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Old 02-03-2012, 08:17 PM   #41
Join Date: May 2009
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VandaMan is on a distinguished road

Meh, I don't really see what's so terrible about having GMs and such. Just don't pay attention to the notices, and don't participate in the events. Other than that it's the same as any other server. XP boosts running all the time doesn't make people not want to war, people being retarded makes people not want to war, and that's on every server.

Last edited by Frosk; 02-03-2012 at 09:11 PM.
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Old 02-03-2012, 09:05 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by VandaMan View Post
Meh, I don't really see what's so terrible about having GMs and such. Just don't pay attention to the notices, and don't participate in the events. Other than that it's the same as any other server. XP boosts running all the time doesn't make people not want to war, people being retarded makes people not want to war, and that's on every server.
Yeah, for some people it's easier to ignore problems than for others. Raven could have had a better outcome like Piranha if they weren't so obsessed in trying to control every tiny aspect of your gameplay. Not everyone enjoys being told what to do like mindless sheep, those who do are now the ones you have in the war zone. Nice quality filter you have there.
On Piranha they too have special events, XP/drop/gold boosts, but unlike Raven they don't freaking over do it, they can actually be considered valuable. Horus receives a boost and a visit from a GM every Friday, what more can you ask? Players feel blessed and announcements are viewed as holy words. (Frosk be with you)

As I said some time ago, Raven is not for everybody's taste. Too bad for GameSamba that this englobes a lot of potential players.
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Old 02-03-2012, 09:26 PM   #43
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Originally Posted by remedy View Post
Continuing the Raven bashing.,

I happen to try Raven on a particular realm some days ago out of curiosity, needless to say, the experience left me bitter.

The following are my personal opinions.

1) I found the GMs there to be very immature, trying to even draw a comparison to Frosk is an insult to him.

2) I lol'ed at some of self proclaimed best players on Raven who utterly sucked when they were on Horus. Same goes for some other non-Horus players who have the level, but lack the brains to know their class.

3) The community on Raven sucks, if you don't happen to be in one of the popular clans, they never talk to you, respond to you in any matters at all.

4) The wars, lol, what can I say about wars on Raven., on a particular day, say 20 people of the opposing realm are sitting your fort, 5 allies would be fighting and dying to them, the rest would be in inner (or even at save altar) going like this.,

player1: Hi player2 <3
player2: player1 <3
player1: I <3 moree
player2: I don't
player1: </3
player3: I luff ya more player1 <333

Just made me sick to the stomach.

5) So you got a brand new level 60 on your first char., what to do next? Hell ya, let's grind another 60, like a boss.

In conclusion, I'm thankful that Raven happened and all those type of characters left ship and Horus got filtered. Sure Horus has it's ups and downs, but still it's primarily a war based server even with all the oddballs in it. I hope those people never return Horus and there never is a merge of any kind at all.

Horus forever! Or in their fashion, I luff ya Horus <333.
This is my honest opinion, everyone is free to disagree with it...

In the beginning, Raven wasn't bad. It was actually the most promising server there ever has been, as it solves most of the issues in Regnum like the steep XP curve (frequent boosts), and having lots of trouble getting started in the game (GMs being around to help).

The problems start there however. The GMs... aren't what they should be. They get way too involved in their job, rather than being neutral like a leader should be. Sometimes I have even seen them get downright personal with players, and many times I have also seem them "help" players by telling them about game mechanics that didn't even exist. The biggest problem here is that the Game Counsellors (GC) knew the game, but the SGMs did not, but the SGMs didn't seem too good about listening to GCs before stating illogical nonsense. Now I may not always be right, but at least I do my homework a bit before I start talking. Half of these people don't even play the game.

Secondly, Raven maintains all of the problems of Horus, including time zone problems, low war turnups and the PvP server mentality, without actually adding anything to it except for the fine points mentioned above. Gameplay in Raven borders upon better (those small, epic fights that happen occasionally) to completely bitter (trying to take a GC down for 30-40mins while only five enemy players keep walking back from their save and killing you, because you just don't have enough damage to kill the GC). Admittedly, most of these ppoblems are caused by NGD improperly balancing the game, not Raven. But on Horus you have enough players to counter the negative aspects of the game (excepting beacons, which have become a plague on Horus and RA), while often on Raven you don't. This is frustrating.

For the most part, I agree with the quoted post. I just wanted to add these few points about my personal opinion. Raven is not a bad server, it was and still is very promising, but no one seems to be leading it anywhere, like Horus it is just dead in the water. Several years from now, it will still probably even have the same population. Which is a great shame considering that international players can play there, but some cannot on Horus (my original reason for joining Raven).
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Old 02-05-2012, 06:22 AM   #44
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I was hopeful till I read the part about deleted characters, oh well.

oh and stuff I paid for, for a bug not abused by me, and not disabled even after the exploit was well known.

otherwise happy my current characters aren't deleted, however I don't freely loan nice items I used to, and I don't buy xim anymore.

Feel like can't trust anyone in a game, when it shouldn't even be a concern to lose items that aren't even real anyways, that isn't the point. the point is it is hardly fair system, with batch deletions of players caused by the next bug abusers havok, So I choose neither. I try to support the game in other ways I guess, trying to find new players to join, though I don't feel secure in spending money on this game at this time.

Past is past but still happened, good game, but on thin ice concerning how the staff handles cheaters here, never a good feeling to not know even if you abide by the rules, something can f*ck your day up anyways.

if it changes someday then sure I'd feel comfy and spend here and there, but as one player, they won't miss my money I imagine

So what I have to be happy for, a fun game and a great community, but sadly my experiences don't mirror yours nor can I be thankful for them (not) happening to me, cause they have.

get in touch when you want me to be a GM
Taking a break from Regnum due to work leaving me little free time! So my laptop must go for now! (ask me for full details, it is an Alienware Mx18 3rd gen Ivy bridge i73920xm & configured with SLI twin Nvidia 675m, paid 3,330$ asking 2,800$ or 2,400$ + netbook.
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