Originally Posted by MegaManL
My vote? No
Why? Many reasons...
- There's no rule against it posted in English, in either section of the forums. I'd question whether they could legally hold you to a rule which you can't read.
- There is a character limit on signatures. If he can make a signature that fits within the limits that have been set, then it must be presumed allowed. (especially taking into account the previous point)
- I have yet to see massive public outcry about his signature, or anyone else's for that matter.
More reasons coming after I get some sleep... if I can be bothered looking at this thread again that is.
I see it as rather impolite to make a thread about this subject without first going to Edge about it in a private message.
It makes you look rather two-faced when you start linking net ettiquette (netiquette) standards after failing to take up the subject with Edge in private.
As for posting netiquette links, the fact that it's in a post halfway through the thread instead of your first post makes it look very much like you just googled it as a complete afterthought and may not actually care about it anyway.
1) I know Edge pretty well, thank you. He even gave me good karma for the thread so
2) Googling netiquette, hahaha. I have been network admins as a part-time job during my studies for years in the past, I have ran game servers and IRC networks as hobbies, and my first "Web" session dates back to 92 when I was 9. I grown with the first-gen Web. Trust me, I've known the net etiquette since it was first created. You see, there was a time when people were actually told about it. It's not like you could post to usenet without knowing it (or be flamed) anyway.
PS: check the date at the bottom of the page:
http://www.epiknet.org/docs/charteml.asp (this is an IRC network I left 4 years ago)