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Old 12-23-2008, 07:41 PM   #1
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Default A couple suggestions for Horus and the Invasion System

From the onset of this patch I have seen a couple things that I would like to make suggestions on to apply to Horus (some may have application for Ra):

1. On the RO Ranking site show who has the most Gems currently. We had/have an issue arise last night where know one knew where a Gem was in Alsius. Our hunters were not picking up any tracks inside of our own realm, it would be nice to see once a gem is picked up a marker on the map of where it is being carried (at least until it gets out the gate) or if it is dropped, otherwise RO is a big place and its a needle in a haystack. We had been invaded by Ignis and somehow everyone lost sight of where the last Gem was. I believe having these features (also shown on the Map in game) would increase competition.

2. There are great time zone imbalances between the realms. We in Alsius (Horus) are sometimes like the black sheep of the warzone, we sometimes can get enough people scrounged together to take a Fort, but castles are an entirely different beast. What I would recommend here is something similar to the Realm Balance XP that we get now (which I think needs to reflect active players and anyone not active within the last 30 days is not considered in the population). All we need is the statistical average of activity for players in the Warzone in say 3 or 4 hour increments over the two weeks. Take the 3 (or 4) hour chunk and develop a difficulty increase for Realms that have more players than others during that time period similar to the XP bonus. I would recommend though that the realm with the most amount of players gets a 10% difficulty increase at gates and castles and the second most populated realm in the warzone gets a 5% difficulty increase. I am not refering to increasing the health of the doors, mainly like respawn time of guards or increasing guard difficulty. I am skeptical to think of a difficulty decrease for the least populated realm (say 5%) as well because of the player gold that goes into the forts and castles.

If realms are equal in number then no increase. Very similar to the Realm XP Bonus yet for difficulty.

Also with this patch (I dont think this is a bug just overlooked) all of the gate guards do not attack invading forces once they have broken through to the inner realm gate. Guards that are standing by the side of the wall do not attack leaving 3 to 4 gate guards out of the fight at times. I believe this is just a line of sight oversight for the Guard NPCs. Please let me know what you guys think.

Also can we agree to be fair and not make asses out of ourselves, I'm speaking to the Ignis folk that invaded last night that save camped our noob town of Mont- if it wasn't you then it doesn't apply. I believe save camping a noob town should be an in game ban-able offense. We already have enough problems of getting noobs to get passed level 20 than to have some lvl 40+ enemy realm players kill them repeatedly before they are even warzone ready or worth any rps. The point of the invasion is to get the Gems from the Enemy Realm not make it harder on some of the kids that already aren't getting as much help as they used too cuz us higher lvls are continuously fighting off an invasion.

Last edited by Sydonay_Rex; 12-23-2008 at 09:16 PM.
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Old 12-23-2008, 09:39 PM   #2
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point #2 has been discussed many times over, and we have to just wait & see.

as for camping a noob town, if you're so concerned about your noobs, go defend them in that noob town and leave the gem chase alone. banning someone on account of toying with noobs is pointless. if someone worked so hard to break the damn door they should be able to do whatever they want once in realm, and take their own prize (be it gem or noobs, whatever they see fit).

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Old 12-23-2008, 10:53 PM   #3
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Considering, Nightchill, your a save camper from a clan named "is Camping" your comments about camping are expected. Though besides through in-action and/or inability to action on NGDs part, your mentality, similar to some others, is what also turns ppl off to this game. I have no problem if a noob attacks and you kill him, I do have a problem if a noob rezzes at an altar and higher levels kill him wait and kill him again. As far as running to their defense I have tried yet our hunters scans in realm always shown up nothing even though enemies were near, so we always would get there after the fact.

I agree some topics have been covered such as realms attacking when other realms do not have players on (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum...ight=invasions) but I haven't been successful at finding things other than bitches, gripes and complaints without suggestions (I will admit I dont feel like reading through 12 pages of complaining to find 1 page of good suggestions). I know Syrtis in game chat has made some recommendations, but I didn't see anything posted.
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Old 12-24-2008, 08:42 AM   #4
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lol Nightchill's Right You Break The Gate You Earn The Right To Do Whatever You Want lol dont feel bad were from syrtis been invaded twice now i do belive alsuis Needs The Realm bonus at 25% and syrtis and ignis at 0%

-Slayer Of Light
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Old 12-24-2008, 08:44 AM   #5
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And Alsuis Isnt 1 To Talk Ignis Breaks Our Gate The Sweetness From Alsuis Runs in and Camps Our Noobs lol in the end he commited suicide to not get owned by us!!!!
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Old 12-24-2008, 12:30 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Sydonay_Rex
Considering, Nightchill, your a save camper from a clan named "is Camping" your comments about camping are expected.
considering your realm is/was full of savecamping midgets, goats, and humanoids, stfu.
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Old 12-24-2008, 12:46 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Sydonay_Rex
Considering, Nightchill, your a save camper from a clan named "is Camping" your comments about camping are expected. Though besides through in-action and/or inability to action on NGDs part, your mentality, similar to some others, is what also turns ppl off to this game. I have no problem if a noob attacks and you kill him, I do have a problem if a noob rezzes at an altar and higher levels kill him wait and kill him again. As far as running to their defense I have tried yet our hunters scans in realm always shown up nothing even though enemies were near, so we always would get there after the fact.
there is no rule which prevents it and I don't think there should either, I have to agree with nightchill, however camping noobs is stupid when the high levels need to defend themselves against other high levels wanting to prevent gem capture.

It has always been like this, I don't like camping to rape noobs, there's no challenge in that.

oh wait what am I saying, when ignis invades there are none to fight them anyway .
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Old 12-24-2008, 06:38 PM   #8
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And of course this post turned into exactly what I didn't want it too. No other recommendations besides one and it looked like another XP bonus suggestion that really hasn't improved anyone staying at all.

And of course Nightchill your circular argument of other ppl doing it to you and so you do it to them just means your a petty peton.

I will talk to Sweetness though since you brought it up Slayer, but my recommendation wasn't for one realm it was against all. The point I am trying to make here is that if you want to criticize whatever, but at least have something constructive to bring to the table. I say that because we need some options that protect the newer players so they may stay longer - say they have the option to resurrect at any of the previous altars they touched if killed by a invading force (similar to the realm wall resurrect).

As you all have seen veteran players and new players have left across the table, so lets try to bring something to the table that respects all players rather than self interest.
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Old 12-24-2008, 07:03 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Sydonay_Rex
And of course this post turned into exactly what I didn't want it too. No other recommendations besides one and it looked like another XP bonus suggestion that really hasn't improved anyone staying at all.

And of course Nightchill your circular argument of other ppl doing it to you and so you do it to them just means your a petty peton.

I will talk to Sweetness though since you brought it up Slayer, but my recommendation wasn't for one realm it was against all. The point I am trying to make here is that if you want to criticize whatever, but at least have something constructive to bring to the table. I say that because we need some options that protect the newer players so they may stay longer - say they have the option to resurrect at any of the previous altars they touched if killed by a invading force (similar to the realm wall resurrect).

As you all have seen veteran players and new players have left across the table, so lets try to bring something to the table that respects all players rather than self interest.

yes i know but we havent camped noobs we havent invaded to do so and if your Noobs Are Wandering Around The Warzone it aint our fault!!!! Keep Them On A Leash!
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Old 12-24-2008, 07:18 PM   #10
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I recommend instant lvl 50's. This will help players not get owned b/c they haven't grinded enough.
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