Well, it's not a big issue, it won't ruin my life (just lower my good experiences with Regnum a bit), but since it's already beeing discussed I'll share my thoughts:
In my experience most other software with similar pop-ups have a checkbox to disable the pop-up, i.e. "
[x] Display this message on launch". So, according to this "convetion" there should be such a box. Also, I don't think anything should be forced upon anyone, hence a freedom of choice - a checkbox.
But then again: I'm used to the philosophy of many free software programs, where customization and the "
if you don't want to be disturbed, you should not have to so I'll stay out of your way"-approach are important features. This might not be the primary concern for a company that develops proprietary software with the intention of a good profit, so my thoughts might just as well be ignored