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Old 09-17-2009, 11:46 PM   #18
Angelwinged_Devil's Avatar
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Originally Posted by _Enio_ View Post
I actually really like the feature to be able to stop a cast/attack. It allows to react on things around you better. (eg. You see a barb on fullspeed run on you - you can cancel you attack and react instead of waiting out the cast/attack duration (+ followup gcd in case of a spell)

I just miss proper feedback. [A fixed size castbar for normals and spells could even allow to take into account your ping (you can test when your spell shoots out without being cancelled and eg. Find out by trying that your cast goes out at 95% of the bar. That would even balance ping differences.]
yes it's a good thing but it shouldn't be done by moving, you still want to move back after you've done a spell, if you make a mistake you'll cancel something you dont' want to cancel which is where I'm going

Kiting may be a tactic if it involves crowd control powers or an environmental strategy but being able to kite just by running backwards and shooting normals is an exploit.
It depends on how you see it, it was never listed anywhere as a bug
making marks life harder is ok, but making it so that they'll have to stand still to prevent cancelling their attacks isn't such a good idea imo, there should be a "cancel spell" button instead
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