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Old 07-10-2009, 08:13 PM   #1
DemonMonger's Avatar
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Default Hunters Ninja Bible - lvl 50

Hello everyone,

This post is being made for all of the hunters and future hunters of Regnum.
If you are a beginner lvl 10 or even a level 50 hunter, may you gain wisdom from this reading.

(Surat Al-Fatihah)
(1)In the beginning there was NGD. In these days the world of Regnum was void and without players and just an idea, from the mind of NGD was born the idea of the archer. So, NGD created him the archer both male and female and NGD said, it is good. This was the dawn and evening of the first day.
The archer was still without, and NGD could see that the form was not capable of doing anything but walking running and sitting, so they gave them each male and female a bow and some arrows. NGD said, it is good. This was the dawn and evening of the second day.

(4) The archer practiced shooting thier bows into bushes and trees, and NGD was pleased with their efforts. Then the archers said to NGD that they had mastered shooting their bows and wanted a new weapon. NGD said, be patient your mastery is yet begun my children, alas I will give you moving targets. Out of the fabric of time and space NGD created monsters of all sized shapes and colors. Once all the monsters were formed NGD brought the archers forward and told them each the names of what was new. The archers were pleased to see that they had new challenging targets to shoot at. NGD said, it is good. This was the dawn and evening of the third day.

(5)On the morning of the 4th day NGD came to the archers and found them at rest. NGD smiled upon them and blessed them for every so many monsters killed they would be given a new ability to better survive in Regnum. NGD then woke the archers and led them to stone tablets. On one tablet were the glowing words Marksman. On the second tablet were the glowing words Hunter. The archers looked at each other and then took the hunter tablet.
Upon touching the tablet they felt their senses begin to grow sharp and their minds alert. The new hunters felt at one with all of the world and its creatures. Some of the animals were jelous that the hunters were given such abilities like their own, and they conspired to destroy all of mankind on sight so that more hunters could not be created. NGD saw this and did not want all of thier work to be for not. So NGD taught the hunters the words to control animals. This word would only work when spoken to the monster in the midst of battle while looking it dead in the eyes. The hunters were greatful and began to forge their animal army to fight back against the threat.
NGD saw it all happen as it should. NGD said, it is good.

The generations of hunters battled long and hard against the threat of rabid monsters. In time the threat from the beasts subsided and a new threat from mankinds desire to control all the land arose. These are the lessons that the great hunters have left us from their battles.

(Surat Adh-Dhariyat - Level 50 hunter)
- Train well with your shortbows, but always carry a long bow for the birds that are highest in the trees. While your short bow is light and your attacks fast, the fastest attacks in the world will be futile if your prey is out of range.
(skill your shortbow to level 19 <dualshot,tearapart,repetition level5>)

- While the longbows power may lure you, it is not the best weapon of choice. If you are blinded by the power in your hands, you will not be making best use of the speed NGD has blessed us with. Carry your longbows, but only use them for those just out of reach.
(skill your longbows to lvl 11 max <all skills level1>)

- In the past we needed our powers over animals to help us defeat others, but now we are stronger my brothers and sister! Discard the lice infested pets you have come to love.
(skill pets to level 6 <all skills level1>)

- The essence of the hunter was given to us by choice do not disregard your main talents. You do not need to know how many enemies are comming towards you beyond 150 meters. It is often best to be the snake in the grass that gives the deadly bite to the ankle when least expected.
(skill scouting to level 19 <ensnare,wildspirit,camouflage,stalkersurroundin gs level 5>)

- We have always been the most cunning of NGD's creations. There is nothing wrong with throwing dirt in the eyes of your enemy if you feel his power is more than your own.
(skill tricks to level 11 <all skills level 1>)

- The best offence is often a strong defence.
(skill evasion to level 19 <acrobatics,evasivetactics,mobility level 5> <escapist level2>)

(Surat Ar-Ra'd)
We do not have many tools to use in fort wars. Be unseen like the wind and strike fast and hard as lightning. Let the thunder you emit scare your foes.

- Gather 3 hunters or more with the setup listed above
- Stay just out of range of enemy attacks and let them gather their forces
- Use camouflage and move into the enemy group.
- Use repetition shot at the same time will the other hunters
- Use low profile and return to your allied forces
- Change to long bow and snipe the enemy with basic shots / ensnare

If you feel that a fort will be taken and there is no way to escape gather 5 of your allies and hide them well with your abilities. Recapture the fort when the enemy threat has gone. Your time to perish is not now...
- Stalker surroundings level 5 inside the fort in a "safe place"
* You can also hold position on bridges and paths to ambush/recon

So it is written... so let it be done....

There will be others to add more to this...

Last edited by DemonMonger; 08-03-2009 at 02:59 AM.
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