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Old 02-08-2018, 05:44 PM   #71
Join Date: May 2014
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I have antoher Idea and this is something only Adrian could answer:

Isnt it possible to just have the same Charakters on every Server? This would give us the possibility to choose to play where we want and wouldnt it give a balance after time has past by? *Just some random thought* (Dunno if this would fuck up the profit here, just suggesting)
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Old 02-08-2018, 05:45 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Yasar1 View Post
I have antoher Idea and this is something only Adrian could answer:

Isnt it possible to just have the same Charakters on every Server? This would give us the possibility to choose to play where we want and wouldnt it give a balance after time has past by? *Just some random thought* (Dunno if this would fuck up the profit here, just suggesting)
Farming bosses on Haven and Valhalla doing war on ra 😂
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Old 02-08-2018, 05:49 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Yasar1 View Post
Well after reading all this written today I get the point of slowing the conversation down. And I also discussed with a friend yesterday: If NGD is making a Europe and a US Server and lets everyone decide where to go, doesnt it most likely end up being the same as before? Dunno if I miss something here? Or is this about haven getting split into Ra and Valhalla?
Haven players would be able to choose Ra or Valhalla. If things were to go as of now. Note this is not in motion. These are just debates.
Haven ~ Daggers/Miles Long *Retired*
Ra ~ Cloaks/Elongated
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Old 02-08-2018, 07:42 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by Yasar1 View Post
I have antoher Idea and this is something only Adrian could answer:

Isnt it possible to just have the same Charakters on every Server?
I think this would be a mistake of massive proportions in regards to economies. Lets say they did this and then in 2 years decided to just merge all servers into one massive server. Those players still active who were here at the point of your idea would become excessively rich, doubling their wealth.

I say:

1.) Implement account wide surveys to determine where players would like to move to then display the results in game (make it a check box window to force them to confirm they are aware of the results).

2.) After the survey, post the results the same way (make it a check box window to force them to confirm they are aware of the results), now give them a month to discuss with their clans etc.

3.) Present choice to switch to server of their choice (Account wide obviously), after selection has been made, NGD initiates a transfer count down clock for the account in which time, the account is in lock down (Unusable until transferred). If the account holder changes their mind and unchecks the server choice, the clock ends and the process starts over until eventually the server(s) being evacuated are dead.

I for one look forward to moving to RA should it occur and I speak ZERO Spanish and have no desire to learn it. There are enough players that speak English for me to feel comfortable and the player count simply crushes Haven.

My only concern in this merge for myself and others would be...

I have an Ignis RA account and a Syrtis Haven account. Will any of my characters be required to be deleted/zero'd out or could this just be a raw lateral move of all my characters to one RA split account?

What about those users who chose to play the same realm on 2 servers, will they be required to purchase something to expand the character limits or will they be required to downsize their character count?

Last edited by Akinraze; 02-08-2018 at 08:31 PM.
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Old 02-08-2018, 09:56 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Akinraze View Post
...My only concern in this merge for myself and others would be...

I have an Ignis RA account and a Syrtis Haven account. Will any of my characters be required to be deleted/zero'd out or could this just be a raw lateral move of all my characters to one RA split account?

What about those users who chose to play the same realm on 2 servers, will they be required to purchase something to expand the character limits or will they be required to downsize their character count?
I can not, will not, & do not speak for NGD on any policy-decisions, but ... if the past is indeed prologue, Akinraze, then all of the previous CoR server-mergers most likely point out the way of things in this matter ... afaik, NO previous server-merger has ever required the deletion of existing accounts, or required/allowed realm-transfers of existing accounts, or required the xim-purchase of an 'additional characters' package for existing accounts....

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Old 02-08-2018, 11:14 PM   #76
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Just few words, after hearing on Discord syrtis player saying
"I would sell out and quit"

I think you guy are getting too much excited about selling boss items for real money.
Adrian didn't see if these items would NOT be "account bound" after transfer.

You would need to grind multiple 60 lvl characters to sell these weapons/rings with a whole account, and than it could still be account bound so pretty much hard to sell.

I bet it would be still interesting to have transfer option, but maybe less noise in conversation spinned up by item owners ?


P.S I would like more people in this discussion who don't have multiple boss OP items. Just to have some balance and clear thought, not just selling items oriented, but do we really want it for fun ?
I don't even know if my computer can handle suddenly 10x more players, it pretty much lags on the bosses already. I never played Ra so I can't tell if I would enjoy it.

How about forced merge, but all items locked to account ? Would you still want it ? I am sure guys who are TRUELY after ra because bigger population, wouldn't mind

Last edited by Mashu; 02-08-2018 at 11:25 PM.
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Old 02-08-2018, 11:25 PM   #77
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Have one American and one European server.

Allow accounts access to both but with a cd for changing to prevent fast switching (which could be bad) and maybe a low xim cost as well.

At same time rise max lvl to 65 and fix the inconsistencies caused by the lvl 60 rise, give useful stats to new dragon gear and buff the new boss gear accordingly.

- Aniara, Lock wm - Tendercare, Conju wm - Mr Noon, Barb wm - Easter Bunny, Mark wm - Red Riding Hood, Hunter wm - Brand Af Gokstad, Knight wm -
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Old 02-09-2018, 01:10 AM   #78
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come back for a week or two and haven is totally trashed now....shup i really have perma quit lolz

read this thread about this merge and that move and about this problem and that problem.....

cannot believe none of you have considered this.....

turbo boost haven and valhalla.offer unique rewards and incentives to not only retain new players but draw back players who left for RA.

Incentives so great that the population explodes.you DONT cut back the number of servers,thats very poor business.you make the servers you have better and your product better able to compete with the competition and attractive to new players with new player growth the focus of almost everything you do.

NGD if you merge any server you lose two to make one.then down the track another merge happens because you have not addressed the core issues as to why player numbers are down.you have just placed a band-aid on the wound.
Jesus is the way,the truth,the life!
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Old 02-09-2018, 02:58 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by -Aniara- View Post
Have one American and one European server.

Allow accounts access to both but with a cd for changing to prevent fast switching (which could be bad) and maybe a low xim cost as well.

At same time rise max lvl to 65 and fix the inconsistencies caused by the lvl 60 rise, give useful stats to new dragon gear and buff the new boss gear accordingly.

Ok, gamemod has just deleted my post because it must have been so offensive x'D. I repeat with better words: I dont find it posible according to the game's situation to rise max lvl to 65. We still need balance updates, and much more things and rising lvls is the last of them. (obviously in my opinion)
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Old 02-09-2018, 05:46 AM   #80
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MMO genre is declining and mastodonts like WoW fell from 15M+ to like 5M active user base. I'm sure RO is in decline too and NGD knows it.

Please no more level raises - level 60 was enough pain to grind to. Merge the servers, fix the anomalies and bugs, balance and fix useless spells and you will have small but happy and stable community.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE
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