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Old 02-29-2008, 08:34 PM   #41
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El bicho..digo el bug está arreglado, no tiene sentido seguir con ésto.

The bug .. say the bug has been fixed, it makes no sense to continue with this.
Bern: conjurador - Tabanito: cazadora
Adan Buenosayres: brujo - Pepe Cortisona: bárbaro

honeste vivere - suum cuique tribuere - alterum non laedere
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Old 03-02-2008, 10:07 PM   #42
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hello everyone and sorry for speaking english

This thread being about domino harvey and me being his leader for a long time now (since beta) I am going to controverse you all and say that he has never cheated. He is as much a cheater as I am, and I know for sure he has not abused bugs ever or anything of that sort. And I will defend him to the bitter end.
I will keep the evidence of why he did not cheat in my mind though and ask you all to believe me instead.

As a sidenote the rp bug you are all talking about (which sucks that some people complain about it so much) does not even exist, the only bug there is is that it doesn't show up in the combat log, I have tested it and it seems the information does get sent to the database just not shown in your combat log.

Believing me or not is of course your choise, but please... do not call my clanmate and beerdrinking mate a cheater without REAL evidence, showing that you didn't get rp in your combat log is not enough.
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Old 03-02-2008, 10:14 PM   #43
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ami me hico lo mismo, le estava pegando (no estava ni leveando, estava con vida i mana supongo al maximO) le mepeze a atacar, corrio i derepente.... que sucedio? se lo imajinan? NO, no lo mate, mato el proceso, pense que cojio el teleporter, pero no lo hico, al otro lado no havia nada i entre parejo con el... si no quiere dar rps que no vaya a zg, yo m lo imajino cuando el sea el "cazador" i sus presas usen eso que dira el? no lo quiero ni imajinar... fatal esa actitud


P.D: aunque no se lo crean fue despues de la ultima actu, el savado o el viernes me sucedio
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Old 03-02-2008, 11:15 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by m_i_k_i_
ami me hico lo mismo, le estava pegando (no estava ni leveando, estava con vida i mana supongo al maximO) le mepeze a atacar, corrio i derepente.... que sucedio? se lo imajinan? NO, no lo mate, mato el proceso, pense que cojio el teleporter, pero no lo hico, al otro lado no havia nada i entre parejo con el... si no quiere dar rps que no vaya a zg, yo m lo imajino cuando el sea el "cazador" i sus presas usen eso que dira el? no lo quiero ni imajinar... fatal esa actitud


P.D: aunque no se lo crean fue despues de la ultima actu, el savado o el viernes me sucedio
ajaja si es una pena de jugador, de la pocas veces que voy a cazar con el cazador por syrtis, me lo encontré por casualidad,:

Estaba con un barbaro, no había teleport, solo rocas o objetos del mapa en " que cubrirse", pues bien cuando se dio cuenta de nuestra presencia, el chico se puso detrás de una roca, pensando que se iba a camuflar, le ataque inmediatamente ( había pasado solo 2 seg desde que se paro), pues no, igualmente desaparecio, rastrea por si acaso y nada:

Conclusion, le cogimos desprevenido, se puso detrás de un roca, en ese tiempo abrió el administrador de tareas, y cerro el proceso

Es el jugador mas penoso que he visto, bien que no de puntos, pero su reputación estará por -500 ya
El chico que le defiendo, es un cara dura, por dios:

Le sacaron un video en el que se veia claramente que desaparecia y encima tiene la caradura de decir que crasheo?

Si es un crash, el pj tardara 18 seg en salir del RO
Si cerro el proceso, tardara menos de 4 seg, y en el video, desaparecio en menos de 4 seg

Sobre la excusa de si revivio rapido...:

En tal caso 1º te sale: Has matado a x persona, pero claro no te salen los puntos, PERO SALE, Has matado a x persona

Ademas cuando me lo iso a mi, fue despues de la actualizacion, cuando has de esperar x tiempo para revivir

Last edited by Jack-GM; 03-02-2008 at 11:51 PM.
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Old 03-02-2008, 11:40 PM   #45
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a mi me asombra la cara que tienen algunos, se presentan fotos, testimonios, y hasta videos(la prueba final) y aun asi lo sigen defendiendo, se qeu es su amigo, pero las pruebas son concluyentes,

p.d. alguien sabe si le han puesto un ban?
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Old 03-03-2008, 12:56 PM   #46
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El Lider de su clan lo sigue defendiendo, en su última respuesta dice que no existe el bug de no dar RPs reviviendo rápido o usando desconectar. La verdad, lamentable.

Originally Posted by Angelwinged_Devil
hello everyone and sorry for speaking english

This thread being about domino harvey and me being his leader for a long time now (since beta) I am going to controverse you all and say that he has never cheated. He is as much a cheater as I am, and I know for sure he has not abused bugs ever or anything of that sort. And I will defend him to the bitter end.
I will keep the evidence of why he did not cheat in my mind though and ask you all to believe me instead.

As a sidenote the rp bug you are all talking about (which sucks that some people complain about it so much) does not even exist, the only bug there is is that it doesn't show up in the combat log, I have tested it and it seems the information does get sent to the database just not shown in your combat log.

Believing me or not is of course your choise, but please... do not call my clanmate and beerdrinking mate a cheater without REAL evidence, showing that you didn't get rp in your combat log is not enough.
I am not taking sides, watching the video I don't think there is something to argue about. But I must inform this:
The bug existed. It is supposed to be fixed now.

It reads:
- Fixed: The bug related to Realm Points not being obtained when we kill an enemy player has been fixed. Lost Realm points on disconnection fixed as well.
Escribo lo que pienso. Acertado o errado, no es nada mas que una opinión.
Dwin Lo, Brujo - Armadillo Azul, Caballero - Avispón Azul, Tirador / Lista de Aventuras de Alsius
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Old 03-03-2008, 01:15 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Angelwinged_Devil
I will keep the evidence of why he did not cheat in my mind though and ask you all to believe me instead.
Lets count the evidence.

He is not a cheater:
-Evidence in your mind.

He is a cheater:
-The video showing the cheat.
-The other video showing what happens when he REALLY dies.
-The people posting here, half of them saw him cheating.
-The fact that there were no RPs.
-The fact that there were no "You have killed Necromant Harvey" sign.
-Many test that proves that the only way possible to disappear like that is killing the process.


Originally Posted by Traducido_de_Angelwinged_Devil
Me voy a guardar en mi mente la evidencia de que no es un buguero y les voy a pedir que me crean en cambio.
Contemos la evidencia:

No es un buguero:
-Evidencia en la cabeza de Angelwinged_Devil

Es un buguero:
-El video que lo muestra abusando del bug.
-El video que muestra que pasa cuando realmente muere.
-La gente que postea acá, la mitad lo vió hacer trampa.
-El hecho de que no haya habido RPs.
-El hecho de que no apareció el cartel de "Has matado a Necromant Harvey".
-Muchas pruebas que aseguran que la única forma de desaparecer de esa manera es matando el proceso.
Autarkis .................................... Adamantita Drow
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Old 03-03-2008, 01:18 PM   #48
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Did I miss something? I am starting to believe you know he is a cheater and you are defending him anyway. Can you make a video showing that is possible to do that without cheating?
Until then, please stop defending a cheater or check your data. I am sorry for your clan, but for me (and for many) is tained now. Not only for having cheaters, but for defending them.


Me olvide de algo? Estoy empezando a creer que vos sabes que es un buguero y lo defendes igual. Podés hacer un video mostrando que es posible desaparecer así sin hacer trampa?
Hasta entonces, por favor dejá de defender a un buguero o revisá tus datos. Lo siento por tu clan, pero para mi (y para muchos) está manchado. No sólo por tener a bugueros, sinó por defenderlos.
Autarkis .................................... Adamantita Drow
Vástago del Infierno ...................... Brillando desde la Oscuridad del Abismo
Kindred of Hell .............................. Shining from the Darkness of the Abyss
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Old 03-03-2008, 07:42 PM   #49
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I'm very sorry for my english again , but well

Originally Posted by Darkblue
Did I miss something? I am starting to believe you know he is a cheater and you are defending him anyway. Can you make a video showing that is possible to do that without cheating?
Until then, please stop defending a cheater or check your data. I am sorry for your clan, but for me (and for many) is tained now. Not only for having cheaters, but for defending them.
you are calling him a cheater without evidence, I know what my data is and you have only seen this video, I have met him in real life and I live in Denmark. If I had ever cheated you would know

Originally Posted by darkblue
He is not a cheater:
-Evidence in your mind.

He is a cheater:
-The video showing the cheat.
-The other video showing what happens when he REALLY dies.
-The people posting here, half of them saw him cheating.
-The fact that there were no RPs.
-The fact that there were no "You have killed Necromant Harvey" sign.
-Many test that proves that the only way possible to disappear like that is killing the process.
it's not evidence "in my mind" I don't know if you ever heard of Demon Monger, as you may know he's able to cheat but does not do it, I know what happens in that video because he told me, and that's a bug which seems to be fixed now.
people posting here is also evidence in their minds and can't be used,
he didn't kill the process he died like everyone else, the character got rp it was just not shown in the combat log. I have Tested this myself a day where there were only me and a couple of low levels not in the war zone, I counted my rps (for once) I took count of all the people I killed and the clan rps seems to fit with the number of people I killed who didn't seem to give any rps in the combat log

I am not taking sides, watching the video I don't think there is something to argue about. But I must inform this:
The bug existed. It is supposed to be fixed now.
yeah, changelog is written in english too
but I have never seen anything regarding the rp bug, only people whining about the rp not showing up in the combat log, but the database "did" get updated with rp, I have no testproof though only my word.

on a sidenote some people say that even after this update they didn't get rps from some people (says teh combat log) apparently it's some spells/powers inteferring with it. Although the ones who died when I was testing was before the update and everyone I didn't get rp from (in the combat log) rezzed superfast.

So unless you give me a video where he flies away, runs faster than allowed or kills you with one arrow in a video, don't tell me he's a cheater please and don't call me one either.

Take care
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Old 03-03-2008, 08:12 PM   #50
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traduccion please

el traductor google lo hace fatal

ah, a mi me lo hizo como 2 veces, medio ignis lo vio
pero parece que no se comento en el foro en ingles

auqnue lo poco que entendi, sigue metiendo por el las manos al fuego, pobrecito, se va a quemar
el problema NO es que no de RPS, sino que no MUERE, es frustrante eso!

To be understood, medium ignis saw him, and he is a dirty bugger

PD, creo que deberiamos traer en nuestros rangos de clan, necromant sucio buggero
procrastinadores y perezosos del mundo , unios hoy!!..... no... mejor mañana
Desearia que el RO tuviera integracion con el FB para asi estar en el chat mientras juego..... ok no
Habia dos EMOS bebiendo en un bar, y cuando inicio la hora feliz se levantaron y se fueron
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