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Old 04-21-2009, 04:55 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: RA
Posts: 1,897
Znurre will become famous soon enoughZnurre will become famous soon enough
EU parliament to lock up the European Internet? - In case you didn't know


Quoted from the site
The internet as we know it is at risk because of proposed new EU rules going through end of April. Under the proposed new rules, broadband providers will be legally able to limit the number of websites you can look
at, and to tell you whether or not you are allowed to use particular services. It will be dressed up as ‘new consumer options' which people can choose from. People will be offered TV-like packages - with a limited
number of options for you to access.

It means that the Internet will be packaged up and your ability to access and to put up content could be severely restricted. It will create boxes of Internet accessibility, which don't fit with the way we use it today. This is because internet is now permitting exchanges between persons which cannot be controlled or "facilitated" by any middlemen (the state or a corporation) and this possibility improves the citizen's life but force the industry to lose power and control. that's why they are pushing governments to act those changes.
Sure, there will always be ways to go around this kind of crap... but I still find it horrible that you are considering such actions, only to fit certain interests.
Winning a fight is not what makes you a good player, it's how you do it.
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