irony!

<Krishna> <Krieger><Avalancha de Disney >
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