The Regnum community is desperate for something new!
As the title says the Regnum community is desperately looking for any new content in the game. the ''grind alot to go war'' doesn't work anymore thats one of the main reasons people quit the game. Grinding 5 hours a day to become lvl 50 isn't popular, especially when the warzone isn't balanced and there are alot of annoying bugs like the visual bugs for example! It ruins the warzone fun and even if the bugs don't bother you alot. The warzone gets boring after a while the regnum community is desperately looking for someting new like a new continent, a fourth realm, a new race or class. It doesn't matter to them anything that is new will be liked! Why does NGD think the new fort designs are so liked!
NGD Needs to implent something new to the game to save it from starvation.
Lightningg 44 lock
''Its easy to be brave behind a wall''