Originally Posted by Mandalf
xhtml ftw! xhtml isback compatible. M$ I€ can show it as HTML because xhtml is an xml clone of html, It is not big changes.
The only important is the extension, use html, htm or xml.
Not entirely true - it depends on the mime type, not the file extension:
List of many browsers
Especially for
M$ I€ 6.0.
However, I set the mime type to
text/html from the very beginning, therefore this shouldn't be a problem.
Interesting, how the free
Firefox 1.0 did the tests.
Conclusion: M$ I€ 6.0 don't understand xhtml but html 4 and can therefore display xhtml under certain conditions. Even
M$ I€ 7.0 Beta2 fails - I wonder how they trick people into paying for their software
"because xhtml is an xml clone of html, It is not big changes."
Better I ignore that statement... had to say that or w3c might kill me