Originally Posted by mann2411
awd the whole game IS luck its luck wheter you get hit, its luck if you evade its luck if your levelling where you are but you know what how you handle it decides wheter your a noob or not
wheter you sit there going"wah wah wah he killed me boo-hoo" or you accept the lose and move on
I don't mind losing...
and not the whole game is luck, luckily (XD) there are still some skills left, I love fighting with skills instead of luck because I can learn from it, I can't learn from luck.
Originally Posted by mann2411
its not luck awd thats what you said when i beat you its not luck maybe just maybe im a good hunter of course according to you im a noob right?
I never said anything about that, it's luck because of spell elude christ, I've had many fights which was just determined by the evasion which spells hit or not.
A hunter has a huge disadvantage in the arena because:
1. He can't use a pet so he has a tree which is not usable and suddenly he suddenly loses a lot of options.
2. In the war zone stalking someone is one of the best chances he got, to attack while under camo. You can't exactly do that in the arena so the main points of the hunters spells is kinda dull.
Originally Posted by mann2411
and the simple reason behind that is because i beat you on what you think is luck
your a sore loser awd and i think most people who have beaten you will agree
hm I'm not, may I like to quote myself
Originally Posted by Angelwinged_Devil
indeed it is, but only one hunter has taken me down by using this until now. and Hunters are whining? bah, even though I knew he was near I kept levelling, then as I started to attack this cyclops I got ambushed. two pets and the hunter was attacking me and I was dead before I could turn around after being ambushed, that's the kind of fights I like, not those where I cast some spells and either one who's lucky wins, or the hunter saves mana for sotw+camo and gets away.
this would NEVER happen in the arena. I have also lost a fight to a knight while I was levelling.
I have lost to a warlock while levelling
I lost to a barb while hunting
I have lost several times
Originally Posted by mann2411
yes piz awd could smash a hunter then again i won and i have pics to prove it
i lost just as much as awd but the fact is i didnt get mad and start calling my clan and friends noobs
I got mad about the luck thing, it's hard to have a decent match like that. But I call everyone noobs, even myself as I told you on msn.
a lot doesn't understand my points, I can surely see it, and it makes it hard to argue sometimes >_<