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Old 09-17-2009, 10:09 PM   #11
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 90
Warthog is on a distinguished road

Thinking on this all and testing some more just makes me not like this more. I don't want to play a static game where you need to stand still to do anything. Yes, warriors need help the way it is now, but changing the dynamics of the whole game to make it where you pretty much all have to be standing still to do things or running for your life does not seem fun. 3 ideas for quick easy, perhaps bad, but at least it could be tried solution to the way things are now.

1. Remove piggybacking attack + spell for archers.

2. Give warriors strategic position, perhaps with slightly less duration and longer cooldown then marksmen have.

3. Reduce the percentage of cast speed you get from Arcane devotion so a warlock with that and acceleration can not cast 3-5 spells before warriors can get near.

I know, it prolly won't happen since you put I would guess a good amount of time with this new combat system.....but I would much rather see you try these kinda small changes first before completely redoing combat system to where it forces static fights instead of dynamic and fast paced fights.

Edit: I thought of 1 more thing.

4. Restore onslaught to what it used to be but have it's affects only effect warriors.
Warthog no ha iniciado sesión  

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