Originally Posted by Necrovarus
Actually, Syrtis did practice magic...they only did healing magic though, and some weak offensive spells(the spells in Mental). It's also kind of strange if Syrtis has warlocks as well, because the story suggests that the Dark Magic, Necromancy, was removed from the land...yet we have warlocks which have the strongest spells in Necromancy. Obviously not having the discipline would disadvantage us though.
I know it kinda makes no sence, in srytis warlocks should not be there and there archers should be there best thing.
Ignis warlocks should be the best in are realm and warriors should be the best thing in alsius. If they did something like this it would ppl pick a class from realm to realm cuz some ppl don't go to a realm cuz it might the biggest or thesmartest is for the classes
lucas te estraño por q te estava q ir tan temprano.. espero q este descansando en pas amigo adios... siempre va esta en mi memoria
Originally Posted by Inkster
Lucas was truly a really great player, he may be gone, but will never be forgotten