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Old 02-26-2013, 10:26 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Hollow-Ichigo View Post
He means that you are too scared to go forward and do some close combat. He also means that you think an amulet will help you win the battle from range 30. I suppose you lost your skill when that gear gave you a mild advantage

I can ofcourse confirm what he means.
It seems you ignore the power of a dragon amulet, it is so powerful that it prevents you to do stupid things, like getting close when you don't need.
Get one and try, jealous
Annavilya / War-Luck (Haven)
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Old 02-26-2013, 10:41 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Zas_ View Post
It seems you ignore the power of a dragon amulet, it is so powerful that it prevents you to do stupid things, like getting close when you don't need.
Get one and try, jealous
lol jealous of your complete lack of skill in different situations and how you can fight without allies. Good one, noob.
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Old 02-26-2013, 10:55 PM   #43
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This thread seems it's going downhill as well. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets deleted aswell. Shame really.
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Old 02-26-2013, 10:59 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Tamui View Post
This thread seems it's going downhill as well. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets deleted aswell. Shame really.
agreed, even though those insults r fun to watch
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Old 02-26-2013, 11:02 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by errei View Post
agreed, even though those insults r fun to watch
So true.

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Old 02-27-2013, 01:03 AM   #46
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It's not even hard to be a hunter, all you need is improvisation skills and some experience.
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Old 02-27-2013, 01:27 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Zas_ View Post
Not sure what you mean here.
Your guide is interesting, let's hope you're not becoming a new Hepha...
I am not lol, I don't stick to one class only and I only made this guide because a friend wanted me to help out his clan; figured a guide would mean not answering the same question 5-10 times per week.

EDIT: If a mod could clean this thread up to relevant things only, that'd be great.
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Old 02-27-2013, 02:09 AM   #48
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Nothing is more frustrating than fighting an archer that does more damage than me. Even if I get the jump on someone and if I get every chain right there hp will be just about half or 1/3.

Hunters isn't like Warlocks where once you catch someone in a chain they're dead. It's so difficult to solo archers with boss jewelery or even op gear. Best try and catch a hunter/marks unbuffed and unleash what your mother taught you.

Example, I do 17 damage roughly on Anna(you're the only hunter I can compare to right now not picking on you ) While he/she does about 100. Keep in mind this is both buffed.

The only advantage you have as a hunter is choosing who to fight and who not to fight as many stated before.

Not that it's anyways fault they can acquire such items as that is NGD's fault since this is how they wanted their game.
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Old 02-27-2013, 02:43 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by Hollow-Ichigo View Post
lol jealous of your complete lack of skill in different situations and how you can fight without allies. Good one, noob.
Why do you persist in this way ?
OP posts are interesting, and since one of my character is cited, i would like to understand what OP means exactly.
The fact you think i have no skill is very interesting (and is perfectly true), but you should create a separate thread about it... so everyone interested in my skills (or the lack of) can discussed about it without derailing an otherwise-useful thread.

Originally Posted by learntoplay View Post
I am not lol, I don't stick to one class only and I only made this guide because a friend wanted me to help out his clan; figured a guide would mean not answering the same question 5-10 times per week.
You don't answer to my question about the meaning of your words.
I was referring to Hepha (which is a good warlock) when he started to post on how great he was....
And when you start to criticize the way people like to play (or are able to play), you start to compare your own gameplay to theirs.
But not all people want to achieve the "i'm the best" goal, not all people cares about doing the "perfect fight".
Many players in the game aren't very skilled and still have fun and are nice mates.

Originally Posted by Aries202 View Post
Nothing is more frustrating than fighting an archer that does more damage than me. Even if I get the jump on someone and if I get every chain right there hp will be just about half or 1/3.

Hunters isn't like Warlocks where once you catch someone in a chain they're dead. It's so difficult to solo archers with boss jewelery or even op gear. Best try and catch a hunter/marks unbuffed and unleash what your mother taught you.

Example, I do 17 damage roughly on Anna(you're the only hunter I can compare to right now not picking on you ) While he/she does about 100. Keep in mind this is both buffed.

The only advantage you have as a hunter is choosing who to fight and who not to fight as many stated before.

Not that it's anyways fault they can acquire such items as that is NGD's fault since this is how they wanted their game.
Wise words.

Well, i often fight archers that do more damages (marx...), and it is clearly harder, but you'll always have damage differences, whatever is the reason (stuff, level, setup, etc...).

Imho the main issue here isn't dragon jewelry (which is op as we all know), but armor system which increases a lot the difference betwen hunters.
This is why i use a setup (stuff+spells) which is mostly centered on high damages, higher is your base damage higher are your real damages after armor calculation, higher is your crit chance (yes...).
A hunter with "normal" stuff, well, i know almost none at level 60 that still play. Also, this game is realm-balanced, and each realm have their own OP characters in each class.
If you want balanced 1vs1 fights, just play another game.

Now, a hunter with uber stuff still has quite low damages, and still need to use surprise effect to win most fights, because most classes out damages him or have better protection.

Btw, if you hit me for 17, it is because i'm buffed and you don't use any dmg buff, i don't do much more in this situation on a fully buffed hunter with good armor. And yes, NGD has to do something about it (armor system).

Everyone seems to think boss jewelry does it all, especially when they don't have equivalent stuff, but i can tell you item imbalance is more due to boxes (xyms...), and NGD will not change this anytime soon.

I remember once a hunter killed me in 3 hits catching me unbuffed, 2 crits + 1 ens for 1200+ each... cb + dirty + uber stuff.... but i don't remember each time i died fully buffed from 3 barb's hits...
Annavilya / War-Luck (Haven)
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Old 02-27-2013, 03:40 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Zas_ View Post

You don't answer to my question about the meaning of your words.
I was referring to Hepha (which is a good warlock) when he started to post on how great he was....
And when you start to criticize the way people like to play (or are able to play), you start to compare your own gameplay to theirs.
But not all people want to achieve the "i'm the best" goal, not all people cares about doing the "perfect fight".
Many players in the game aren't very skilled and still have fun and are nice mates.
I apologise, I mean that every time I fought you, you play at range - and i've only fought you alone twice, one of those times you ran away until another came to help. With dragon amulets, people tend to just stay back and hit hard, they rely on that. With you I know you play a "supportive role" however. ^^

As for me, I don't play to prove i'm the best lol, I only play for fun and make videos because I like watching videos and I figure others do too. I have fun making them and I like showing people what a class can do.
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