Originally Posted by Vythica
Removing the heal tree is dumb.
HOWEVER, that being said. In most mmorpgs Knight/Paladins have the ability to deliver small, burst heals (at least) which is part of the awesomeness of those classes.
I'd like to see something like OWTH (same area of effect) in the vangaurd tree (pick a crappy spell and remove it.) that delivers 200hp (or so) and has like a 2 minute-ish cooldown. Man that woud be awesome. AND give people a reason to target knights... Just a thought.
This is true . Knights do tend to have a holy or divine heal function. This idea has merit and is worth considering. Possible target spells you can remove are:
Rigorous preparation , awareness. If it is felt that this should be high on the tree you can switch it to the position of Arcane constitution and move that one to where awareness is now.