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Old 06-09-2007, 08:31 PM   #1
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Making Gold after quests

I am now lvl 20 and there are no quests for me to do. In order for me to buy new armor and weapons i need gold. But there are no quests for me to do now. What monsters could i kill that gives me a decent amount of gold. NGD said they were releasing new quests but thats still not happening.

Last edited by jjj651; 06-10-2007 at 12:53 AM.
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Old 06-09-2007, 09:42 PM   #2
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No, the new quests are still not implemented.
I'm in Alsius, so I don't really know what enemies gives you lots of moneys in Syrtis.
But all monsters (almost) gives loot, which you can sell and gain money.
Winning a fight is not what makes you a good player, it's how you do it.
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Old 06-09-2007, 09:44 PM   #3
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Orc Warrior (and above) give you Black Pearls and/or Gold.
Specters and Lich Necromancer at Arvanna's Valley give Gems/Dust. (high Gold with low weight)
Ghosts (at Arvanna's Woods South i think) give you Gems, too.
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Old 06-09-2007, 10:03 PM   #4
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Bit of a problem for me too, I'm not even buying stuff (just arrows and repairing), yet I'm still steadily losing money. Sigh.
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Old 06-09-2007, 10:12 PM   #5
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Where is Arvanna's Valley?
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Old 06-10-2007, 12:19 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by jjj651
Where is Arvanna's Valley?
Southly of Arvanna's Lake, aka "The Graveyard", were the Dragon (be careful of it) and Malaguy's Summon is, Coords 2100 5900

Originally Posted by kylor
Bit of a problem for me too, I'm not even buying stuff (just arrows and repairing), yet I'm still steadily losing money. Sigh.
Losing money? How?
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Old 06-10-2007, 12:45 AM   #7
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Thx muunleit. But how do the developers expect us to buy such expensive armor and weapons from the vendors if there is no other way now to make money except for killing monsters. You dont even earn that much killing monsters because then you have to repair your equpiment and stuff. I already know 6 players who dont play this game anymore because NGD are not implementing the new quests. They have said since the beginning of May that they will put in new quests to give each realm about 200 quests. They should be releasing the quests right after they make them instead of releasing them all at once which by then so many people would have already givin up on the game. Syrtis has the least quests out of the 3 realms which sucks already. Iginis has like double the quests. Right now im killing the Orc Marauders because they drop black pearls which are worth like 240 gold each.
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Old 06-10-2007, 01:55 AM   #8
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- It isn't that much expensiv, if you don't buy new Armor and Weapon every lvl-up, most of them aren't very different.
- If you fight in partys, you will get more Gold and other loots for less damage.
- Use protection- and evade-spells.
- If you are carefully watch after your health, you don't need armor necessarly, that's another way to save money at leveling.
- Loots like Golem-Rocks have a high weight but it don't give you much gold at the merchant, drop it if you are overburdened and take more gems.

There are a lot of ways to take incoming money over your outgoing.
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Old 06-10-2007, 02:03 AM   #9
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Yea you shouldent buy armor and weapons after every level but you should buy them like every 5 levels. You should buy new armor andd weapons because it helps you level faster and it gives better protection if you are fighting in the war zone.

It would take so much longer if you level with parties because you have to share the xp. Dont you have to share the loot too?

As a knight there arent any protection ande evade spells. There are spells for better blockage but thats it and it dosent really help me in combat.

If you watch your health then you would still have to rest and it would take more time from leveling.
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Old 06-10-2007, 02:25 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by jjj651
.... and it gives better protection if you are fighting in the war zone.
To this i agree

Originally Posted by jjj651
It would take so much longer if you level with parties because you have to share the xp.
That isn't right. You additional get Group-Points, you kill more Mobs in the same time and if you have a Conjurer in your Party, he may heal you (less rests) or a Hunter in the party who sends his Pet in front of you to take damage.

Originally Posted by jjj651
As a knight there arent any protection ande evade spells. There are spells for better blockage but thats it and it dosent really help me in combat.
Sorry, i don't know, i'm Hunter

Originally Posted by jjj651
If you watch your health then you would still have to rest and it would take more time from leveling.
That might be right, but as i say above i'm Hunter (actually lvl34) and additional got a Marksman (lvl16) and got to do two Jobs, so i can't play around the clock and i'm not that much poor as you can see in the War-Status. So i can say, there is a way to level and getting Gold in a period of time that isn't the fastest one, but it's satisfying.
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