Originally Posted by makarios68
Anyone else feel sickened by this bragging dribble?
And on my grad thread too.
Praise given to oneself is not worth receiving.
There are a lot of good players in this game. It seems to me most of them are recognized as being good players by others rather than themselves. I've never seen anyone of them try to convince everyone how good they are. Valorius Runaway is a legend in his own mind and a coward in everyone elses. You could have a million RP and no one would respect you as a good player because of the way you get it. You must be very young or something?
Anyway Wudy, gratz to you again my friend. You have actually earned all the respect you get as a player. Seems to be reinforced by the number of positive notes in this thread from fellow realmsmen and those from the other realms as well.