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Old 08-02-2008, 06:13 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Rated_R_Edge
Its because we had no choice, we grew up in this server because there was no other, because of that we bonded. Im just suprised alot of people are staying now, when if you look in suggestion there is alot of suggestions concerning English only servers and channels

I had a choice between Ra and german server. I decided for Ra.
dwarfen sniper pts Cumeri Tarenes and Hunti
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Old 08-02-2008, 06:14 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by Inkster
Cheese answer me this, you as you said do not speak Spanish so what made you decide this game is awesome (which i agree it is)

It would be the same for new user i would have thought

Imo the best part of this game is the community within the game regardless of where they live or what language they speak

(still not moving to new server)
becuz when i started this game..i didnt know it was a spanish and i joined late at night...and i started talking to like DMC...and Yo Mamma...
and they got me into a clan fast...so i just kept at it..
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Old 08-02-2008, 06:15 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by CHeesE_13
becuz when i started this game..i didnt know it was a spanish and i joined late at night...and i started talking to like DMC...and Yo Mamma...
and they got me into a clan fast...so i just kept at it..
Thats usually how it is, if you find a way to survive as a new guy you stick around, and you instantly become different
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Old 08-02-2008, 06:20 PM   #84
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i plan on moving to the new server also so i can help the "new guy"... but i have mixed feelings about copying everythign from RA to the new server...
i mean all the hard work...i dont want it to go to waste...
but than there is the whole new start thing...make a name for yourself...ect ect.
(i cuold be the frist one on the new server to get 100 rp, thats just something that u can brag about for forever )

so at this point im going to say...im going to be bak and frouth between both servers.
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Old 08-02-2008, 06:30 PM   #85
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I am also going to the new server and start all over again once its online, so whoever is going to start all over again, see you there!

My clan is also moving there to.

I am still hoping NGD allow us to do the character migration to the new server.

Last edited by Wyatt; 08-02-2008 at 08:15 PM.
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Old 08-02-2008, 06:49 PM   #86
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As far as the discussion went I'm noticing people more concerned in making their packages then in identifying what are the real problems that Ra might, possibly, have (and which motivates the migration).

Or the truth is you want a new world where you are unquestionable masters of newbs? At least for the beginning months, then the same reasons that made some of you to move will eventually repeat themselves...

Lets put the hypothesis of NGD allowing characters migration (by deleting them on Ra and moving them to the new server by request) but at the same time of a total fiasco on the players growth on the new server (either because it's damn hard to grind, either because the market of english speaking consumers are rich enough to play a zillion of other MMORPG, either because the first time the newcomers went to WZ they were utterly slaughtered by players whose experience and gear is only achieved by continuous months of "hard work" and hot-fixes craziness). Eventually the players who migrated would find themselves killing each other until perpetual boredom, question is, will you wine to come back to Ra again?

Probably NGD has the numbers of the non-"holas" rate of inscriptions observed in the last months and the new server will, and I sincerely hope so for NGD's sake, grow strive and strong. What I fail to understand is this "abandon the ship" motivation that many of you exhibit.

As a final note, both mechanisms exist in MMORPG (account per server, and multiple-server per account), but if NGD never (so far) allowed realm transfer (as proposed in the past as a premium item) why should they allow server transfer? And the german servers work, if I'm not mistaken, on the account per server basis...

Prepare yourselves to grind ^^ .

(I stay, not that concerns anyone, but I'm already on the next lvl, after learning to write "aca" I'm learning how to say "aca" . TS ftw).
The sound of the Gion Shōja bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sāla flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline. The proud do not endure, they are like a dream on a spring night; the mighty fall at last, they are as dust before the wind.
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Old 08-02-2008, 06:51 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by Signatus
What I fail to understand is this "abandon the ship" motivation that many of you exhibit.
Some of us are bored and are just looking for fun
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Old 08-02-2008, 07:29 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by theotherhiveking
message for Znurre and the others in the Valhalla clan.. Tell me you WONT move to the new server T_T
I won't move , and I'm rather sure that at least the high lv won't move either. But I fear that some English speaking people might do. Or as old people stop playing and new players will perhaps rather join the new server, the English speaking community on RA could eventually more or less die out. Anyway maybe time to learn more Spanish then :/
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Old 08-02-2008, 07:29 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Signatus
Eventually the players who migrated would find themselves killing each other until perpetual boredom
I allready find myslef killing the same person over and over again to be honest I would never get bored of fighting the same people each time would be a challage you would learn that opponant how they fight and how to try counter them

oh btw


From all currently online members of INQ
No account transfer no moveing. We dont think that countless hours of repetitive griding should have to be repeated for the sake of getting our own server NO i dont think that all the new players on the english server will be killed all the time by us by the time we are killing them they will have also earned there equipment and learned how to play also if you start everyone CLANLESS on lvl 1 then it would take a long time for any clans to show up dureing which time we would all be lost...
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Old 08-02-2008, 07:52 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by Signatus

well said, I cannot understand the "abandon the ship" motivation either. But it's most probably because people want to rule over others...and on a new server it's more aesy to do....

as for german servers: A Gamigo account allows you to join both german servers, Ra and Amun. You can play in Alsius on Ra, play in Ignis on Niflheim and in Syrtis in Muspelheim for example. So you have an seperated account on every server, no dual log and no character transfer from one server to another one.
dwarfen sniper pts Cumeri Tarenes and Hunti
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