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Old 03-30-2008, 04:20 PM   #1
kraetyz's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: The unforgiving darkness that is Sweden
Posts: 109
kraetyz is on a distinguished road
Default For you, Hell_bound.

You are not allowed to send private messages, and I thank the gods for that.

So we'll continue here (I'm copying this from a PM i was gonna send you)

Of course people with have a hard time arguing with you, because you take everything they say and twist it to something else.

Seriously, we don't care about your morals, and you do start arguments.
People talk about something, and you just come in, screams something about "Stop trying to force other people to believe you".

And I don't believe that the problem with these forums rest with one person alone.
Why do you think that? See, that's exactly the things I'm talking about! You're twisting what people say.

People have the right to tell you that you are lame, since you deserve it. Nobody around here likes your posts, because they are meaningless.
People don't WANT to be told "you are wrong, LoLoL n00b doublemoral".
So stop with it. Post something useful ON TOPIC, instead of just spamming away.

You're an insane priest, aren't you?

This is also a thread for everyone wanting to make hate/love to Hell_bound.

THREADS WITH H_B CRAP (some of them):
The thread wasn't about moral values, until you came in post 25 and started talking bout it.

http://regnumonline.com.ar/forum/sho...t=21486&page=4 HE WASN'T FUCKING TALKING TO YOU!

http://regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=21484 Srsly. Why did you post that?
He wasn't on a fecking "moral crusade"

http://regnumonline.com.ar/forum/sho...t=20269&page=4 From there and to the end: Yuck

I think that's enough. The other threads are too annoying for my already huge headache.

And now, I will throw in a quote from a fellow player:
Originally Posted by CumeriTarenes
Hell_bound, please pm the people you think they are creating or their words are based on a fallacious moral substandard, because, as you see, it goes too far grom the topic to talk about it in the thread itself. I am realy open to talk about this when you have the need to talk about it. But most people are just sick of reading many pages of something they are not interested in, because it belongs not to the game itself. And I can understand these people very well...
Sorry Cumeri, but it was such a good quote.
Too bad he can't send PMs. Maybe there's a reason for that.

So now, if anyone wants to flame me for making this thread, go ahead.
Because I will not be here, I will be sleeping away my disease.
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