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Old 09-11-2008, 06:26 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by ciduletu
WTF!!! i cant belive that i just received a 1575 critical, a 904 balestra( lvl 4) and a 1028 gutting(lvl 1). Why do we get to lvl 50? So we can be killed like a lvl 5?

Jajjajajajajjajajajajajjajajajajjajajajjajajajajaj jajajaja DDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!

Poor Soke... Poor Soke.... He only attack (?)
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:43 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Rated_R_Edge
thats... the POINT

Valorius, how can you call Spiritual Blow, the ONLY ranged move that a barbarian has overpowered?
Because it is.

Originally Posted by Rated_R_Edge
FFS man get a life! Everything is overpowered to you!
Personal attack.

Originally Posted by Rated_R_Edge
The cooldown is fine, and its only 8 range, its used usually only 1 time in an actual situation. And thats when the target runs away on low hp, (aaaaaah its usually what finishes you yeah? so thats why its overpowered, because Valorius can't run away in peace)
Because it is.

Spear attacks are ranged attacks too, btw.

I have had many fights with barbs that last 2-3 minutes. In such fights barbs can cast Spiritual blow up to 6 times if they wish...for up to 1000+ dmg per attack. Overpowered. How NGD came up with the idea that the fastest class in the game should have a 1000+dmg ranged attack, but the slowest fighter class(and 2nd slowest class in game) should have no ranged attack, boggles the mind. Knights are the ones that should have spiritual blow, barbs should have no ranged attack but their spear and their massive speed.
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:47 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Valorius
(barbs have a ranged attack that routinely does 1000dmg+), and have low damage(barbs do more than double the dmg of a knight, hit by hit).
To say that this is routine is a massive distortion of the facts.

Never once has my barb done this kind of dmg with spiritual blow.

Maybe one day he will on a DS'd target, but that does not make it routine.

Originally Posted by Valorius
Barb damage is blatantly out of control, especially spiritual blow and SC.
I agree about s/c - most people do. Spiritual blow, no way out of control.

Originally Posted by Valorius
Barbs do have some very good protection spells as well, btw. I have seen my arrow dmg reduced all the way down to 80 per arrow against 'full defense' build barbarians.
To do this a barb sacrifices dmg.

There is a simple reason you suffer badly from barbs and complain they are overpowered: it's because you use a no-pet set up.

Without a pet you will probably suffer from barbs more than any other class, because your trump card 'confuse' does little to affect their ability to fight.

Sure a barb can kill a pet quickly. But not before you ambush him, stun fist him and you and the pet have took much of his hp. With escapist and sotw you can finish him easily.

I have never had a big problem with barbs, and neither do the pet using hunters i know.

It's just you Val, or rather your set up.

It is not fair and is extrememely vain of you to call for a class to be nerfed because the set up you use is bad against it.

(BTW weren't you finished with the forums?)
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:57 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Valorius
I never said they could?

What are you talking about? Perhaps you should re-read my post.
I am talking about this, maybe you should re-read your own posts.
Originally Posted by Valorius
(barbs have a ranged attack that routinely does 1000dmg+)
I assume you mean Spirtual Blow, because it's the only damaging attack we have with range, if you don't count the areas.
It can cause damage on range 10.5 if you use a spear.

I hope that you are aware of that the damage I cause to you when you are fully buffed will not exceed 500 damage/hit, which also applies to Spiritual Blow because it is 100% weapon damage, which is the same as your Ensnaring Arrows, which you can use more often and from range 30.
Winning a fight is not what makes you a good player, it's how you do it.
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:57 PM   #35
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Barbs are only the "fastest" in the game for 30 seconds at a time ._. And they can help allies become the "fastest" for the same amount of time. Hunters have a passive-never-runs-out speed boost lol

Barbs are meant to hit high. Every class has things they are good at and things they are bad against. It's crazy how everyone is accusing all the other classes of being overpowered. And quite tiring to read all of the rants and such haha

The beauty of Regnum is figuring out how to counter and overcome these things ^^ And if you can't do that....Deal with it =] (like evade rates/etc)
Even in the heart of darkness shines a dream of light.
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Old 09-11-2008, 07:06 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Valorius
Overpowered. How NGD came up with the idea that the fastest class in the game should have a 1000+dmg ranged attack, but the slowest fighter class(and 2nd slowest class in game) should have no ranged attack, boggles the mind. Knights are the ones that should have spiritual blow, barbs should have no ranged attack but their spear and their massive speed.
Then you should just quit the game or play the overpowered class finnaly. Afaik the only class you've ever seriously layed hands on was the hunter. That makes your argument have little value, but NO, if Valorius insisits something is overpowered it MUST be overpowered. Almost everyone disagrees with it, but of course you must be right!

its IRRELEVANT to the topic. Do you own that word or something? Why don't you Copyright it.

This is irrelevant © Valorius Rageway 2008 to the topic!

Barbs are fast? Yeah, but you speak as if we ran at 50% speed 24/7 and had infinite mana

Originally Posted by LunarSeraph
The beauty of Regnum is figuring out how to counter and overcome these things ^^ And if you can't do that....Deal with it =] (like evade rates/etc)
Thats totally right, there is no perfect setup for all classes, Valorius fails to see that, more over he's mad because the current setup he uses can't destroy his opponents at times.

Originally Posted by makarios68
It's just you Val, or rather your set up.

It is not fair and is extrememely vain of you to call for a class to be nerfed because the set up you use is bad against it.

Originally Posted by Valorius
[...] It's what hunters do.
Errr you mean its what you do, or at least you try, then if you don't make it you start a thread how you died. So try again.

Last edited by Rated_R_Edge; 09-11-2008 at 07:26 PM.
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Old 09-11-2008, 11:08 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by makarios68
To say that this is routine is a massive distortion of the facts.

Never once has my barb done this kind of dmg with spiritual blow.
I have screen shots if i go through them. It's not uncommon at all to get hit for 1000 dmg spiritual blow if you get caught unbuffed or mindsquashed and try to run.

Originally Posted by makarios68
There is a simple reason you suffer badly from barbs and complain they are overpowered: it's because you use a no-pet set up.
I have killed virtually every barb in regnum in 1 on 1s in my time playing, i don't know why you think i 'suffer badly' from them. They are my hardest class to face, but i still kill quite a few of them.

Originally Posted by makarios68
Without a pet you will probably suffer from barbs more than any other class, because your trump card 'confuse' does little to affect their ability to fight.
If you confuse a barb unbuffed, they're doomed, and very quickly with my setup. Ask Znurre.

Originally Posted by makarios68
Sure a barb can kill a pet quickly. But not before you ambush him, stun fist him and you and the pet have took much of his hp. With escapist and sotw you can finish him easily.
I see pets 1 hit killed by barbs every day in skirmishes. Before the pet lands a single blow. Ambush is resisted, and your pet is gone. And then you're just a very, very weak archer.

We have one lvl 50 barb in our clan in particular that openly ridicules pets.

Originally Posted by makarios68
I have never had a big problem with barbs, and neither do the pet using hunters i know.
I see pet using hunters get owned by our lvl 50 barbs in our clan every day. Several times. Albereth and Athena are both quite adept at the skill of killing pet using hunters.

Originally Posted by makarios68
It's just you Val, or rather your set up.
As i said, i kill lots of barbs in 1 on 1s and otherwise.

Originally Posted by makarios68
It is not fair and is extrememely vain of you to call for a class to be nerfed because the set up you use is bad against it.
It is extremely silly to assume that's the case since you really know very little about my setup, or how to play it.

And seriously, to deny that barbs are overpowered is to deny the sky is blue. All one need do is agree that SC is overpowered, and therefore by default, so are barbs.

Fastest class in game, hardest hitting class in game by far, with a devastating ranged attack, numerous massively powerful area attacks, numerous extremely powerful auras, and 90% knockdown resistance.....nah, what's overpowered about that.

Originally Posted by makarios68
(BTW weren't you finished with the forums?)
I recieved several PMs urging me to come back, and this thread was screaming for a dose of reality. The thread starter is absolutely right, barbs are totally over the top overpowered.
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Old 09-11-2008, 11:09 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Rated_R_Edge
blah blah blah
Yep, that about sums it up.

Play the game sometime sportsfan.
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Old 09-11-2008, 11:53 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Valorius
And seriously, to deny that barbs are overpowered is to deny the sky is blue. All one need do is agree that SC is overpowered, and therefore by default, so are barbs.

Fastest class in game, hardest hitting class in game by far, with a devastating ranged attack, numerous massively powerful area attacks, numerous extremely powerful auras, and 90% knockdown resistance.....nah, what's overpowered about that.
For the love of god.

A) So all barbs use SC? I wasn't aware of this. I completely forgot the fact that even though I only have slashing at 8, and there nothing do not even possess level 1 SC.. I use it all the time! How stupid of me. Then there's Znurre, the biggest SC monkey of them all!

Every class has an overpowered spell.

B) Auras?? LOL. We don't have a *single* aura. We have two area buffs, Onslaught and Off with their heads.
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 09-12-2008, 12:06 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Angelwinged_Devil
I lol'd

cc spells? Oh please madness takes care of that, the protection against cc spells are better than evade protection from sotw.

There's only slow spells to prevent him from going to you, anything else is a waste of precious mana
Don't tell me you never use mind push ?

And for the reference Knights often kills barb in fights, because they just just block everything, and use faster weapon which permit them to hit way more often. If they time well the knock downs and dizzy it's hell.
« Thanks all, you are right I'm great with the barbarian ... for killing mobs. » -- Athena Stillwater
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