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Old 12-03-2008, 10:20 PM   #71
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Yea sytris is much more appealing then the other two realms, its why i chose it long ago. I live around forests and stuff like that so when i saw the choices were forests, desert, or mountains and snow, i chose the forests. I also chose sytris because of the three they were the only ones that werent evil or trying to take over, but were just trying to "live peacefully" but ive noticed while we may have a lot more members by the clan list, that its because in sytris lately a lot of low lvls have gotten together and made clans, and tried to get as many people in as possible and run around recruiting. so we have less clanless people.
But also some of our new players seem to give up on leveling easier, and are more "clueless". The other day i saw someone who was around a level 9 mage make a new character since he got bored of being a mage. A lot of our new players want the easy way to level so we dont have many classes like knights or marks. This may seem biased but ive also messed around in alsius and ignis on horus and it seems that they stay with their leveling more.

As for the war zone i think its only that the realm powers just seem to shift all around a lot. A few months ago alsius and ignis were dominant and sytris was the underdog of the realms with few people out and usually got overwhelmed fast. Now it seems sytris is taking over a bit with ignis as its competition and alsius has gone pretty quiet at times. Although the times mostly affect whos got the biggest zerg. At time times of the day sytris will have most of their 50s on and be taking over with very little resistance, and then later most of them get off or switch to their alts to train them. and there wont be much but a couple 50s and low lvls on who are bored of training. and then ignis and sometimes even alsius get their zergs together and take herb with overwhelming odds, and the ones who are left in the war zone either get a few 30s to help and get killed, or give up and go train or do something else. Another thing that seems to happen is when someone has a fort and the other realms dead, theyll go camp their save for a while which seems to be enough motivation for the people on their alts to get back on their mains to kill them and take back the fort then go take the other realms (i dont know how often sytris camps because i never see, i stay away from saves unless im bored and want a free trip to central or bored and want to dance in circles untill i get attacked and killed. and im usually at the fort yelling at the people to get back to the fort instead of running halfway up to their save and then getting killed)

The war zone will never be completely balanced, theres always one realm thats winning at a certain time and then the rest of the realms have to wait and fight back untill it gets their turn to take over pretty much. And people are almost always going to be biased toward their own realm in the argument on balancing, But this is a war game, the point of the war zone is to take over. the goal of any war is to win. you cant expect it to be completely balanced but its always shifting around in favor of one of another.
Moo- Sytris Hunter- Horus
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Old 12-03-2008, 10:29 PM   #72
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You are absolutely right, Moo.

With the low numbers on Horus, it is essentially a one sided zerg from someone or another. The problem I'm seeing, is that it is getting worse, instead of better.

Kailer....can you comment on when you guys plan to open the floodgates and allow other players on Horus?

Last edited by backe; 12-03-2008 at 11:26 PM.
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Old 12-03-2008, 10:44 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Solarus
Most go to syrtis because they all want to be Legolas.....or some other infamous elvin sooper-dood.
Lol I haaate that assumption =] Even though it seems to be true for a good amount of people =P When I first started playing with Regnum, I told my friend (who was starting to play with me) to pick whichever one she liked best. She said her favorite color was green so, thus, we went there XD Plus, I'm a nature junkie so green scenery and lots of pretty grass and trees is very appealing.

I do wish there was a "end all" way to fix realm imbalance. I would loooove for people to finally see that Syrtis on Horus is much different then Syrtis on Ra, and will stop comparing the two =]

I agree with everyone though, that there are a lot of things that need to be done. Maybe closing off Syrtis from having new members join would work, maybe merely opening the Horus gates to everyone would work (although might only make the problem worse? If lots join Syrtis?) but who knows. I think all the different ideas are worth a try (to some extent) because I think everyone can agree that realm imbalance is a big issue :/

Hope this made sense ^^;; Take care!
Even in the heart of darkness shines a dream of light.
Conjurer of Ignis
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Old 12-03-2008, 10:57 PM   #74
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well said Moo

Originally Posted by backe
With the low numbers on Horus, it is essentially a one sided zerg from someone or another. The problem I'm seeing, is that it is getting worse, instead of better.
.. it is getting worse but I really hope this is temporary.

About the camping, I usually say when I see our guys camping. I just don't get it..
And the reasons why they camp.. there is none.

"I do it because they do it"
... and they do it because you do it so you do it because they do it?

circular reasoning works because circular reasoning works... and so on
drunken old dwarf
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Old 12-04-2008, 03:23 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by Solarus
Most go to syrtis because they all want to be Legolas.....or some other infamous elvin sooper-dood.
I think you've got a good point here. You should see the amount of chars running around with some variation of that name in the initiation zone or around Fisgael.

I can't really remember why I chose Syrtis, it's been a while now. But I have some vague recollection that I didn't know which realm to chose. I guess I just ended up with the one that left the best impression in the introduction video. Which makes me think that the video can have a great influence on people that don't know the game, and that it might have a greater effect on realm balance to redo it than any XP/gold/whatever bonus ever could.
Ra: Lucinda {Silverbow,Wintersun,Ironfist}
Horus: Laleja - Conjurer (42)
Retired: Laleja / Faer / Nalys Silverbow / Tain / Vorr

Last edited by Nikor; 12-04-2008 at 10:16 AM.
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Old 12-04-2008, 08:58 AM   #76
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I disagree with those of you that say it's getting worse. We have been having some fun and somewhat evenly matched wars lately.

Alsius has been mostly absent but the wars between syrtis and Ignis have been most enjoyable lately.

Alsius used to be very feared as their tactics were quite good. Where have you all gone?
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Old 12-04-2008, 09:40 AM   #77
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I'm not quite sure how you can say this...
Originally Posted by Kaliek
I disagree with those of you that say it's getting worse. We have been having some fun and somewhat evenly matched wars lately.
...and then this....
Originally Posted by Kaliek
Alsius has been mostly absent but the wars between syrtis and Ignis have been most enjoyable lately.

Alsius used to be very feared as their tactics were quite good. Where have you all gone?
it seems contradictory.

A bit more on topic:

I was thinking earlier today about how I wished we could transfer characters not between servers, but between realms. I'm not sure if it has been suggested before (and karma goes to whose ever idea it was initially), but it might be a good way to add to NGD's bottom line, while possibly alleviating some of the realm imbalance.

As a premium item, perhaps it would allow a person to transfer an entire account to another realm. I imagine the only simple way to do this would be to transfer a "blank" character with xp (and possibly gold). The newly transferred characters would have to be "re-rolled" essentially. I would certainly shell out a few bucks to leave Syrtis on Ra.

I would say, something like this would probably be a bad idea for Horus, as it is still so underpopulated.
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Old 12-04-2008, 11:30 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by Solarus
Most go to syrtis because they all want to be Legolas.....or some other infamous elvin sooper-dood.
Here is my little story. I wanted to be Legolas so I created an archer in Syrtis unfortunately I'm not good with typo/spelling and I ended up with "dracus" as a nickname. I got bored around level 16 pet kept dying every 2 mob I was attacking and I changed my mind and decided I wanted to be Gandalf so I started a mage. And again typo/spelling made me end with "Sacapus". Then at level 10 I started to be greedy and want to own power so I wrongly click on become a warlock... Looks like real life story a sequence of mistakes

Otherwise I wanted an archer and Wood-elf looked to be the perferct race for that. Now knowing the three inner realms I'd say Syrtis is still more appealing, then it's Alsius (very nice innitiation zone with the lost Vahlalla), and last is ignis (which offer a very poor landscape).

More seriously, I think the wood elves are appealing to people because they looks like the good guys (Legolas thingie thing). The video make syrtis looks like the good guys, Ignis looks like the evil necromant allied with a bunch of bruglars, and Alsius looks like the greedy dwarf allied with the freak goats (I love goats character, even in WoW but that's how it looks from the introduction video).
« Thanks all, you are right I'm great with the barbarian ... for killing mobs. » -- Athena Stillwater
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Old 12-04-2008, 11:35 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by backe
As a premium item, perhaps it would allow a person to transfer an entire account to another realm. I imagine the only simple way to do this would be to transfer a "blank" character with xp (and possibly gold). The newly transferred characters would have to be "re-rolled" essentially. I would certainly shell out a few bucks to leave Syrtis on Ra.
I'd really like to transfer my hunter to Alsius and keep my barbarian to play with my Syrtis buddies. Stalker near alsius graveyard ....
« Thanks all, you are right I'm great with the barbarian ... for killing mobs. » -- Athena Stillwater
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Old 12-04-2008, 11:38 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Kaliek
Alsius used to be very feared as their tactics were quite good. Where have you all gone?
My 2cts about the topic. A lot of experienced players of Ra went to Alsius, which might explain the good tactics.

Maybe they are a bit bored of the server population ? However If you say it's improving, maybe they'll show up to try to get your forts!
« Thanks all, you are right I'm great with the barbarian ... for killing mobs. » -- Athena Stillwater
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