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View Poll Results: Which class is most overpowered?
Warlocks 27 23.28%
Marksmen 18 15.52%
Conjurors 5 4.31%
Knights 4 3.45%
Hunters 23 19.83%
Barbarians 21 18.10%
General Warriors 2 1.72%
General Mages 1 0.86%
General Archers 15 12.93%
Voters: 116. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 04-11-2008, 11:09 PM   #251
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Not all marksmen are as effective in hunting as him, after all he is one of the best marksmen there is.

He is very good at conserving his mana and using spells and defense at the right times
Valour Mutiny Wra Nohadon Thirteen Valourious
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Old 04-11-2008, 11:09 PM   #252
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Originally Posted by Valorius
Yeah, 80% more armor!

And oh, yeah, about double the offensive firepower a hunter has too. And almost 25% more range. And because they share the evasion tree with hunters, they can have darn near as much speed.

Yep...Marksmen aren't overpowered at all. (dripping wet sarcasm)
Less Sudden strike ? For a warlock with Infuriate(5) it's -55% armor (and -30 conc).

Despite the fact that setup sucks, a warlock can "cancel" a marks extra protection(5 to all) with element exposure(5) added to infuriate (that reduces resist damage, not armor points, even more evil... goodbye acrobatics ^^). + mana burn + magma blast + vamprism + sk... who ignores armor.

I think i don't have to make you a scheme about what class is overpowered when it comes to transform an ennemy to some dead meat
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Old 04-11-2008, 11:12 PM   #253
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Originally Posted by Valour
Not all marksmen are as effective in hunting as him, after all he is one of the best marksmen there is.
He's not bad, but he doesn't exactly do anything fancy either.

He's just indestructible.

As i said, my normal arrows do 40dmg per attack, and a lvl 50 orc pet does 50 dmg per attack. My lvl 4 dual shot was doing about 120-150dmg per attack.

Meanwhile, once the marksman hits you with death sentence, even base arrows with recharged can kill you in a matter of seconds.

Trust me, i am not making this up.

Originally Posted by sathilda
Less Sudden strike ? For a warlock with Infuriate(5) it's -55% armor (and -30 conc).

Despite the fact that setup sucks, a warlock can "cancel" a marks extra protection(5 to all) with element exposure(5) added to infuriate (that reduces resist damage, not armor points, even more evil... goodbye acrobatics ^^). + mana burn + magma blast + vamprism + sk... who ignores armor.
I have no problems with warlocks. I beat lvl 50 warlocks at least 1/2 the time. (which is a good indicator that hunters and warlocks are well balanced)

Originally Posted by sathilda
I think i don't have to make you a scheme about what class is overpowered when it comes to transform an ennemy to some dead meat
I have no idea what that sentence is attempting to convey.
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Old 04-11-2008, 11:16 PM   #254
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I know the damage ratios for marksman/hunter..

But use of things like sudden strike, confuse, speed reduction, sotw, pet and beastial wrath would certainly knock my marksman down cause I'd be wasting my mana as attacks get evaded by the hunters evasion :/
Valour Mutiny Wra Nohadon Thirteen Valourious
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Old 04-11-2008, 11:20 PM   #255
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Originally Posted by Valour
I know the damage ratios for marksman/hunter..

But use of things like sudden strike, confuse, speed reduction, sotw, pet and beastial wrath would certainly knock my marksman down cause I'd be wasting my mana as attacks get evaded by the hunters evasion :/
The "defensive" Marksmen has all the same evasion rate as a hunter PLUS 80% more armor.

AND more powerful attacks. It's a defensive hunter on super-duper steroids.

Sudden strike- Marksman has it
Confuse- marksman has it
Speed reduction- marksman has it
SOTW- marksman has it
Beastial wrath- makes your pet super easy to kill. A marksman can just go SOTW and tear it to pieces with recharged arrows with ease. If you skin of the beast, then beastial, he can counter with death sentence/SOTW, if neccesary.

Once the pet is dead, you're stuck with a 40dmg per attack base attack, and a 120-150 dmg per attack spell attack, while he's nailing you with 400-500hp dmg recharged arrows (or worse).
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Old 04-11-2008, 11:20 PM   #256
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Originally Posted by Valorius
I have no idea what that sentence is attempting to convey.
You should... i'm bored to see you running away if i have the good luck that you don't resist to my dear infuriate (5) !

Hunters have no powerful spell but a few one on tricks (caltrop's arrow is bad ass, confuse is nice despite the fact that hunters seems to hate it...), all is based on the players' way of playing.

Warlocks are the opposite with a proper setup and, i agree on that, not alone.
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Old 04-11-2008, 11:23 PM   #257
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I use caltrips (LOVE that spell) and confuse.

A lot of hunters seem to not cast confuse on warlocks, thinking it's not worth it. (DMC for one doesn't see the use of confuse at all, he's told me as much). I personally think it's a great spell for use on warlocks cause it shuts down the locks ability to cast his defensive shield and some of his non damage causing offensive spells. Like infuriate. :-P
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Old 04-11-2008, 11:42 PM   #258
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Wait valorius are you saying both barbs and marks are overpowered?...
Seems to me you got to learn to play your class better....
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Old 04-12-2008, 04:31 AM   #259
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too bad this isn't a pvp game but it's an rvr game. most classes do just fine vs. marksman. Sorry that hunters can't pwn every class. it's fucking goddamn pathetic that people with multiple getaway skills have to come whine about a class that isn't leading rps in the game.

go gank lowbie levellers at the enemy gates, with your IWIN camo that gives you the get out of jail free. let's discuss the combination of the evasion tree, perma speed and camo, shall we?
Columba, Noob Marksman

Last edited by ljwolfe; 04-12-2008 at 04:43 AM.
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Old 04-12-2008, 05:49 AM   #260
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just had 20 evades in a row vs a hunter and he did not have sotw up. most overpowered class again?

p.s. 30+ shots evaded, blocks or hitting for 0. in a row. overpowered? at least hunters can send the pet in when the anti archery iwin spells go up.
Columba, Noob Marksman

Last edited by ljwolfe; 04-12-2008 at 06:39 AM.
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