I've spent a few hours online with Sojourn, cnmne and Katibrie a few months ago and she's cool. If what you say is true, then I really hope she does get better. I think someone logged in with those accounts over the weekend incidentally.
However (and I'm sure your intentions were good and genuine) you have revealed an awful lot about her to complete strangers. Have you considered that she may not have wanted all this out in the open? If its something she's embarrassed about , or doesn't want sharing, then might this thread actually make her reluctant to return to the game?
If she has confided in you with something, then there was an element of trust that you should have maintained.
I think its great that you care, but in future, you really need to be careful about what details you reveal about other people. Not for your sake, but for THEIRS, because unless you've got their permission first, you'll never really know how they're going to take it, until its too late.
Zodar - The Evil Bald Fu^wPerson...
Last edited by Zodar; 01-17-2011 at 11:45 PM.
Reason: meh, typo