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Old 01-31-2017, 06:04 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Hollow-Ichigo View Post
I thought dayron had the dark barbarian syndrome, but he might need more help than I first thought
No help required methinks. Ichi, it's not at all fair or right to compare Dark Barbarian with Dayron imho. Why you ask? Simple. Ignis doesn't want to claim DB as their own, never did, never will, & think of him as a troll's warty ass & a complete embarrassment (I won't argue the merit of those sentiments). In Alsius however, we (meself included) fully claim Dayron as our own, warts & all, "puts" & all. Are DB & Day so very different really, hmmm, or do We, the Goat People, simply lack discernment, refinement, & good taste? Thus, is the difference here between DB & Day, or between Ignis & Alsius? Everyone will answer these questions according to their own gifts & good-natures ofc....or the lack thereof....

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Old 02-01-2017, 11:35 AM   #12
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Drago-I is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by saumya View Post
Dayron came to us, to the realm of alsius, not as a player, but as an angel from the heavens itself.
Dayron started slow, at first he was nothing but a ''daily random'' from most people, but when he started warring, he started chatting in realm chats.
He made friendships, being funny, with many people, but his first friend and nakama was La Zehaha. Those two were the literal example of Bromance, kissing each other every minute while at the same time calling each other Puts.

When Dayron was a little high level player, he got into few clans who helped him, but it seemed that no one could control the beast inside him. In just what might look like a few days, he showed his true nature.

At high level, he was a beast, people saw his true skill coming out, and he surprised and impressed many. But, what was the most amusing of all, was but his language and grammer.
For many, Dayron and his language, went together, and every single person of The alsius realm, knew about him.
The most interesting thing about dayron, as i said before, was the way he spoke. In today's age, we talk about famous quotes from famous people like Gandhi, but in few years, it will all be Dayron and his speakings.
In just a few moments, dayron was a leader, the whole realm talked about dayron, it was as if a Messiah had appeared.
Dayron's most famous quotes were ''put* and stupido'. But one day, it was too much. Him using this too much, got his main Barbarian and main toon perma banned. The whole realm was crying, we pleaded for unban, he pleaded for unban with puts, but it did not happen. At one point, we thought all was lost.

But then, something miraculous happened, it was Dayron's new character.
Dayron Barb.

WE rejoiced, the whole realm cheered, we kneeled down for him, and when he was expected to speak the 'Im back'' words, this instead came out of his mouth ''Sup pts''. It rejoiced us even more.

Dayron, even now continues to protect his dear nakamas, and lives on, always, within our hearts with the words ''put*''.


Name : Dayron Lopiko

Gender :Apachi helicopter 2000

Title : Angel bestowed by the heavens

Race: Demigod

Overview: Devoted to rush and complain about not getting heals

Skill: Best strategist, logically overthinking hs every move to do exactly oposite when it comes to it. Also, he's skilled group gatherer and leader, who always teach his fellow realmmates to improve
by telling them how put they are.

Appearance: Despite of having warm caring heart, dayron's face always looks angry

Weaknesses: Dayron's greatest weakness: his fellow teammates. he can't stand seeing them dying same as he cannot stand not getting heals and mana

Occupation :Being a follower of Fire spirit in exorcism of put entities which he gives relief and then puts about it

Style : 2cul4us guy who always thinks about masks over mags, trading nub 800 mags for a momo but not for a daen slayer, guy who is not so peculiar about how he looks

Personality: Dayron is great reliable teammate as he's fearsome enemy. he cares about his teammates and instantly heel their absence (especially conjs). Dayron is natural-born trader not fearing to take risks, as trading daen slayer for momo mask. by which we can say he supports looks over gear quality found only in 1 person born out of every 100000 people.

Motives: to learn englis, improve alsius, offend alsius conjus, get huge rp and wmc values and, To spread fear and introduce new race Demigods which can only be unlocked after 10k swears and 50k puts

Famous quotes by Dayron :
''Puttt ignis''
''Idiota conj no heals''
''put* no help''
''putt carbona no help''
''stupido saumya aca PN''
''putt draxgo I haven''
''recon - regon I have''
''yes fire spirit fb alsius pm''
''Putt recon correcty''
''calm down respect saum''
PS : We're sorry. this friend of ours doesnt speak english well so we're filling this up for him AS nakamas ~ Me, zehaha, carbona, fire spirit
U forget to add "moaning in alsius chat 24/7"
Lol at putt draxgo I
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Old 02-01-2017, 03:38 PM   #13
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Sorry to make ur reference lol, he kinda used it many times so thought id add it :P. But dw its not you ! its draxgo i !
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Old 02-01-2017, 04:08 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by saumya View Post
Sorry to make ur reference lol, he kinda used it many times so thought id add it :P. But dw its not you ! its draxgo i !
Drago I in taco language its draxgo I lol
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Old 02-01-2017, 05:46 PM   #15
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TACO? im triggered, dayron dosent speak taco language, i confirmed from a taco. He speaks something no one understands
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Old 02-02-2017, 04:47 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Drago-I View Post
U forget to add "moaning in alsius chat 24/7"...
No, Draggie ... saumya didn't ... that's MY job!

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Old 02-04-2017, 03:39 AM   #17
Elva Hunter
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Elva Hunter is on a distinguished road



+Name: Elva, aswell known as Elva Hunter, Elfa, Elve.

+Gender: Female

+Race: Half Elf

+Age: Apparently around 26 years

-Parents:Megan Gemny wood - Female Elf - Hunter
Kamael - Male Human - Farmer

+Overview: Hard-working, skilful and very talented

-Title: Hunter of Souls, The Power of Hunters. Founder of Elite of Syrtis clan and actual champion of Hunter class in Haven.

-Quote: Ofcourse i would not forget of "The Power of Hunters!" aha ^^ but there is sometthing that is for the new hunters (if there is any) who are starting now in the class, i said that on my last video and i will post here to try inspirate those who have choosen the hard way of be a hunter:
"The path of the hunter is hard...The more you become a true hunter...more you are hated. But it just shows that you are increasingly connected with the hunter that is withen you. Expand the boundaries and transcend them, control the mind of your enemy andbecome a predator". Elva, aura of eternity.

+Appearance: Elva has a medium size, green eyes, own a long hair which usualy she hide With hairstyles or cuts. The color of her hair now has the silver tone, just like her mother Megan. Elva has light-skinned, almost always varies clothing but has long been known for wearing a mini skirt and a long-sleeved blouse. She currently wears nightmare clothing, which suits her a lot and helps to ward off the tared ones of the central save lol

+Personality: Elva is very kind, everyone know this on her social circle. Kinda timid and innocent often, specially in those things related to computers ^^" but at first, she may can act defensively with you, maybe even be a bit rude while still do not trust on you. but after, if you be a bit patient and kind, you will found out the best person to have by your side in RO world, as friend and as partner of battle and who knows, as clan leader.

-Style: What to say?....she is simply beautiful....and get even more due it's natural dominance and power. All this in a semi-elf sometimes a little gwky and timid.

-Skills/Special Abilities: Walk and shot: the user manipulates the space of time between walk and shot to improve the time of reaction.
Auto Casting: The User makes his/her spells cast alone and automatically one after other to decrease the time of response of the char between each spell used.

Predict: Allow the user to know what his target will do or is going to do with a small time advatage, works against any class and any user, no matter if she have the visual of the foe or not.

Supremacy: The user makes an attack that gives almost or no chance of reaction for the foe, works on everykind of foe no matter the class or the user.

Control Range: Result of the fusion of Walk and Shot and Auto Casting, this ability allow the user to join and leave the limit range of the foe, allowing the user to join in the range, cast a spell and then leave the range once again forcing the foe to walk to try go allong the range.

Mental Timing: Not at all a special ability, but result of a large experience of battles, allow the user to know exacly when the spell of the foe and also his own spells will over, cutting some precious 000,00 seconds from the time of reaction.

Pet Dispel: No longer usable due the update , this ability could allow the pet to dispel stuns on the the pet user, exceptional for pvps but only worked in arenas.

Ghost Pet: No longer usable due the update could make the pet invisible even while attacking, exceptional for pvps but only worked in arenas.

Advanced Lineage: As a gift of being the daughter of Megan, Elva can improve her spells, abilities and techniques everytime she pass for a hard situation or when is defeated. this ability allow the user to improve significantly his/her abilities after a defeat, which means that the same attack or strategy hardly will work twice against her.

-Weaknesses/Problems: Thirst for killing: The very high self-confidence and the fact of she never have found a limit in terms of hunt and pvp makes she have problems with the thirst. She cannot control verywell the wish of hunt and kill....the feeling of join in a hard fight...this is really a problem because often this put her in situations in which most of the players would just go away or camo, but her instincts push her to fight even knowing that the enemy has numeric superiority for example. The feeling of after the harsh fight be the last one standing gives a pleasure impossible of describe to her.

Trees and Rocks: Even being from the wood elvens land, she often have problems with trees and rocks, because since most of the foes know her they avoid to fight directly with her, resorting to rocks and trees, to try get some advatage/protection. Elva's offensive style does not suit very well to this kind of fight, but unfortunatelly 90% of her 1v1s end up in a tree or rock because the foe ran to there.

+Motives/Goals: She promissed to one of the Gods of Syrtis, that she found once, to become the strongest hunter from the Haven's world. (Fulfilled)

-Occupation: She keeps searching for more informations about her family past...She still owns her parents property, but she avoid go there due bad memories. Elva works a professional hunter, in service of the Realm, hunting targets classified as "priority" for the Realm in the lands beyond Syrtis territory in which no one want to go alone and pull troops there would risk too many lives.

-Residence: Since there is currently no enemy representing a real danger to the kingdom, she is resting in the land of the elven gods waiting to be called.

-Trivia: haha there had many moments, but a screen shot speaks better than 100 words :P so...

over than 5 years of game, so much moments...so much memories...so much important persons...so much real friends. i feel god...^^

-Suggestion of song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmgvIWpVUwc

-Biography: on the followings post.

-Be strong, be strong, go ahead and do not stop ... do not look back ... there's nowhere to back, just go ahead and transcend your limits...

Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis

"in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"

Last edited by Elva Hunter; 02-04-2017 at 04:41 AM.
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Old 02-04-2017, 04:30 AM   #18
Elva Hunter
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Default Elva’s biography


Elva's past is Is very connected to events that took place during the revolution of the black elves, that gave rise to what we now know as the kingdom of Ignis.

She is the only daughter of Megan Gemny wood and Kamael. Megan was the commander of a small group of soldiers in service of the Realm, to be specific, in service and under the direct orders of Ancalimon Jadescribe.
She and her group was responsible for track and kill targets classified as "priority" for the Realm and which the regular troops could not kill easily without a massive cost of lives.

Kamael were a farmer, a common man who decided follow another way instead of joining the realm forces as soldier. His kind heart wasn't made to fight or kill, so he decided to be a farmer, owning a small property between Fisgael city and Korsum Town near the wind mills.

Megan and Kamael meet each other when a group of orcs attacked Kamael during the grazing of animals.. Megan saw him in trouble and right when the orc was going to slash him with it's axe, Megan pierced him with a sharp arrow through the orc's back that crossed his chest.

Kamael still scared, saw that beautiful female elf with long silver hair and the face covered by the sunlight stending the hand to him for he get up.
After sometime a baby born, was a girl, and they decided to name her of "Elva" which mean in the old idiom of the elves "A esperança do Reino". A name which had the meaning of much of what the Realm of Syrtis were needing on that epoch....Hope.

Ancalimon was with a weird behavior, the Realm had some serious defeats in the battle of bridge praire against the revolucionary force of slaves which made an alliance with the king of the dwarves with the sole pourpose of destroy Syrtis and get the head of the most important generals of this Realm. Many soldiers were dying. others were still being healed and needing some more recover and in addition to all this, there had rumors of an very powerfull hunter helping the Ignis group of slaves to find and kill without any mercy the generals from syrtis. Some were killed even while sleeping in their homes.

Due this, Megan was having one mission over another without time to rest, her group were already on its limit and already had lost 3 members.
and then one night....

During the dinner a wind blows in the window ... making fire from the fireplace flicker... Megan knows what it is ... And Kamael too since he had already gotten used to it.

Kamael - Come Elva, is time for sleep, daddy will tell you another history of the Legendary Megan and it's adventures.

with the small hand stended in the direction of Megan...

Elva: And mom?.... come mom...come..."
Kamael: "-Don't worry, soon she will come....
Elva: -"Before i realize and when i less expect?...
Kamael: - "exact my dear".

Megan goes out and from the shadows a voice says:

Elven Messenger: Miss Megan, i am so sorry for come at this time, but the Lord Ancalimon need you to present to him now. We already invited the others.

Megan get her feared bow "gemny bow" and fly on her griphon towards the castle of fisgael...

Megan kneels and says:

Megan: Lord Ancalimon you called?...
Ancalimon: Puf ahah Megan, Megan....Always so formal and focused...You know you don't need to do such things. How is the Baby?... Kind as the father and strong as the mother i guess.
Ancalimon: The pourpose of i call you here and your soldiers at this time is that we have informations of who is the hunter which is leading the group of Slaves against our members.
Megan: What!?...This is serious?...but he even seems to have been helped, his attacks are too precise, even seems that someone from inside is..."
Ancalimon: Megan!... Our informations are clear...forget this idea, we have a solid Realm here and there are no reasons to desconfiar.
Ancalimon: Now move with your group to the Swamp; Our informer said that he lays there with only 2 warriors to protect him. Your mission is, together with your group find and eliminate all of them.
Ancalimon: That's not an hard mission for you at all...Megan of Gemny wood.
Ancalimon: And Megan...if possible...bring me their heads...Your know...it's politic...for i show to our nobles that there is no longer reason to fear.
Megan: Understood sir.
Megan: "Ready girls?....Let's go!.


Galatea: Sir...ive seen mist....but like this one...and so cold...makes me wish to finish that mission fast and go back warm my bones with a beer in fisgael bar.
Megan: I know Galatea...but i suggest you to focus or this bear will have to wait for the next life.
Helen: haha huhuh Galatea...no beer for you today you blond drunk!
Galatea: grrr...
Helen: Here....130 n... 1 A 2 W....
Galatea: "Let's kill them fast, i want my beer and leave this place.
Megan: Carreful.
Megan: "There is! Galatea, distract the warrior from right, Helen, get the one from left, i will care of the hunter. Go!.
Galatea: What!!?...
Helen: OMg.....
Megan: how so....they are all under divine intervention?....but how?!...

-On this moment the ground start to tremble....a huge worm show up from the ground...It's Thorkul!!...the terrior of northen lands....and above him is the king of dwarves,....some ignis mages and more goats warriors show up from the hole which the huge worm digged.
The Slave Revolutionary force, using an ancient and lost dark magic, together with the ultgar's, managed to take control of the worm for a while, and they made the perfect trap to kill the last commander of Syrtis who was from the Age of the ancient elven Gods.

Helen: oh My God Megan, how....how this is possible?...how they knew about us?..
Megan: I don't know Helen...but if they hide inside the ground was for we don't be able to detect them. and they only could use such strategy if they had all sure that we were here.

Helen is on disispair and seems that will lose the control....then....

Galatea slap Helen and says...

Galatea: Come on....you always was the most inteligent from the group and and now will lose the control you baby fool?....
Galatea: Puf!....Seems that i will lose my beer!..
Megan: Girls...during all this time we fought together...we helped each other in the most harsh moments....so i don't feel in the right of ask anything else from you..."
Helen and Galatea: We know Megan!...you will always be our leader....Here....and in the Next Life.
Helen: you know that someone have to pass by them....and that we only have one chance...so...
Galatea: we will live whitin you Megan...
Megan: Girls no! we can do some other thing.
Helen: I am the smarter...you know that this is the only way!
Galatea: Was a honor sir, and a pleasure...

-With tears in the eyes Megan tightens her bow....and scream....

Megan: Let's Go!
Dwarven King: "Fools!!... Go, Smash them!

-The screen get white....faces screaming....eyes with faith...eyes with tears...a final blow and nothing else can be listened....just the silence....the silence of feelings...the silence of swamp...

After the dust lower,are noticed two elven archers fallen on the ground .... a mage of ignis had his head plucked out of his trunk. The other was nailed to a tree on the other side of the battlefield by an arrow ....
is seen yet Hunter of Ignis with an arrow on the Shoulder ... His Serpent was dead too, but it can still be revived ... But the griffin fallen beside him is gone.

And the dwarven king lived to see this and tell the story ... but not without bleed, with an arrow buried in his neck .... an arrow with the symbol of Gemny wood.

Warrior from ignis: Who were them?.... how 3 single female elves can do that?...
Ultgar Warrior: The last wine is always the most delicious...However, more expensive. Seems that "they" fulfiled their words about give those elves to us....

-The Hunter from Ignis ...Pulls the arrow from his shoulder and says:

Ignis Hunter: those are no longer a problem...but there is still who managed crawl to home.
Dwarven King: She wont live longer...

-The Hunter from Ignis licking the blood on the arrow that came off his shoulder then says:

Ignis Hunter: Yes...and i will make sure of this...


Megan ride to her house.
Kamael listen a noise...and when he open the door...there is Megan...and she falls on his arms.

Kamael: Megan!...Megan...what happened!!?....
Megan: A trap...it was a trap....From In...si..d...

-Megan fainted in the arms of Kamael, who stayed taking care o her secretly on their residence.
The news of the failed mission arrived at Ancalimon in the morning, which received it with some sadness and resignation, but at the same time with a conformism followed by ...

Ancalimom: "The commander is dead, and her group too, but this is no reason to hesitate, they would want us to go forward, with me as their lord and with a kingdom always strong and united."

-The tearful and still bewildered nobles of the kingdom see Ancalimon's speech as if it were that of their savior and savior of the Kingdom, diminishing the discontent of the nobles with him
"in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"

Last edited by Elva Hunter; 02-04-2017 at 02:47 PM.
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Old 02-04-2017, 04:31 AM   #19
Elva Hunter
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Elva Hunter is on a distinguished road


Megan: Where we are?...where is Elva?
Kamael: you need to rest my dear...you wounds still aren't recovered.
Megan: since when i am sleeping?...
Kamael: Since past night when you arrived.
Megan: we have to go! get Elva, let's get away!
Kamael: Megan lay, you cannot walk this way...your wounds will open again, plus is almost night, we can't walk with Elva around at night with you on this situation....the orcs will devour us, and you know that the first most hard here is yours, and you can't do nothing like this. so rest.
Megan: you don't understand kamael?....this was a trap!.
Kamael: what?!...
Megan: someone from inside the Realm...from inside Syrtis, gave us wrong informations, and sent us directly to a trap. Me...Helen....Galatea...

-Tears start to roll in large amounts from Megan eyes....
Megan: they killed them...Galatea...Helen....Haaaaaaa!!!!!!!
Kamael: Omg what exactly happened there my dear?....

Megan: (Crying) we were sent to swamp on past night. the mission assigned to us was to defeat the hunter from ignis who is leading the attacks to syrtis commanders. we were informed that there only had him and two warriors....but when we arrived there all of them were buffed....under divine intervention. and from the ground thorkul showed up....with a group of alsius and ignis and the dwarf king over thorkul. they were all hidding inside the group for don't allow us to track them. they knew we were there!
Kamael: Omg...and how come? how come thorkul has moved to swamp?...
Megan: i don't know...they commented about some kind of ancient magic from the past, which is lost nowadays. Anyway i don't think they gonna be able to use it once again...we killed the two dark elves which were using this spell , so this kind of gun never more will be used again against Syrtis.

-Then Elva join in the room...

Elva: Momy....you will be ok?...
Megan: I am already ok my elfe, just for see you.....come give me a hug.

-After this they had a dinner in familly and went sleep....
But far in the night Megan instincts awaken her....

Megan: Kamael! bring Elva and run from here. Go to Ulren Asir Village to our cottage, there a messenger will find you, it's silvia fast wind, she is trustable, ask her to contact seamus in fisgael he will care of you.
Kamael: i will never leave you Megan....don't ask me for don't fight this time!

-The door got broken in this moment, and then...

Hunter from Ignis: Oh ... What a cozy home.....And huh....look what i found...An gemny wood and her familly.
Megan: Haaaa....you insect!

-Megan is unarmed at this moment...but even so, charges towards the ignis hunter.

Hunter from Ignis: huh...what do you think that you can do with this broken body and without any weapon?....

-The two warriors who came with the hunter went to attack Megan, but Kamael shove both, they fell on the floor and kamael stayed there holding them, while Megan were advancing towards the hunter.

Ignis hunter: Cold blood! Take this! Die Megan Gemny wood!

-An powerfull arrow blasts Megan body...a direct shot which scatter blood in everywhere, Megan Falls to her knees near the hunter and vomits some blood, result of the attack....But...

Megan: Haa...aha...do you think?.....do you really think?....that i will fall with such kind of elementary blow?!!!...
Megan: Cold blood!!!
Ignis hunter: WHat?!!

-She takes off the arrow which was thrown on her body and with the cold blood actived enterra the arrow directly on the ignis hunter breast...piercing his armor like papel and his heart. his dark blood overspread around the room....

Ignis warrior 1: WHat?!
Ignis warrior 2: how she made that without a bow? only using bare hands!?.....
Ignis warrior 1: Unstoppable madness! Fulmination!
Ignis Warrior 2: Unstoppable Madness! Rage of the earth!
Kamael: Ha.....
Megan: Kamael!...
Megan: stunning first! Elva my dear....live....live...and become strong...our hopes are with you....and we love you!...
Kamael: take this you worms!

-Kamael charges once again, Even deadly hurted, into both ignis barbarians...

Kamael: Megan i love you....Elva...Daddy loves you...we gonna be with you...always...
Kamael: Fast Megan!...
Megan: Camouflage corpse!...

-Megan camoed the little elva which was lying on the floor crying, scared.
Elva: "Daddy...mom!!"

-Then Megan got the bow of the ignis hunter who had failed and casted her last destroying blow...

Ignis Warrior 1: I will not allow!! Typhon!
Ignis Warrior 2: Lighting Strike!
Megan: Son of the wind!,Cold blood, dirty fighting, Repetition Shot!!! "Live elva...live!.....we gonna be with you....Before you realize..."
Kamael: "...and when you less expect"....

-Elva with the little arm extended under the camouflage effects scream for her parents....
The arrows blow everything on the field....

The explosion of the attacks called the attention of everyone inside Syrtis....About the facts, the official news was that a group of revolutionary slaves from ignis were hidden inside syrtis since the past invasion, and attacked the farm of some villagers...but there had an explosion and everyone was given as dead.


Ignis Conjurer: Ressurection!...
ignis Hunter: ufs...Why did you take so long?...
Ignis conjurer: you who asked for i don't interrupt, and beyond that...be grateful....more a few seconds dead and i never more could raise you from the death again.
Ignis Hunter: are you saying that i have luck of be alive?....
Ignis conjurer: Who knows...this hole in your armor says something?...
Ignis Hunter: grr.....Shit...shut up... no! ...Don't touch it!. I still feel the cold of that arrow inside of my chest...
Ignis conjurer: Come....Our job here is done.
Ignis hunter: and the girl?....there had a little girl here...
Ignis conjurer: Look well....Those two on the floor....were the most powerful barbarians from Ignis...and are all in pieces now...you had lucky of still be entire, so i could res you. Do you really think that a small children would survive to this?...
Ignis Hunter: Enemy Surveillance.
Ignis conjurer: puf....
Ignis Hunter: "No tracks were found"....Yes...you must be right...nothing could survive...
Ignis conjurer: Come...let's teleport out from here....soon the trash elve army will show up, we don't need to abuse of their kindness.
Ignis conjurer: Teleport to central save!.


-The years passed and the little Elva raised....she was cared by silvia and Seamus and became a hunter. They never explained well to her about the past facts and Ancalimon got "happy" when came to his ears that a small shildren had survived to the attack in the farm...and that this girl was the daughter of Megan, he found a way to take some political advatage of this...showing to the nobles of the Realm the miracle...and that on his hands the Realm still had...


Elva now is a hunter. She still owns her parents property, but she avoid go there due bad memories.

The "Dark Years" of Syrtis seems that were left behind and now she works as a professional hunter, in service of the Realm, hunting targets classified as "priority" for the Realm in the lands beyond Syrtis territory in which no one want to go alone and pull troops there would risk too many lives.
She promissed to one of the Gods of Syrtis, that she found once, to become the strongest hunter from the Haven's world.

And for more weird that it seems....she still have dreams with her parents....and usually his mother show up to her on dreams teaching techniques and helping her...

She keeps searching for more informations about her family past...and as more she search more she feels that is joining in a mist...a misterious mist of syrtis that hide dangeours secrets...

Do you knew?: Elva's saying "The Power of Hunters" was inspirated in an Illidan Saying and she says this to prove that Hunter class is more than a merely support class. She want to show and make the Hunter class strong and respected around the RO world.

Do you knew?: She is one of the few, realy few players in Syrtis Haven which we can call as "pure blood" since she never made multi realming staying with her blood pure as Syrtian.
Do you knew?: Elva's main combo, and that after became the main combo of most of Raven/Haven Hunters, was developedin Raven's time, when she was trying to find a way to kill players such landroveu in a way fast and without give any or almost no one chance of reaction. Thank the hate on hunters in part to her ^^" haha
Do you knew? Before found the Elite of Syrtis Elva was from Forsaken but was betraied there and decided leave the clan, but not before kill the founder of Forsaken and the clan leaders in arena which was fun!. but due them she never got a draconic gem, even deserving :/

Best Regards,

Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis

"in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"

Last edited by Elva Hunter; 02-04-2017 at 05:40 AM.
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Old 02-04-2017, 06:21 AM   #20
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Elva found his forum for wall of texts, peace in some other threads for now
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