This update is total nightmare for ALL!
NGD had been decided to kill RO finaly?
I was hoping the gravity "fine" is just a joke on Amun, but I have to woke up: it's a perfect nightmare. I understood that NGD tried to make the game-feeling close to reality, but this is a perfect buggy change.
All of last updates made to loose players. Dear NGD are you searoiusly thinking that your way is right? Just see around! On Horus the realms are almost empty. What means: NO PLAYERS-->NO XIMERINS-->NO INCOMES.
What if you listen the gamers' feedback?
And what is the sh*t infected quest? What is the point? What will it be over? Is that temporaly or permanent? When it will be permanent than you, NGD, find the most fast way to loose players and incomes...
I know that you use your brain but I don't know your strategy... Wake up!