Originally Posted by Klutu
This realm strike bullshit needs to stop. It's actually pathetic and makes me feel like i'm wasting my time trying to enjoy this game while immature players would rather protest the main aspect of the game (War)
Instead of complaining to NGD and whining on the forums about how unfair the game is and Alsius can't win fights try learning to actually tactically and intelligently out smart your enemy and win wars
Alsius has terrible communication in war which causes a lot of our problems, We have 3-4 shouting for a regroup while half solo run to the fort to get murdered by range.
This "Realm Imbalance" garbage were hearing is complete stupidity alsius 1+ years ago was a Underpopulated wasteland against a daytime army of Syrtis & Night time invasions from Ignis, Alsius just got crushed
NGD can't help Alsius win wars only the players in Alsius can do that.
Having our Zerg clan (TAG) leading this "strike" is just pathetic and i have lost respect for anyone being apart of it.
We used to try that, but due to WM shit, numbers >> skill instead of the previous just numbers > skills.....
EX - Dutch Wannabe OP/Tank / Wannado Bash marks/knight/barb 60 Chuck Norris hunter 52
One Bite Snack, 60 barb / Wang King, 60 knight