Originally Posted by Pimousse
I think Marksman are not only "support".
Of course, not only support. You probably missed my point totally.
Yes Marksman have cc and range, so they are helpfull, like hunters (yes when they don't hide some targets with their stupid toltar). But here, hunters have more advantages, as said before. Note that barbs are support too, in the same way, since they have cc spells.
You definitely missed my point. What is a range of barb CC spells?
Marksman have too a lot of damaging spells, and a lot more than cc spells ! They can't spam them because of mana limitation, but they can kill fast when needed. They are marksman !
But they try to spam! And they don't kill fast when needed. And they don't stop other realm players when needed, although they have tools.
Well, i have too grind my marks now
You are very good barb Pim, i hope you will be marks of the same quality.