Many of you say that you want more from war.
How about this?
Create banks in Regnum where players can store their money (only)
I. Allow player to gain gold and xp for killng enemy realm players.
1. If you kill a player you gain x10 their level in gold
A. Only the person that does final hit will gain the gold.
B. When you kill a player you gain x5 their level in xp
2. If you die to a person you lose x10 their level in gold.
(note: on death you do not ever lose xp)
Does putting your money in the bank prevent it from being taken this way? If not, I don't see the point. If so then only grinders will be in the wz with the cash they've gathered that day, everyone else will empty their pockets before going to wz. This sounds like it might push grinders back into inner realm.
Hmm, it would serve to minimize fort upgrades, I suppose.
Rule 1 says a lvl 50 hunter* ganking a lvl 30 grinder gets 300 gold.
Rule 2 says the grinder loses 500 gold. Who gets the other 200? Bernie Madoff? Is it lost forever?
1.A. seems like it might encourage poaching, but it could also be a nice way for high-levels to help out lower-level realm-mates with cash, while still getting some rp for themselves.
* By hunter, I just mean someone in the wz to kill other players, not necessarily the hunter class.
It would serve to redistribute wealth from rich support conjs (who don't often get in the killing stroke) to more fightey classes.
Create a Hall of Champions in every realm
I. In the hall of champions you can trade RPS for Items
1. Items purchased with RPS will last 30days
Sounds fine to me, I probably wouldn't use it.
II. Create a Trading Kiosk that will hold players items for 7 days.
1. If someone buys your item from the kiosk the money enters your bank
2. Item can be removed by players that place them in kiosk
3. If an item is not bought in 7 day it will be deleted automatically.
4. Kiosk will be in every town... no matter what town you are in you can
see all items
5. This new trade system will allow players to fight in war and not sit in
town trying to trade all day.
Sounds good, but rule 3 - disappears and returns to player
, or vanishes?
I'd hate to have to send my computer out for repairs, and by the time I get back all my stuff's gone.
Then again, I'd hate to be in the middle of a battle, and suddenly be overburdened because my 47 Uber Staves Of +10 Getting Ganked suddenly reappeared in my inventory.
Before going to war players can store all their money....
Then go out to kill enemy players to try to earn more.... plus xp...
Place a scroll bar above the experience bar that says who and what realm killed a player in real time.
[COLOR="Magenta)"]As long as you can turn it off.
Do you want this?