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Old 03-04-2010, 11:59 PM   #1
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Default (Horus) Solution too Population

As we all know on Horus theres a Population issue on Horus.

Syrtis is able too Mass Attack Ignis or Alsius for majority of the day with little resistance or challenge.
Ignis normally is the least populated realm during Syrtis's Most populated time. Alsius the odd day can hold up against Syrtis's zerg by getting EVERYONE! in the realm too come fight while Syrtis takes little to no effort to get more players too completely outnumber there enemy.

Horus will never be as successful as RA until there is a Balanced Population. We don't need exact numbers on each side all realm will have a time of day where they will be most populated.
But for 8-10 hours of the day Syrtis just Zergs any forts/castle and 90% of the time will hold it for 1-2 hours +


this may be harsh but it's a quick easy way too help even the realms out.

For 1 Month! Experiment with this..

Block New Players/Accounts from Accessing Syrtis.
Give Ignis & Alsius 25% exp bonus & 10% Gold Bonus
Give a 10% Ximerm Bonus too all Realms & Servers

It's quick it's easy it allows NGD too continue working on there Models and Updates without much attention.

For Syrtis Complaining that it's unfair or it will destroy there realm during there "Downtime"

All 3 realms are normally balanced at night unless Ignis has there Vet players logging on at night.

(This isn't a Rant or Flame at Syrtis or anything im just stating the facts if you have a alternative idea please post)
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Old 03-05-2010, 12:07 AM   #2
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Didn't you post this before already?
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Old 03-05-2010, 12:14 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Klutu View Post
All 3 realms are normally balanced at night unless Ignis has there Vet players logging on at night.

If this is true (which on some nights I'm not really sure it is), then blocking Syrtis players during the "downtime" will actually upset the delicate balance. I don't have an issue with stopping people from joining the zerg but how about only blocking access/giving the extra bonuses from say 8am GMT to 10pm GMT (or something like that).

Just my 2 cents
Acknor - 50 Barb / Nyvek - 50 Warlock / Quilleth an Fiach - 32 Hunter / Aloysius - 29 Conj
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Old 03-05-2010, 12:24 AM   #4
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Yes i did post it before. but as NGD does nothing for Realm Balance ile keep posting shit :P

Situation just Discourages Alsius & Ignis to not even bother playing.

And the Night Time population isn't something that grows rapidly it's balanced out a bit but nothing amazing

i highly doubt Alsius & Ignis would gain players at this time that would severly overpopulated any realm.

if that was to happen just means Syrtis would have a Time of day were they would be the Punching Bag..
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Old 03-05-2010, 12:40 AM   #5
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No. Syrtis has its down hours also, blocking access to the whole realm 24/7 won't help the BALANCE at all, just what you want the balance to be when you happen to be online.
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Old 03-05-2010, 02:05 AM   #6
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Or just let us pick which realm we wish to play, though that'd be impossible sadly but cool.

Just too many Unique realm items/boss drops, thatd be a hassle.

I don't think users should be baarred from joining a realm, thats not fair to new comers.

Though honestly I don't know what'd work, I don't wanna make a new char but I'd gladly switch realms If I had an option to keep my work/char.
Aside from that I just refuse to go to wz on Horus (sucks for a rvr game but I don't farm nor wanna be farmed depending on the time zone. Seems Syrtis is dominating by day farming Trelle or such, then Ignis farms Herb at night, while I guess Alsius does fit in here and there.

So I get the usual insults that I don't do a thing for syrtis because I'm not an rp farmer, nor wanna support them. So my only obligations are invasions and defending them, I'll be seen there but otherwise I don't give a damn for the day to day fort taking.

Taking a break from Regnum due to work leaving me little free time! So my laptop must go for now! (ask me for full details, it is an Alienware Mx18 3rd gen Ivy bridge i73920xm & configured with SLI twin Nvidia 675m, paid 3,330$ asking 2,800$ or 2,400$ + netbook.
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Old 03-05-2010, 03:15 AM   #7
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"I don't wanna make a new char but I'd gladly switch realms If I had an option to keep my work/char."

Realm transfer scroll anyone??? I think they would go like hot cakes - but only to Alsius or Ignis...
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Old 03-05-2010, 03:51 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Jippy View Post
"I don't wanna make a new char but I'd gladly switch realms If I had an option to keep my work/char."

Realm transfer scroll anyone??? I think they would go like hot cakes - but only to Alsius or Ignis...
I like it, they keep their race/class but would be worth some amount in gold when their former home-realm players kill them (as a bounty for killing "traitors")....or something.
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Old 03-05-2010, 04:58 AM   #9
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Give all Realms the same itempool statwise. Would just be fair and would allow a realmchange scroll without much hassle.

Best solution to adress Realm imbalance. Xim cost should be way less for a transfer to a lower populated realm than to a higher one.

Since there are many ppl who dont have fun fighting in the Zerg vs small group they might consider to change realm favouring evryone as wars get more exciting with even numbers for both sides.
Fix the Marksman subclass: Suggestion
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Old 03-05-2010, 06:08 AM   #10
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I would love to join the ignis force of horus and start a ninja hit squad there to plague syritis....

Alas.. I wait for transfer scrolls....

I say a solution to your problem would be to make Regnum Clubs in your areas...

Tell people at your schools about regnum.....

I told more than 2000 people about regnum... If we all do that and bring people to our realms .. imagine what would happen.

Out of 2000+ people I know all 200+ of my knight online clan looked at regnum. Most didn't look twice because of the graphics, but this game is more than just graphics....

Just try it... Spread the word for Regnum.

If you build it they will come....
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