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Old 02-25-2013, 09:05 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Tamui View Post
Yeah? He gives good bjs on his barb?
Idk i will answer this question tomorro ok?
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Old 02-25-2013, 09:14 PM   #22
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And this is how fast I'm able to derial a thread.

Get back on topic people!
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Old 02-25-2013, 09:27 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Carn View Post
And this is how fast I'm able to derial a thread.

Get back on topic people!
Hmm you aren't denying it!

Ok back to topic.
Does any pet hunter uses lb or sb tree while pet or it impossible to cram everything in one setup?
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Old 02-26-2013, 01:25 AM   #24
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aaa, i liked this guide, gratz its very nice =p
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Old 02-26-2013, 03:40 AM   #25
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Gonna split this up into two posts: Hunter

Class Strengths:
High range
Burst damage
Ability to pick fights

Class Weaknesses:
Low sustained damage
Less range than marksman
Less defense than marksman
Limited CC options

Hunter is the best solo class (in my opinion) because you can track down enemies and pick who you fight, and when you fight them. As a hunter, you're strongest 1v1 when you catch your enemy unbuffed or fighting another player/mob. When you catch them unbuffed, you can come out of camo on them and use confuse to keep them unbuffed (and cut off some of their ccs – such as silence, ambush, distraction shot, defeaning roar etc etc), usually for long enough to kill them using cold blood. I would really suggest getting level 60 on hunter and most of this guide is going on the assumption you ARE level 60.

For levelling hunter you want to use a pet, this is a general must. For early levels (<50), I tended to use Shield Pierce over ensnaring arrow, as ensnaring arrow uses up a lot of mana. Typically, I build my levelling setups around range, to avoid getting hit; this gives me a chance to practice bow switching and strafing – my pet normally only gets 2 – 3 hits per mob. I make full use of parabolic shot, manuever and pet skills (Beastial Wrath and Heal pet) when levelling, this works very well for levelling without resting.

You want to remember to upgrade your gear every few levels, mainly your bow, as you will realise that you're using a level 30 bow at level 50 and taking forever to kill mobs. Generally, killing blue mobs or “easy” yellow (this would be a yellow mob that has been yellow for a level already and that you can kill comfortably) is the best way to get exp, as you can kill these mobs fast for a good amount of exp. Avoid getting hit by mobs that have skills like “rake” and “crippling strike” - these are annoying as hell and rake will harm your ability to level without resting.

Setup examples for levelling: (Please note I don't know specific pets for these levels, just change the pet skill accordingly, and place the extra power points you might have where you want, this is just the stuff i'd recommend)

Level 10

Level 21 (Level 3 skills)

Level 29 (Level 4 skills)

Level 37 (Level 5 skills)

Level 50 (You will be grinding in the warzone and you might encounter fights; this is a good setup to help combat that and introduce you to fighting players)


General fighting suggestions:
Track before you uncamo and know if there are other enemies likely to interrupt the fight
Know your surroundings – If you uncamo on someone they will typically go for the nearest rock or tree, leaving more time to others to interrupt the fight
If you decide to use a pet: be wary of pet hp and likelyhood that enemies will kill your pet; use buffs to keep it alive and debuffs to increase the damage it does.
When fighting more than one player, distraction shot one and kill the other AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, then pace the next fight, play smart to stay alive.
When fighting more than one player, use proper target priority first: Conj > Warlock > Marks > Hunter > Barb > Knight *

*This is in MOST cases my target priority; eliminate the classes that will take longest to kill with distraction shot first then kill the others. Use this fight as an example: Marksman + Hunter vs Me. Distraction shot hunter, confuse marks and take his hp down as much as possible (you MIGHT manage to kill him before the hunter gets out of distraction shot), finish off the marksman then kill the hunter. I would do this because the hunter would die at the same time as the marksman, but marksman will do more damage to me with his normals and take longer to kill than the hunter would, making the 2nd fight harder than if I would have done the opposite. Generally, take out healer first, but after that you would kill the class that would do most damage first.

Fighting specific classes: I am going on the assumption that you start from camo without pet; These are just EXAMPLES of how to kill each class, things don't go 100% to plan all the time and resists can happen, experience is the only way to cope with this.

A typical combo I would use on a warlock would be uncamo with normal hit (always do this, you get high damage from your first normal out of camo and it doesn't appear in their log) then confuse, rapid shot and son of the wind (you need to avoid these spells mainly: beetle swarm, frozen storm, soulkeeper, vampirism, sultars terror – These will waste the timer on confuse). In the duration of son of the wind, use cold blood – this will take down the hp of the warlock by a significant amount. When your son of the wind is about to end, maybe 1 second left, use distraction shot on the warlock (if he is above 20% hp – if he is not, use ambush and finish him off in the duration: if they don't die in the duration use distraction shot then, or stunning fist) and rest for mana. Before your distraction shot ends, you should buff rapid shot (if its off c/d) and dirty fighting, then ambush; if by the end of ambush the opponent doesn't die, use stunning fist from here. I would personally get to some range at this point and and ensnare should do to finish the job. You should buff acrobatic at some stage in this fight, preferably during distraction shot.

If you do this fight without camo (a pvp for example): Start with some range and use this range to break barrier, and the possible rebuffing of barrier, then rapid shot and son of the wind (at 30m), move in close and cold blood. After the cold blood, follow the guide.
Support conjurer:
Assuming you find a support conjurer running around alone, if you need help killing them, please stop reading. In war the best thing to do is keep the conjs under pressure and distract them from healing their allies. Conjs without DI are asking to be confused.
I wouldn't suggest fighting them petless, but if you do, catch them with confuse when they don't have pet or steel skin/karma mirror up, then son of the wind and follow the guide to how to kill warlock. You really need to think fast, you can't rely on mind blank to fail. If mind blank does run out in the duration of confuse, use distraction shot on them, rest for mana then ambush. You should be able to kill them in this duration, if not, go to range after stunning fist and try to nuke from there. Warju really is the toughest class to kill. You will need to buff acrobatic at some stage in this fight.

If you do this fight without camo, you want to keep range until you can break barrier and take the warju down some hp, or until they neglect to rebuff mind blank (or you think it's about to end), son of the wind and go into range, confuse, cold blood, follow the guide from there.
If you start from camo, the easiest way to control the fight would be to normal hit, confuse, rapid shot, cold blood; when cold blood ends, use a dot then either distraction shot as the confuse duration runs out (if they don't use their son of the wind) or son of the wind and continue to add damage on to them, then if needed use ambush or distraction shot at the end of their son of the wind. You will want to avoid stunning fist during your confuse duration, so if they start running towards you, strafe away as you are using your cold blood damage, or if you're not confident, use ambush and then use your cold blood.

If the hunter is not petless, you have the option to distraction shot the hunter and kill his pet, then ambush the hunter, and confuse before they get up again (during the ambush time you may use normal hits, a DOT or sudden strike etc; I prefer 1 normal > sudden strike > 1 normal > confuse)

If you start the fight without camo, you will want to use break apart from range, buff defense and use retaliation. You will generally want to look for distraction shot before the other hunter gets it, take the fight from there; as the other hunter likely buffed defense at this point, you will want to debuff using sudden strike and use your distraction shot time to wear away a chunk of their buff duration, then confuse will stop them from further buffing. If you fight this way, an option would be to use confuse out of distraction shot, then do damage and cold blood in the duration of confuse and ambush or stunning fist from that as confuse ends.

If you start from camo, you may want to use distraction shot first, as this saves you from being instantly winter stroked, wasting confuse. If you choose to skip distraction shot at first, going straight with confuse, should do so within 15-20 range so they don't just keep running away from you. After confuse you will want to use son of the wind to avoid being winter stroked, then use rapid shot, buff some defense (preferably acrobatics, as stacking rapid shot and evasive tactics can lead to a bunch of missed shots), and unload your cold blood. As your confuse is wearing off you should aim to have a DOT on the enemy, and stun them with stunning fist; if you manage to land this before they can buff, feel free to buff evasive tactics and break stunning fist with ensnare – by this stage they should be dead or within 5% hp while you are well above 50-60%.

If you start without camo, you should try to lure the marksman within your range using trees or other objects – marksman hit higher than you and you won't hit them for much unbuffed at all. You can pop out from a tree and distraction shot them while they're still moving, but this will require a lack of concentration on the marksmans part and fast movements on yours, or you can force them the whole way to the tree and stunning fist (if you choose to bring them to the tree, you'll want to have defense buffed), then it's all tree hugging from there. If you choose the distraction shot option, read above.

Fighting a marksman who has buffed, you will want to stand as close as possible to them to negate their strategic positioning buff.

General rule of thumb versus archers: do not spam stuff through son of the wind, you have very few cc's to use and you will just be wasting mana or relying on luck.
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Old 02-26-2013, 03:40 AM   #26
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You'll want to learn how to strafe for fighting barbarians (unless you're Drew.). Fighting barbarians can be a tedious process, if they lose interest they will instantly run to a tree, so you'll need to manage your distance to around 20-25m. You will not be able to kill them in a cold blood duration, but if you uncamo on them, use your normal then either use a dot or confuse them and try to get some damage on them before they're aware of your exact position. Do some damage and make sure you keep ensnare on them as much as possible. Mobility is mainly used for barbs so you'll want to use it when they use spring – combined with ensnare and passive movement speed it will keep you ahead of barbs if you've used your distance right; if you feel a barb is too close (within 5m, roar range-ish), then don't be scared of using your son of the wind to avoid this, and use retaliation – if UM ends, use stunning fist or ambush and continue to keep the damage going while maintaining safe distance. There is no real “way” of killing barbs, just make sure to keep away from them and keep ensnare ON them. You may choose to use hinder or caltrops on a barb, but this will lead to them going to a tree and it is quite cheap to use vs one barb.

This is usually a longer version of the barbarian fight, but you will need to use your DOTs a lot more. If you can catch the knight without defensive stance, confuse him. This should take off a fair amount of his HP with cold blood. If the knight isn't using defensive support (1 v 1 he won't touch you if he has it), then you can lure him out of defensive stance by letting him catch you, then using stunning fist when he leaves it, then confuse from there (be aware of the high risk of disable limb from this – you might need to use son of the wind and mobility to get away from him again). It's a long tedious fight that won't always be worth it, but your DOT's (break apart mainly) will contribute greatly to speeding up this fight.

Practice makes perfect, try to learn basic “chains” as a base, then when you are comfortable with those, experiment with other skills, other “chains” and make sure you learn what EVERY skill does. Ok, maybe not EVERY skill, but everything that you have and everything important that each enemy class has, this way you'll know when to attack, who to attack, what's likely to happen when to attack and you'll be able to look at your hotbar and see what's coming off cooldown and know if you should use it again soon.

Setups for 60; these are some setups I would suggest at 60 for hunting and general war (although I didn't participate in war much)


I had this setup with a few things I preferred:
Hinder (3) for multiple warriors, I don't use this vs one opponent, but feel free
Break apart (4) this is a good DOT to use, mainly versus warriors, but also versus archers if you know they're not going to retaliate it
Parabolic shot (1) this is as high as I will go on Parabolic shot, hunter isn't meant to be played at marksman range, but sometimes you will need to get range while strafing or need to catch runners/horse riders
Stalker (1) is good if you need a fast getaway and your camo is on cooldown, it's also good for saving allies.


With this setup, you would be using the shortbow DOT and you also have hinder AND caltrops, this is not really needed, but some people may prefer it.


This is a viable pet setup, the only thing you are missing from this would be a “mass slow” but it is excellent for 1 v 1 or 1 v 2s.

These are just base setups, if you aren't confident about setups yourself; but you will need to start understanding ALL of your skills and make a perfect setup to suit you. When you do this, you will learn to react in different situations, and learn not to rely on everything to go right (although sometimes so many things can go wrong that loss in inevitable). This guide is just here to help people with different skill levels who maybe need a nudge in the right direction.

Gear-wise I look at these things first -
Is it Elite? (56+)
Does it have good pierce resist? (ATLEAST normal or above)

After that, stats are an added bonus, I prefer Armour bonus on helm, cast speed on pauldrons, would love armour bonus on breastplate and mana on leggings.

As for amulets and rings, I use 100 mana amulet on my hunter, as I found myself running out of mana in bigger fights when I had under 1700. I use deadly sight rings for the added general damage, although some prefer the elemental damage and attack speed of Rings of Lightning.

Here is a link to my favourite hunter videos, all of these people have different playstyles. I learned a lot about each class from videos.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5U0MP0xx8e4 Sie el caza (Petless)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MqT76GFt6E Intercept (Pet, probably the best pet hunter)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Qp0r_8gph0 BPR (Petless, sometimes with pet however)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOOCa4jhtpY Cold Blooded (Petless)

My own channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/patrickdavidson
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Old 02-26-2013, 06:58 AM   #27
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Question : For example,if you are a 60 petless hunter,but you cant deal much damage because your bow sucks ass,it'd be recommended to go a pet hunter to be able to actually kill someone?
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Old 02-26-2013, 07:01 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by _Conan_ View Post
Question : For example,if you are a 60 petless hunter,but you cant deal much damage because your bow sucks ass,it'd be recommended to go a pet hunter to be able to actually kill someone?
I'd just recommend getting a better bow.
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Old 02-26-2013, 09:00 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by _Conan_ View Post
Question : For example,if you are a 60 petless hunter,but you cant deal much damage because your bow sucks ass,it'd be recommended to go a pet hunter to be able to actually kill someone?
Nah, you will just end up with even lower damage and a pet not good for much more than ganking people.

Simply make sure you have good setup with as much passive dex and damage as possible, use spells such as sudden strike, dots, dirty fighting and rapid shot and try to only use cold blood when your opponent is weak/unbuffed.

Get both rings and amulets with damage bonus,

WM for passive dex.

Last edited by pieceofmeat; 02-26-2013 at 09:26 AM.
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Old 02-26-2013, 11:16 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by _Conan_ View Post
Question : For example,if you are a 60 petless hunter,but you cant deal much damage because your bow sucks ass,it'd be recommended to go a pet hunter to be able to actually kill someone?
I concur with everyone elses replies but I want to add that when your pet dies (and it would most likely die alot) it would mean that you're totally screwed.

Best to just look for a better bow. Gather some mags, I'm sure you'll be able to find a decent one with those.
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