Originally Posted by chilko
solutions that were implemented:
1) and 2): One and only central save
This will most likely help a lot.
Originally Posted by chilko
3): New invasion mechanics
• The gate will be vulnerable when the realm looses control of all its fortifications for 15 minutes (it doesn't matter if those where taken by a single opposing realm or both of them)
Realms will team up more often then, I think that's good as well.
Originally Posted by chilko
• If the defending realm retakes one fortification the vulnerability ends.
• if the gate was broken and the defending realm retakes one fortification the gates will re-appear.
Sounds interesting. However this point is kind of... dangerous. Too many factors influencing this, too many possibilities of what is going to happen, it's nearly impossible to predict what this change actually means. You'll maybe have to remove this via hotfix, who knows.
I'm afraid it could mean more useless running, I really hope the new teleportation stuff is going to solve this.
Originally Posted by chilko
4) New invulnerability rule: If a realm looses all its gems it will become invulnerable and its fortifications will not be able to be taken unless they take back or steal a gem or one of the opposing realms visits the dragon. (now the invulnerable realm can take a fully offensive stance!)
Seems to be something good as well, combined with exp for killing enemies and the new war master coins it should bring more action to the war zone. You should rather change the warmaster coins system than this if it doesn't work out well. (There's some room for improvements, see below)
Originally Posted by chilko
Please don't take this changes as final as we plan to continue making modifications to invasions until we get them right and we need to test changes with live server's population. Think of this as an event
As long as it doesn't mean more running... I'm looking forward to it! My only concern is warmaster coins, having to accept it as a quest and the strict limit to 1 time per day, that's not the most elegant and comfortable solution and might decrease the war zone action.