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Old 12-17-2011, 11:04 PM   #171
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They added button to bring log on top. X and Y coords are back too. Great!

There is a problem with spellbar switching using mouse wheel. If you try to do so it zooms in or out which is pretty annoying and buggy. Using wheel to change bars is pretty good feature please fix.

Old 2D minimap and classic map made like ancient scroll will be better for me. Self portrait will be better to be fixed images. Trim all the candy which will not get something to the user experience in war. Add features like to show party members on minimap. Move buffs icons back to old place - there is more logical. As others sayed border around ally/enemy health bars will greatly help everyone esp conjus.

New interface is better for me, but it needs to be tweaked more and made more customizable. If all this get a more "ancient" look it will be better. I mean like borders of dialogs made of old stone or something. RO is medieval action game - it needs to have atmosphere like that. All items that do not conform to that should be removed - like that soccer suits and stuff.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE

Last edited by ieti; 12-17-2011 at 11:15 PM.
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Old 12-18-2011, 12:48 AM   #172
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The new UI is nice in some respects, but it's wasted unless some balance changes are made. i won't post detailed reasons, since they are already all over the forums, but if you made the following changes, it would go a lot toward making the game fun for all classes:

1. Revert the armor changes that made it more effective and instead increase health.
2. Revert archer bow range.
3. Remove Confuse, Darkness, MS and DI.
4. Remove Offensive banner and Horn.
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Old 12-18-2011, 12:50 AM   #173
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Zas/Anna, While I do very much agree with the majority your points, there are a couple where I don't agree; namely the map/mini-map/portrait. Yeah they don't really have major utility. Not sure if the mini-map shows icons or other stuff, but I don't think it should show anything like player positions or act like some kinda radar. Maybe structures and major points of interest would be good (teleport stones/save altars, quest stuff, etc.) The player portrait has no function other than to look nice. I don't think it needs to have a practical use IMO.

In fact, with regards to a lot of the image "fluff" I don't think everything has to be utilitarian or practical or have a specific use. I think there are some nice aesthetics, and aesthetics don't always have to have a utility. Sometimes it's good to have new art for art's sake. And yeah, larger textures/enhanced/higher quality graphics/etc. are going to have a small footprint with regards to FPS. Maybe further optimization of graphics can help?

Otherwise I do agree on all the other points, particularly on allowing for further customization of the UI. I think making it XML friendly like some suggested would be a very good start, and that could introduce another potential source of income: UI templates/themes, and allow players to tweak/customize/make their own UI themes.
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Old 12-18-2011, 03:57 AM   #174
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Originally Posted by Vaylos View Post
Zas/Anna, While I do very much agree with the majority your points, there are a couple where I don't agree; namely the map/mini-map/portrait. Yeah they don't really have major utility. Not sure if the mini-map shows icons or other stuff, but I don't think it should show anything like player positions or act like some kinda radar. Maybe structures and major points of interest would be good (teleport stones/save altars, quest stuff, etc.) The player portrait has no function other than to look nice. I don't think it needs to have a practical use IMO.

In fact, with regards to a lot of the image "fluff" I don't think everything has to be utilitarian or practical or have a specific use. I think there are some nice aesthetics, and aesthetics don't always have to have a utility. Sometimes it's good to have new art for art's sake. And yeah, larger textures/enhanced/higher quality graphics/etc. are going to have a small footprint with regards to FPS. Maybe further optimization of graphics can help?

Otherwise I do agree on all the other points, particularly on allowing for further customization of the UI. I think making it XML friendly like some suggested would be a very good start, and that could introduce another potential source of income: UI templates/themes, and allow players to tweak/customize/make their own UI themes.
Well, this is from the point of view of one who played thousands of hours to this game, i don't bother the faces IF they are optional. Instead of such useless (and from my pov, faces aren't even fancy), we could have more options to improve the UI for each of us, because each of us is different.

Minimap's future need to be explained, i guess NGD have plans about it.
For now, i see no added value and can live with it.
Annavilya / War-Luck (Haven)
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Old 12-18-2011, 05:22 AM   #175
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well - for now - the nuew UI is meant to work against player retention in the first 10-30 mins.

A polished ui + early game imeprovements doesnt really diectly improve "our endgame" but its seriouly needed to sustain player inzake.

When those issues are set itll be interesting what way we will go with ro. Balance/design improvements might go this or htat way and for me thatll be the time where the decision of staying or not will be made. +

Point is, the current improvements are badly needed, especially for servers like Horus, even when it might not be the most obvious thing.
Fix the Marksman subclass: Suggestion
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Old 12-18-2011, 10:23 AM   #176
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Originally Posted by _Enio_ View Post
well - for now - the new UI is meant to work against player retention in the first 10-30 mins.

A polished ui + early game imeprovements doesnt really diectly improve "our endgame" but its seriouly needed to sustain player inzake.

Point is, the current improvements are badly needed, especially for servers like Horus, even when it might not be the most obvious thing.
Exactly my point.
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Old 12-18-2011, 01:44 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by _Enio_ View Post
well - for now - the nuew UI is meant to work against player retention in the first 10-30 mins.

A polished ui + early game imeprovements doesnt really diectly improve "our endgame" but its seriouly needed to sustain player inzake.

When those issues are set itll be interesting what way we will go with ro. Balance/design improvements might go this or htat way and for me thatll be the time where the decision of staying or not will be made. +

Point is, the current improvements are badly needed, especially for servers like Horus, even when it might not be the most obvious thing.
While I agree that retaining newer players is important, I think it is also important to cater for existing players who have become accustomed to a certain style of play, or people who simply don't have the screen space for certain parts of the UI. Making the quests list, party list on the left, 3d face model etc.. optional will do no harm. Leave it on by default, then newer players get the full experience of the new UI, but allow options to disable it, and you keep all parties happy.

Choice is good!
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Old 12-18-2011, 02:29 PM   #178
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Originally Posted by Awrath View Post
..., I think it is also important to cater for existing players who have become accustomed to a certain style of play, or people who simply don't have the screen space for certain parts of the UI. Making the quests list, party list on the left, 3d face model etc.. optional will do no harm. Leave it on by default, then newer players get the full experience of the new UI, but allow options to disable it, and you keep all parties happy.

Choice is good!
Fully agree!
Fix the Marksman subclass: Suggestion
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Old 12-18-2011, 02:38 PM   #179
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Well just tested my marks and lock in terms of new GUI on amun
1. Dunno if intentional or not but u can't switch between items using spell bars which isn't good.
2. Minimap is useless in current state.
3. Bracelets provide too high defence.
4. SUDDENLY my arrows on marks got converted into quiver. Dunno if there's reason to not convert boss arrows.
5. Additional 2 buttons on spell bars don't have hotkey which renders 'em useless at least for me.
6. Noticeably lower FPS
7. Absolutly useless portrait.
That's all.
I heard draconic gem makes people stupid. Now i see it is exactly so.
lol fail \ iFail \ I Am Multirealmer
Good bye RO, the poor players.... have fun
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Old 12-18-2011, 03:38 PM   #180
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The only thing I'm concerned about the new UI is the current FPS difference with and without it, there's a ~25 difference right now. Maybe instead of just hiding the whole UI, adding the ability to choose what you want to hide and what you want to see would help and benefit a lot of players, especially those who record. The minimap, the interface buttons and the face are not important features to appear in videos, they're sometimes in the way.

These were my test results, also comparing fixed pipeline and shader model 2.0

With UI on fixed pipeline

Without UI on fixed pipeline

With UI on shader model 2.0

Without UI on shader model 2.0

Also, can't stop the quests window from coming back because it re-appears after hiding the UI.

Last edited by PT_DaAr_PT; 12-18-2011 at 05:17 PM. Reason: 1 word switch. New meaning.
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