Originally Posted by e30ernest
Two questions:
1) How is your ping? My ping has gone from a 400 average to over 1000. I think its server side, but is there an off-chance that it's because of Gutsy?
2) Did the graphics change for you? The game is a little fuzzy now for me. It's not bad, in fact I kinda like it. Probably because of newer NVIDIA drivers?
Other than that, the game is performing just as well (framerate-wise) as it did for me when I was on Feisty.
1. Ping is 150-2000, depending on the time of day and the player load.
2. This is the Post-Processing, and you mentioned. I have noticed, though, that the game becomes extremely unstable when used in conjunction with Gutsy's desktop effects. I mean, more unstable then usual - the linux client has never been 'stable' for me!