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Old 12-08-2008, 01:03 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2006
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Wyatt will become famous soon enoughWyatt will become famous soon enough
Red face 2 years...

Hello all,

Most of you probably know me, and most of you probably don't. I want to say a few things in this thread that I have seeing over this passed 2 years that I have played Regnum Online both good and bad and what I think needs improvements from NGD part.

I am Wyatt, a player that been around now for 2 years(Since the beta). I have played this game because of the Community and the developers involvement with the community and how they have listened to the players and most importantly to try and have fun.

The Good

Community Manager: Personally, I believe it a pleasure to have a Community Manager as Kailer represent the Community for NGD Studios. He so far has done a amazing job and I hope to see more from you Kailer.

I've have seeing you play as a player, and I have seeing how much you have helped this community before and after you had this job, its truely is a honor to have you here as I am sure the entire Community of Regnum Online appreciates your work.

Now, thanks to your hard work and dedication we now have a more pleasant forum to come by and read and know that your lurking around when we need you here .

Hiring more NGD personnel: This was a good step also and I believe it was necesary to progress as a leading game development team. I am sure most of this features we been seeing update after update were thanks to this changes inside your company, so congrats!

Horus: The opening of a english world was a good idea, but somethings need to happen in order for the english population in Horus to grow alot faster. I have supported this game for a few months now as a premium user and I would like to see you guys promote your game more.

As you know most of the players at the Horus server has lost the fun for the game either because of Realm imbalance or because alot of things are not right. I was hoping for the game to have more promotions in websites like www.mmorpg.com I've heard by contacting one of the admin of the site that promotions cost USD 1000.00.

If you want your game to grow I suggest you promote your game, as a company you need money, you will probably gain more then you loose if you were to promote this game. The community needs to grow both for the players fun and for the game you made ngd.

Realm balance system: This was a great step towards helping all of your Regnum Online world have a better realm base population, although I think this is still not enought, most players as you know play to have fun and the fun is slowly leaving most of us that play in a under-populated realm.

Premium Content All the premium content you guys have added so far are very good, I especially liked the recent ones (War banner, etc). I hope you add more interesting premium content in the near future.

More Community Involvement You have given the community the chance to participate in some of the game aspects (Balance Team and Testing Team), That was a great idea.

How to play It was about time that was filled up, this will help every new player to know more about the game, thanks ngd.

The Bad

Bugs: There are still bugs that still exist from the beta, by now I would had expected most to be fixed, but it seems most of them were not on a high priority list.

I know bugs are constantly being worked on, but some bugs have been here way to long.

Ignis Volcanic Zone This area still does not have a theme music. I believe this is the only part of your game without one.

Ignis levelling zones: Most of the Ignis levelling areas sucks, either they mobs are to high on the mountains to hit or the respawn rate is extremely slow.

Regnum Online Promotions Ever since I've been in this game it has never been promoted on WWW.MMORPG.COM, This game has alot of potential to compete with the international market, but you cant expect users to randomly find your game and join it. You must also promote your game to increase its userbase of active players.

Payment Systems Regnum Online still has 1 available International payment system (Pay Pal). Most users want more avalaible payment systems in order to buy premium content with Ximirin, Alot of Payment options have been suggested by far already.

Realm imbalance: As you probably know, most of the Regnum Online worlds have realm imbalance problems, when such a realm is having this problems with userbase per realm it becomes pretty obvious they lost the fun and wish that things would improve over time, for example on Horus for Ignis things are starting not to be interesting and fun for us or Alsisus anymore.

We need more players, if it means promoting your game then do it, if it means opening up the server to the entire world then do it, but something must happen in order for the userbase population to grow and I believe other options to balance out realms might be necesary.

The game needs things that can hook the player from the start, even if this game is based for RvR, there has to be things that catches the players attention and that drives them to stay in the game and the realm they picked.

Game Intro: The intro of the game can use alot of improvements, one of them needs to be to have a english voice say the story, and on other languages too. The story line can also be changed slightly so the players can have a clue as to which realm they would like to be in.

Website outdated: Some sections of the Regnum Online site are outdated and needs to be updated with alot of important information about the game. It's not very cool that new players get the wrong information about the game from the website, it needs to be maintain as updated as possible.


I wanted to give a special thanks to the following people that have been with me in this game in my good and bad moments.

Mikka, one of my greatest friends in Regnum Online, without you I would had probably quit a long time ago!. Thanks for your support and friendship, its pretty much appreciated loves.

Xephy, for your great in-forum help and friendship, thanks .

Starshine, Alsviar, for following my behind to Horus server and sticking by me all this time, I am glad I've met people like you two here.

Teyla, for being such a great friend both in rl and having my back in everything, thanks!

Also a big thanks to piz, your awesome!

Viperdh, Ditzey, Nightshoud, Dark Prince and many others, thanks for everything!

Gonza, Carlosthor, Leonnario, Joe, Blacknight, for being such great friends, I still remember all of you and the good times we have had in the past.

Thanks to Dark Barbarian, what a nice friend, but sometimes a bit annoying, but you are cool.

Marco! for being such a cool guy and funny dude! thanks! your friendship is also appreciated, one day I might visit argentina(?) .

The Chosen One's of The Dark Clan on Ra, I wanted to thank you all for such a great time, even though most of you are not around anymore I want to wish you all good luck in whaever you do (If some of you are lurking around this thread).

The Dark Legion Clan, for being one of the best clanmates i've ever met, I really enjoy having fun with all of you!

Smurv, Bloodricuted, B, thanks for your awesome friendship and support.

Also, a special thanks to the ghost clan for your extreme support and friendship.

Thanks Community for being there, you make this game awesome, lets keep it up!

NGD Studios for making such a great and addicting game, I hope you keep it up and I hope you take the players feedback and suggestions into consideration!.

Thanks for reading this! See ya in-game!


Last edited by Wyatt; 12-08-2008 at 09:55 AM.
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Old 12-08-2008, 01:09 AM   #2
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They should name a region of the game after you Your friendship, support and help is equally appreciated.
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Old 12-08-2008, 01:28 AM   #3
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starshine is on a distinguished road

joelito! my devoted leader! well thx
im glad i met u too here! even thought we have some argues (last one yesterday xP) we still good friends (?) :P
The chosen was the best clan i've ever been... but legion is great!
and well... u still my devoted leader and a great friend to me

take care

ps. tomorrow is my wedding dont forget to come i would never forgive u
Everyone leave us when we less expect.... But we will find them someday... Lucas no te olvidare
INTEL Always in my heart and memory <3
Starshine, Estrela and Baby Star - Haven - Ignis

Last edited by starshine; 12-08-2008 at 01:42 AM.
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Old 12-08-2008, 01:29 AM   #4
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kuroihitomi is on a distinguished road

This is wonderful, Joel. I quite agree with this post. There are such wonderful aspects of this game, and it can really flourish with a bit of work.

Keep it up, devs!
kuroihitomi, Revenant "Catalyst" of The Ghosts
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Old 12-08-2008, 01:34 AM   #5
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And thank you Wyatt :> without your clan my start to this game would have been... ify at best.

But, NGD does have many things to work and respecting they are limited in number they should really be working on these errors rather than adding lots of other buggy distractions.
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Old 12-08-2008, 03:10 AM   #6
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2 years wasted(?) In game, a great leader. Real life, a best friend.
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Old 12-08-2008, 03:11 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by jpicon
Gonza, Carlosthor, Leonnario, Joe, Blacknight, for being such great friends, I still remember all of you and the good times we have had in the past.
The Chosen One's of The Dark Clan on Ra, I wanted to thank you all for such a great time, even though most of you are not around anymore I want to wish you all good luck in whaever you do (If some of you are lurking around this thread).[/
i always do to... we had great times in the past

i think that i have never thank you for let me join that awesome clan and for all the help i recived by that clan.

[switch to spanish for a little]aprovecho para saludar a los viejos chosen: Mikka(espero que me perdones algun dia por tenerte como mi blanco primordial en guerra, todavia me duele que seas de syrtis pero tengo que aceptarlo ); Star (sabes lo que te aprecio aunque ya no te vea en Ra, ya nos vamos a volver a ver); Blacknight(gran caballero al que admire mucho); Alsviar(aunque hace mucho tiempo que no te veo ya, suerte en lo que estes haciendo als); Gabriel(compartimos mucho tiempo en este juego, te deseo mucha suerte); Leonnario y Joe(mis amigos de siempre aunque ya no entran :/); Anthony(aunque te sigo viendo en el Ra peton :P)

y muchisimos compañeros mas que seguramente me olvido y perdonen por eso, gracias por ser parte de los Chosen.
como bien dijo wy pasamos muchos buenos y malos momentos, tratemos de recordar los mejores

[english again]

sorry for that but is dificult for me to say that in english and all that people understands me :P

thanks again

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Old 12-08-2008, 03:40 AM   #8
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No hay drama Gonzy, esto es un juego y siempre serás mi amigo
-= Yaara Heren Hyarmenor =-
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Old 12-08-2008, 03:49 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Mikka
No hay drama Gonzy, esto es un juego y siempre serás mi amigo
, i miss that beautiful knight
Iron Maiden - Bárbaro
Dark Brotherhood
Iron Maiden wants you for dead
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Old 12-08-2008, 04:10 AM   #10
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You don't have to thank me about anything, that's what friends are for.

It seems like it was just yesterday when we used to fight alongside. We knew so little about the game mechanics and this was still under heavy development, so some things used to change really fast... But that wouldn't stop us from having fun in those battles at Samal.

Two years is a lot of time. Oh, man... You make me feel old
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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