aw lol Edge, let's meet after we both get internet working.
I'll just focus on learning school stuff and get used to new city
no, not Zielona, a lot further ^^' but yay \o/
and HAI thank you all for support, I am not leaving forever, knock it off, you're confusing people
Thanks Kailer D: Ban Ironfoot gently
Bye bro, you better get that bloody ass into good shape for parkour!
Onette, everything will be ok :P And seems like Dunmer doesn't care for anyone that much as we care for him, so he gets banned and banned and doesn't learn anything but well, he knows what he's writing and it's his fault only ^^'
Cheers for everyone and my father just got a mouse in his apartament too.
Xeph, good luck on exam. Asreall, happy bday!
Torg, you're cute D: