Originally Posted by CumeriTarenes
SotW? Speed? dodge? Hunters are made to escape...
they are now, but I think the intention is to make them stalkers, not escapers .
Originally Posted by cumeritanes
So the difference in evade chance between all classes is still the same.
Why start whining now? It was like that for ever.
dude, I've been "complaining" about it for a long time now
Originally Posted by cumeritanes
But...actually I cannot believe, that archers evasion is so high. I don't see, that I evade much more hits/spells than other people I hit. And I spend a lot of points in evasion and I use some items that help to evade.
and again...I evade 1 or 2 more spells in a battle than a mage, yes....but I also spend 1 or 2 spells to break energy barrier of mages
And a lot of warlok/barb spells deal more damage than an archer spell...so it would be justified that archers evade more
I don't think so...
There was a time when warlocks were the masters of the war zone, it was better because: they were still killable, even with a lot of offence they had a weak defence which could easily be slapped, and it helped that soulkeeper/vampirism didn't require the warlock to have lost hp to use it, then he would use soulkeeper to damage instead of stealing hp and suddenly he had a countdown on 1 minute which he could have used to steal hp instead.
Originally Posted by yest
When I hear people like AWD whine about such high evade rates I wonder who they're hitting, since when I'm hit I don't evade that much. I know I'm a level 37 hunter, but even with acrobatic and spell elude on it doesn't make that much difference.
Originally Posted by yest
And why, AWD, are warlock allowed to use the 'spell can be evaded, so it doesn't count' argument
my point is that some people complain(mostly archers) "oh you have such high damage spell/attack it hits for 1000 damage o nooooo" kinda thing is dull when it does not hit. Do you understand me?
Originally Posted by yest
but do all our spells count, even if no archer can have them all at the same time, let alone at level 5. But I tried to say something like that in my previous post. AWD, if I as allowed to use your logic on the hunters, like you do on warlocks, hunters would be the most weakest class in Regnum and needed more power fast in order to restore balance...
I think you're misunderstanding me, I just don't like the current hunter class how it's being meddled with
Originally Posted by yest
Being mad at hunters who escape, even when they're low level, is like being mad at a low-level conjurer who heals and revives. It is our function!
again it's not intended to be an escaping everything you can class but a "hunter" hunters go out, find their prey stalks it and brings it down when its most vulnerable, it's much more fun to get in a fight like that than a lot of noobs coming to shoot a few arrows then run off again like chickens with feathers on fire
Originally Posted by yest
You are mad when your spells can't hit a level 50 hunter, but hunters of your level shouldn't be able to evade or escape, because they're too low? That doesn't make any sense.
I think you misunderstand me and so does a lot of other people who underestimate me because I'm not level 50.
I'm not mad because I can't hit with my spells. Please read another post of mine about the challenge.
Originally Posted by yest
EDIT: I just saw that the majority of the voters(23 of 56) hate hunters. I think NGD needs to explain the role of the hunter better, because now people are angry at us, because they say we use cheap tactics. Well, that's our purpose.)
I didn't vote, because none of them applies to me, I don't hate the hunter, I just dislike how it's being balanced.
Originally Posted by Hell_Bound
This is the most stupidest statement I have ever seen in my life - a "whore army shooting at an archer" yet not able to take him down? One archer, a whole army?
a whore army

Anyway, I've witnessed it from both sides, last time I was lying dead and see my archer realm mates being able to escape without any trouble
oh, and I'm not whining >_<
and second, please don't assume I want a hunter weak and debate from my viewpoints instead of assuming things about me.