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Old 10-29-2006, 12:11 AM   #1
ThorLeifson's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 7
ThorLeifson is on a distinguished road
Exclamation Conjuror Issues

The following are issues I have noticed with Conjurors up to level 18.
  • Pet Spells and Levels
    While I've been able to figure out for myself the strengths and weaknesses of each pet, I think it would be a helpful addition to the mouse-over box to explain a little bit about each pet type and what they do best. In addition, it would be helpful to clarify exactly what change is made by adding a level to a pet spell beyond the additional +50 mana casting cost.
  • Pet Summoning
    About one in ten times I will receive the message that I've successfully cast the pet summon spell, the pet will appear for about a second, and then despawn. This occurs more often when I'm attempting to summon a new pet just before the old pet dissappears and for a moment I will have two pets in play. Then both usually despawn and I'm left facing an angry monster.
  • Pet Unsummoning
    Please add in a feature which warns the caster when their pet is getting close to despawning. I realize the current "pet goes invisible but continues fighting" is a good clue, but it's also a somewhat annoying one. Either a countdown timer or just having the pet icon flash would be greatly appreciated.
  • Combat AI
    There is currently an issue with the monster AI during combat that causes the monster to be unable to clearly determine the threat. Sometimes, even when the pet has dealt considerably more damage, the monster will turn on the Conjuror. This occurs often if the conjuror is within a range of about 10m to his pet as the monster is entering combat. While this isn't a big deal for a good Conjuror, this is the sort of monster behavior which gets a pet class yelled at during large scale raids; the Conjuror is accused of being unable to control their aggression. This is frustrating, since it's not something the player is doing, but the actual AI.
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