Originally Posted by VandaMan
Actually I've seen Heph MoD gank in 1v1 multiple times, he just never puts these ones on his youtube channel. No idea why
Well it used to be Ptitours signature move, but he seem to have grown out of it.
I dont think Heph have MoD in his setup most of the time, so sure it could be hard to tell his character once he do.
But 1v1 with an other warlock? Nah, thats just too embarrassing. I dont think he would and I have definitely not seen it.
There is of course no law against it, sometimes you may not have any better options, some archer you just know will sotw and bail if they don't get darkness, MoD or properly mana drained.
Maybe if you want to approach a tree hugging warrior, to deal with a "skilled" warjurer with mind blank or if you know there are other enemies around and dont want run the risk of taking unnecessary damage.
Originally Posted by SanguineLamai
VV. ive not seen jesus in a long time. Heck im pagan ive not seen jesus ever.
Wyna Wynn (level 50 barb, dont think he ever played level 60)
Hater slayer
Wynn, because I wouldn't rely on Hater for anything yet.
Silent Rage vs Juancito.