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Old 04-22-2007, 02:59 PM   #1
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Default Alsius pride

I am not one to usually praise the enemy, but my god is it just me or does Alsius seem to be the realm that fights with their whole heart? Yesterday, me and my fellow Syritians were holding pinos when as usual most of Syrtis began to rush. I had to rush some too because I have to keep all of them alive. Alsius just kept coming back time after time. Alsius finally said it is not worth it, and they just stood there with no armor or weapons equiped. I just wanted to let them know they made their point with me, and I have some new found respect for a lot of the players of Alsius. It just seems that a lot of the time their philosophy is we know we might die but lets try and take the fort any way. Sometimes with Syrtis we do a lot of standing around, and it gets boring. Well once again I will say that the majority of Alsius has gotten my respect. Keep up the good work.
Refetan 60 barb, Schlong 59 lock - Haven Syrtis
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Old 04-22-2007, 05:30 PM   #2
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That is true. They try very hard and keep trying, no matter what the odds are against them. It eventually pays off, as they eventually regain their fort. There have been times when I think they will never take the fort, and before I know it, they have broken down the door and have rushed inside the fort.

Cheers for putting up a good fight and making it fun
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Old 04-22-2007, 05:58 PM   #3
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Is that the reason why they almost do nothing today?
One thing:
I hate people camping at the Teleporter or at the Altars... and I hope I will never do it!

€dit: I agree that its sometimes boring in a syrtis pvp group.... had my first battles the last days........
French Warriors of Syrtis: Nessa Telrunya (Hunter) - Myxir (Warlock) - Estra (Conjurer)
In War it does not matter who is right, but who is left.

Last edited by Myxir; 04-22-2007 at 06:02 PM.
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Old 04-22-2007, 06:52 PM   #4
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Some Syrtis players were using a known bug...
Caballero Kunami
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Old 04-22-2007, 07:36 PM   #5
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Which bug do you mean?
French Warriors of Syrtis: Nessa Telrunya (Hunter) - Myxir (Warlock) - Estra (Conjurer)
In War it does not matter who is right, but who is left.
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Old 04-23-2007, 07:39 AM   #6
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Znurre will become famous soon enoughZnurre will become famous soon enough

I bet he mean the high damage hunter bug.
But that bug was also used by Ignis.

Altrough, i didnt see any Alsius people using it.

I just have to agree with what you say.
For me it's no matter if i have 20 dizzy spells casted over me, if im slowed, i wont stop fighting.
And also, I'll die to protect my friends!

Many of you Syrtis and Ignis also have pride and fight fair, but also many of you are using bugs, spawn at altars, and go group hunting for Alsius.

I also feels like Alsius is fighting alone.
Ignis and Syrtis always seems to cooperate when its about killing Alsius.
That might be because both of them comes from the same kingdom.

But it really feels like weare fightin aloneagainst a force that is much bigger than ours, and still can make it even if we loose a lots of blood.

Indeed, Ignis and Syrtis is sadly still better then Alsius in war because they have lots more high leveled people and more members, but we are taking in on them.
Winning a fight is not what makes you a good player, it's how you do it.
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Old 04-23-2007, 07:51 AM   #7
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alsius are crazy i have to agree with u ref they do got heart they never give up with out a fight i respect a lot of plaayers from alsius but if i start i might not finish lets just say everyone from the thugsters and mantis
lucas te estraño por q te estava q ir tan temprano.. espero q este descansando en pas amigo adios... siempre va esta en mi memoria
Originally Posted by Inkster
Lucas was truly a really great player, he may be gone, but will never be forgotten
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Old 04-23-2007, 09:27 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Znurre
I bet he mean the high damage hunter bug.
But that bug was also used by Ignis.

Altrough, i didnt see any Alsius people using it.

I just have to agree with what you say.
For me it's no matter if i have 20 dizzy spells casted over me, if im slowed, i wont stop fighting.
And also, I'll die to protect my friends!

Many of you Syrtis and Ignis also have pride and fight fair, but also many of you are using bugs, spawn at altars, and go group hunting for Alsius.

I also feels like Alsius is fighting alone.
Ignis and Syrtis always seems to cooperate when its about killing Alsius.
That might be because both of them comes from the same kingdom.

But it really feels like weare fightin aloneagainst a force that is much bigger than ours, and still can make it even if we loose a lots of blood.

Indeed, Ignis and Syrtis is sadly still better then Alsius in war because they have lots more high leveled people and more members, but we are taking in on them.
Belive me, the bug is being using in every realm, also from alsius people,
i got killed 3 times from a hunter shown as EASY
So please stop saying alsius ppl don't use it,
it's just that you don't know

And the other thing is, ignis DON'T fight with syrtis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old 04-23-2007, 10:29 AM   #9
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Thank you big jim for saying those words, it makes me feel a lot happier when i hear those words from an enemy.

We Alsius fight to the death that's true, i myself as an archer don't care if the combat is ranged or Melee i will still fight until that fricking resurrect button appears.

But i wished i could have said the same to about Syrtis and Ignis.
Ignis i can say that i have respect for those who fight until they die and not those who drown theirselfs and disconnect when you have almost killed them.

But Syrtis has lost my respect recentially because your hunters is abusing the invisible spell, i mean how fun is it when you are lvl 30-35 and a lvl 50 hunter comes when you are resting when you are leveling and kills you all the time. And if you happen to almost kill him, he makes himself invisible and goes to hiding, rests and then comes back and kills you.

I now that you do this for a fact because my friend was killed 3 times by the same hunter when he was leveling in the Warzone, he disconnected and did'nt play anymore that night because he saw it useless in playing because he was to low leveled to do kill the hunter and he could'nt makes himself stronger by leveling because he got killed all the time.

This kind of Things plus the drowning and disconnection you syrtis do makes me really angry.

Plus i hate it when Syrtis is camping outside of Alsius Warzone Gate, please just stop doing that ok, i mean 3-4 days ago two (for me hard and im lvl 35) mages where hiding at a rock at our WZ gate and killed a lot of low levels.

How funny do you think it's for a low leveled to be killed in their first visit to the Warzone by people who is at least twice as high leveled as he/she is.

No, stop drowning yourself, camping at Spawn points and Warzone gates, stop using the invisible spell all the time and fight fair. THEN i can say that i have respect for you Syrtis.

Peace Out

Valkyria - Colonel of Valhalla Freedom Fighters
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My MMORPG Is put on a hold for a unknown period of time

Last edited by G40st; 04-23-2007 at 10:32 AM.
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Old 04-23-2007, 12:11 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by bigjim
I am not one to usually praise the enemy, but my god is it just me or does Alsius seem to be the realm that fights with their whole heart? Yesterday, me and my fellow Syritians were holding pinos when as usual most of Syrtis began to rush. I had to rush some too because I have to keep all of them alive. Alsius just kept coming back time after time. Alsius finally said it is not worth it, and they just stood there with no armor or weapons equiped. I just wanted to let them know they made their point with me, and I have some new found respect for a lot of the players of Alsius. It just seems that a lot of the time their philosophy is we know we might die but lets try and take the fort any way. Sometimes with Syrtis we do a lot of standing around, and it gets boring. Well once again I will say that the majority of Alsius has gotten my respect. Keep up the good work.
It's a Honor for me to give U that compliment back.

U and a few others (sure they know whom I mean) we had some good and fair fights ( not talking about invisibility - do it by my self from time to time )

and with the words of an old Warrior Wisdom :
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
i have to tell U :

I will say that the majority of Alsius has gotten my respect.
U got my respect m8
U want some
and get some
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