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Old 07-02-2012, 06:25 PM   #1
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Default About Instancing

I was going to post this in the roadmap thread, but it was locked before I had the chance to. Anyway, my concerns mainly revolve around the following comment made by Chilko.

Nope, we are going to use instances for PVP/RVR mostly
Here are just some thoughts and suggestions relating to instances as a whole. I realize that there is a lot of speculation in this post, but eh...

Understanding that instances are planned for much later in the year, the mechanics behind them may or may not have been established yet. However, I'm concerned that RvR instances can severely decrease the activity of a server if they're added without taking server population into account.

Ra is apparently full and for that reason, RvR instancing will probably be beneficial for that specific server. When considering the population of Haven or Valhalla, for example, adding more room to the warzone may have an undesirable effect (less war).

Perhaps you've thought about this already NGD, and perhaps your idea of instancing won't affect server activity whatsoever. In any case, here are just some thoughts...

1) Maybe consider allowing global notification for activity across all instances? What I mean is if, for example, there are 3 instances and a fort is taken in the first instance, display a global notification in all instances as opposed to just the one where the fort was taken?

2) Maybe incorporate instancing into the global invasion system? My reasoning behind this is player motivation to war as well as realm and server activity as a whole.

Perhaps this thread is completely irrelevant as none of us know exactly how instancing will be incorporated into the game. Furthermore, maybe I'm wrong with everything I've mentioned, but I feel it's worth noting
Aari - Aaris'lia - Aasiora
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