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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 03-10-2010, 04:29 PM   #11
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i think RP is a huge problem with this game. sure it doesnt hurt anything, it just makes almost everyone RP whores. me too sometimes

if RP was removed, it would hopefully keep farming down so that it is more fun to other realms that always get farmed (ignis).

its like every day syrtis has samal around 3pm CST. and they usually have at least 30. im thinking what drives most people to farm like that is to get RP.
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Old 03-10-2010, 05:36 PM   #12
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its more like,
/player1: im bored
/player2: me to, shall we go war?
/player1: yeah great idea
/player3-30: hey, we are bored to, lets go take a fort.

U can fill in the rest urself :P
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Old 03-10-2010, 06:09 PM   #13
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Farming - Boring
Getting Farmed - Frustrating/Boring so no fun on either side really

In the case of Samal im torn, often the zerg ends up in two groups, one will stay at the fort, the others will normaly end up near the save.

If you go with the near-save group then it often ends up as save camping but if you dont go to close and the numbers are evenish then it can be a decent fight

If you stay at the fort you must wait for the save group to die before you can get a fight, at which point we often just sit in the fort and nuke the gate with areas now and again, fun times...

So, what to do? :s
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Old 03-10-2010, 06:44 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Revolverxxx View Post
im pretty sure RP are 'Regnum Points' and not 'Realm Points'
Regnum means "realm/kingdom" in latin

My point about this is :

Afternoon, nearly 18:00 gmt
Syrtis' cs, 20 dudes afking/dancing there, WZ is completely dead
"Lets take a fort !" says someone
A small dozen follows that guy
2 of them disappear before the bridge
4 of them went to chase an unchall archer 450m SW
3 more disappear after the bridge
The rest crashes against samal or aggers

Then at cs, a random unchall dude says "LETZ GO TRELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!"
All the afking dudes of cs wake up and run there
Few minutes after
"Syrtis has captured the building Trelleborg Fort"
Then magically all people log in and make the Trelle zerg grow.

Syrtis farming mode with huge zerg : enabled.

I know I'm not really the best example to blame the Syrtis Zerging since I'm Syrtis and usually part of the zerg (even if I never go to trelle and that I often go hunt alone) but like said Uma and the others, what to do instead ? Dancing at cs ? Grinding ?...
The given choices aren't really exciting... This game needs a new sort of action to cure the boredom and the frustratiion of the grinding, and horus needs more people.

So, no reason to blame Syrtis for their "zerging"

The other realm awaits...
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Old 03-10-2010, 08:16 PM   #15
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Sadly though - this is a problem with syrtis. Whether it's due in fault to NGD for not properly enforcing realm balancing or whatever the cause may be....doesn't matter - the pure size of the syrtis fort taking force is too much.

Example: I am sitting here at samal right now. You know how many people Syrtis has at samal right now....just holding the fort...

39 - I counted 39....and I'm sure you have more hanging around at samal save.

Now the comical aspect of this is what happens when you catch syrtis when they "DON'T" have that kind of number - they simply fail. Syrtis as a realm is hurt by their huge numbers because most have the inability to fight in anything but a huge monsterous zerg.

So - now NGD is in a pickle.....how do they address realm balance.
Compost (60 Hunter) Alsius
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Old 03-10-2010, 08:37 PM   #16
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Exactly..it never lets them learn true teamwork. When people are outnumbered, it forces tighter knit co ordination, example if they have only one healer, they learn to conserve mana, and guard that conj. hunters learn to track more, etc etc etc.

when you have a huge group, one less conj dead isn't an issue..5 more will rez him, people will spam skills because theres a plentiful mana ppol by way of conjs, and hunters need not track...just bulldoze whatever poor sap may be in their lemming run.

there are quite a few people who ask when they log on..wheres the zerg..and then proceed to go to whatever fort and join it.
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Old 03-10-2010, 08:54 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Solarus View Post
Now the comical aspect of this is what happens when you catch syrtis when they "DON'T" have that kind of number - they simply fail. Syrtis as a realm is hurt by their huge numbers because most have the inability to fight in anything but a huge monsterous zerg.

I hope you're not including the beloved Syrtis "night crew" in this statement. I think we manage to hold our own even without huge numbers. Of course, I could just be fooling myself by thinking that.
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Old 03-10-2010, 08:56 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Acknor View Post
I hope you're not including the beloved Syrtis "night crew" in this statement. I think we manage to hold our own even without huge numbers. Of course, I could just be fooling myself by thinking that.
ABSOLUTELY NOT. I totally enjoy fighting the night crew - it's normally a pretty even fight....even when we do outnumber you you play well.
Compost (60 Hunter) Alsius
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Old 03-11-2010, 03:05 AM   #19
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I need to defend zerg play as a support conj because its the only way we can actually be involved in a battle [I've been in the wz since lv33]. I need atleast 4 players around me to feel useful otherwise I should drop all my auras, rez 5 and have a different setup like a warjurer *eekk*.

I've noticed so some players are purely afraid to put themselves in a situation where they can FAIL. The game culture here is "fight when you can win" and make sure you "don't die, made to look like a fool and get tb'd". Granted this is a competitive game and people have different mindsets that they want to win and have a reputation for being the best. I've noticed so many really offensive comments when the sytris zerg kill someone which is absolutely no challenge [5 or 6 on 1] and I'm probably going to change my gamestyle and go find my own fun somewhere else when I'm lv50. I honestly believe some Sytris players would rather stand around doing nothing [yeap they are probably doing something else like watching a movie] and wait hours checking until they find a winable situation.

I'm talking generalisation because if I need to be farmed then so be it, I'm there to support others and die as the redshirt target [if I take 4K of hits then its protecting someone else]. I've done some really stupid things like run across a wz by myself and into a enemy zerg because someone called for a conj. But hey its better than standing around doing nothing or being afraid all the time.
Rahj the Conjurer|Level 50 Conjurer|Syrtis
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Old 03-11-2010, 09:25 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Freduardo View Post
RP whoring: Going out of your way just to get RP for yourself, not thinking about the good for the whole group. Random example: 2 groups face each other. 1 knight in group A casts 3 of his aura's at the same time, just so he would get more RP for himself from every kill, effectively blocking any GH, MC or MP. Group B completely thrashes group A.
Yep, that's what often happen. Some people should think more about the group and less about scoring rp....
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