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Old 12-11-2008, 04:57 PM   #41
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I'm pretty sure my barb makes way more RP than my hunter in a period of 30 minutes of fort wars.
« Thanks all, you are right I'm great with the barbarian ... for killing mobs. » -- Athena Stillwater
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Old 12-11-2008, 06:26 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by asdfghs
I've the feeling that my hunter, who doesn't use auras can make more rp in 30 minutes of hunting(when there's enough prey around, of course) than my aura-using knight does in 30 minutes of fort war.
I get like... 4 times as much rp when solo hunting for 10 minutes, than I get from 30 minutes fort war - since the changes to the RP system.
Winning a fight is not what makes you a good player, it's how you do it.
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Old 12-11-2008, 06:50 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by asdfghs
I've the feeling that my hunter, who doesn't use auras can make more rp in 30 minutes of hunting(when there's enough prey around, of course) than my aura-using knight does in 30 minutes of fort war.
This is because you have not to walk from the save to atack again. You can hide and run, and start a new atack in less time that when you do with your knight.
Staying with auras you recive the points almost for the death of one char killed, in all the war. So, to produce damage is the best way to recive RPs. This is the reason because warlocks, deffensive and ranged-clases are not the first in ranking. The knights in that are acting as barbarians in war: using areas and SC with buff. Hunter has not problems with ranged atack blocking in war, because hunters dont take part in war. This is my opinion.

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Old 12-11-2008, 07:43 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Znurre
I get like... 4 times as much rp when solo hunting for 10 minutes, than I get from 30 minutes fort war - since the changes to the RP system.
I'm not sure how much this has to do with the changes to the RP system.

Before the changes i think you would have got even more RP from a solo hunt.

I think that no matter how the RP system is configured it will always be easier to reap RP's from hunting.
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Old 12-11-2008, 07:49 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by makarios68
I'm not sure how much this has to do with the changes to the RP system.

Before the changes i think you would have got even more RP from a solo hunt.

I think that no matter how the RP system is configured it will always be easier to reap RP's from hunting.
No, it's because before I could earn much RP in wars by areas.
Players with many different levels participates in a war, and for some I barely get anything even while they help doing impact on me.

So to summarize: In a war I will get less RP for more deaths.
In a hunt however I choose what targets to attack, and I can earn way more RP if many people are leveling.
Winning a fight is not what makes you a good player, it's how you do it.
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Old 12-11-2008, 08:10 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Nekudotayim
Well, there is still enough space to discuss possible solutions.
well yeah, like the 324325324 other times, the problem is I dont feel they listen to them
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Old 12-11-2008, 09:17 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Znurre
No, it's because before I could earn much RP in wars by areas.
Players with many different levels participates in a war, and for some I barely get anything even while they help doing impact on me.

So to summarize: In a war I will get less RP for more deaths.
In a hunt however I choose what targets to attack, and I can earn way more RP if many people are leveling.
Maybe you get less RP's in war after the changes, but you also get less for hunting. For example, before the change you would get 6 or 8 RP's for a no challenge player who has hardly any HP left whilst he kills mobs. Now you will get 1 RP.

Like i said, it has always been the case that you get more RP's on a hunt.

It's a pity that RP's are worthless. If they were worth something a debate about them would have some meaning.
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Old 12-12-2008, 07:58 AM   #48
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I just have to mention, that the creator of this thread started, that warlocks moved from 1 to 6 - thats a fault. At worst to 5. All other classes can kill the warlock, but no tatctics for a conjuror are given. A conjuror lacks the same problems a warlock has. But most time he cannot even defend himself. So dont cry about warlocks - i am a conjuror and i dont cry.

And the tactics... most people use them... and not only on warlocks, but on other classes as well. I have seen enemy archers that went into SOW when they see any enemey, because they dont want to have a fair fight. Other classes then the conjuror or warlock gets confused too. But mostly the mages in a group - why? Because Conjuror can help their allies and warlocks do alot of damage with their spells as well. If I had to choose, which class to confuse, i would take a mage class as well.

For Knights and barbs... they hit that hard or have very much HP. There are some combos that may be overloaded on barbs, but there are alot of post in this forum about this already.
Hellman Two - Conjuror/Supporter (RA - Lvl 47 forever?!?)
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Old 12-12-2008, 08:43 AM   #49
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Hellman: I'm not sure I agree fully with you, because most people here choose to see conjurers as a supporting class rather than anything else. Conjurers are, so to speak, in a class by themselves.

In that meaning conjurers are really not in the state of winning 1on1 fights. At least not if you have a support and/or buff setup. Because everyone expects that conjurers are, in a way, "fully" support-conjurers (giving heals, dispels and buffs) there are not a lot of PvP-setup conjurers, so I cannot say if a certain setup would allow conjurers to win any 1on1s or not.

Please, understand me when I say that conjurers doesn't really count in this discussion. No, I don't want to diminish the role of conjus, or discriminate them in any way, because they are really the most needed and loved class of all. It's just that they are not, in a very natural way, not "supposed" to win a lot of PvPs on their own (and I'm not sure I want to have a certain setup for conjus that could kill a lot, since then I would fear a lot of conjurers would leave their oh, so needed support-role).

To everyone else: Please, don't turn this thread into another RP-discussion. Enough OT already! This thread is about the current state of warlocks, not about the RP-system!
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Old 12-12-2008, 08:50 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by DjupaTanken
To everyone else: Please, don't turn this thread into another RP-discussion. Enough OT already! This thread is about the current state of warlocks, not about the RP-system!
Yes, the thread swayed somewhat.

Ok, warlock effectiveness. The doubts i have about warlocks are such that as things are i will not pay to level one. Mine is at lvl 33, and at that stage where the quests phase out and the long drawn out grind begins (XP boosts are needed to level at a reasonable speed).

I've heard rumours about the coming changes, and IF they are true they do nothing to inspire me to change my mind.
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